Monday, 21 July 2008

Rock on!


- Vote for Panik :D
In the right site!




Vote for your favorit german band!:

Chose it, and click "scegli e vota"

Panik has the lead :D


Saturday, 19 July 2008

"Das große BAND-update"

"Ein Ungewöhnlicher Gast kam zum
Savier-Naidoo-/Söhne-Mannheims-Unplugged-Konzert in Schwetzigen:
Panik Sänger Franky (21)! "Ich bin ein riesiger fan von Xavier Naidoo", Schwärmt er."

"An Unusual visitor came to the Savier-Naidoo-/Söhne-Mannheims-Unplugged-gig in Schwetziger:
The Panik singer Franky (21)! "I'm a really really big fan of Xavier Naidoo" he tells

`Translated by me`, Sorry for the bad translation!



Erfurt, Mega Rock - 9 / 7 - 08

Wednesday, 9 July 2008

Tuesday, 8 July 2008

Monday, 7 July 2008