Bravo Nr. 18 Franky (Panik) 28 April 1987. For the band Panik have it going really slowly. The 6 guys have been in the studio and have the songs for the new album recorded. The numbers is done, when the CD is done, is everything not done yet. But reason to party do the guys have. In stead of album-release, they can a birthday celebrate. Panik-singer Franky Ziegler turn 22 years old. Happy Birthday, Franky
- Translated by me, sorry for the bad translate! -
- - and this is the selfmade version! :) You know, music is not so important, but food is! hehe about 14 hours ago from TwitPic -
- A little Shout out and 'Thank You' to our fans all over the world!! You can do everything, but you read this message! and listen to our music! :) Thank you for your support! Thank you, youre the best! Happy Eastern! Timo about 18 hours ago from txt
Hipp hipp Happy Eastern! :) timo about 20 hours ago from txt
"The important doesn't come at the end of the road, but so much before, during the travel itself. " ------ David Lauden Bonk
"There are so many people in our world praying for food! If you arent one of them, say a small 'Thank you', before you go to bed.." ------ Timo Sonnenschein
Welcome to the Panik News blog! My name is Line, and I'm writing all the news I can find about the band Panik on this blog.
I will update the blog every day, but only if I can find some news!
If there are days when I can't update news I will write it!
Please make all the comments you want to!
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