www.indiablog.de - blog's now online in GERMAN, ENGLISH, SVK/CZ & RUSSIAN! Thank you!!
10 hours ago
www.indiablog.de - first blog in GERMAN and RUSSIAN. More Translations coming up as soon as possible. Good Night!
21 hours ago
Thank you all for your help and offers :-)
30 Jan
Monday, 31 January 2011
David India blog - Und los!
(english translation will probably come at his blog, I will share it, when it comes)
Und los!
This night at 4:45 we want to leave for the airport in Hamburg – pretty early .. That’s why I chose to go to bed at 21/22 o‘clock, so I can at least get some peace before flying to Chennai with Jet Airways.
To be honest, I’m not really prepared for such a rapid temperature change. I think that my body will understand it when we get there. Fortunately, we’ll get to our destination at night, so there will be like 20°C - pleasantly cool, I think :)
The next blog entry will be posted from 10.000 km away :)
Hinflug Indien auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen
(english translation will probably come at his blog, I will share it, when it comes)
Und los!
This night at 4:45 we want to leave for the airport in Hamburg – pretty early .. That’s why I chose to go to bed at 21/22 o‘clock, so I can at least get some peace before flying to Chennai with Jet Airways.
To be honest, I’m not really prepared for such a rapid temperature change. I think that my body will understand it when we get there. Fortunately, we’ll get to our destination at night, so there will be like 20°C - pleasantly cool, I think :)
The next blog entry will be posted from 10.000 km away :)
Hinflug Indien auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen
David in India
David's India blog - Vorbereitungen...
30th Jan
English: Preparation
Well finally!“, said one of my friends, when I told her, that it all starts the next Tuesday. It is pretty interesting to see, how an uncertain wish for a "change of scene" can change into a concrete trip, conducted by the inside anxiety and the worries to stand still and to miss something.
How like already often in my life I see, how much the destiny? or the Universe? Help change a simple thought into an act. The thought was called travelling. But to where? And with whom? Alone? Why not? Suddenly, I started meeting all these people, who traveled the world with a backpack, who Work and Travel for one or two years right after finishing school, they studied in a foreign land, or worked after school in a foreign land. I felt kind of benighted. But where should I go to? And when?
The first footsteps were called vaccination. When the doctor asked me, where I wanted to travel, because it was important for the right kind of vaccine, I told her to Asia or maybe South America. This speech was only enough for a Hepatitis-injection. My friends were planning to travel in a VW-bus through South America for two years (www.heuteblau-morgenblau.de), I thought it was pretty good, but since I can barely speak Spanish, I thought about it some more. One of my friends had Indian friends, whom he visited from time to time and this winter he went there too. That was it. The ideal beginning for discovering the world outside of Neumünster. So it should be India. So we booked a flight in the beginning of September.
And it should all start tomorrow. Temperatures about 30° are awaiting us. What should we take with us? Fist, I bought a huge suitcase. The Indian friend told me right after that, that I should please choose a travel bag instead, because there’s a possibility that it wouldn’t fit into the trunk of our Indian car. So again to get the travel bag and now I realize, that this one is big too. Clothes for one week, Anti-Brumm, pills for diarrhea and sunscreen aren’t filling up a lot of space. Do I need an iron? Not really.
I console myself with the thought of buying a lot in India. The bag will then have her point. I am looking forward to the sun and warmth, even thought winter has its pretty sides too.

Einfelder See im Winter
How do I prepare for a trip to India? 4 weeks without European standards? Honestly, I barely know what we can expect :-) The two of us, my father and I, will travel to Mahabalipuram to meet a friend – I know that.
I’ve packed some Aspirin, a few bottles of Anti-Mosquito spray (with a very fitting name “Anti-Brumm!”), Oralpädon and some other small pills, and I feel well equipped for every situation :-)

Next I’ve provided myself a hat, as it can get very hot round Madras in February, especially for a Central-/North European :-) With 95% humidity, one will most likely really feel the 30 degrees. Actually, I could have had my hair cut though..

I’m still packing my suitcase – a couple of bright T-shirts, 2 shorts, underwear, 1 pair of sandals (I’m wearing my sneakers right now), some biscuits as a snack, 1 towel (you never know?!), my culture-pack. We’ve decided to rather do the washing more often, than carrying clothes for 24 days with us. Since we’re going to travel a lot, we need no extra unnecessary baggage. By all means, my backpack will accompany me all the time, filled with all my
trifles – headphones, camera, bottle of water, and of course a GPS.
I’ll do some last shopping tomorrow, to get things I’m still lacking – who knows, what will come to my mind spontaneously while I’m in ALDI :-D
Everything’s clear.. let’s do it!
Translated by www.panik-musik.blog.cz (P.2K)
30th Jan
English: Preparation
Well finally!“, said one of my friends, when I told her, that it all starts the next Tuesday. It is pretty interesting to see, how an uncertain wish for a "change of scene" can change into a concrete trip, conducted by the inside anxiety and the worries to stand still and to miss something.
How like already often in my life I see, how much the destiny? or the Universe? Help change a simple thought into an act. The thought was called travelling. But to where? And with whom? Alone? Why not? Suddenly, I started meeting all these people, who traveled the world with a backpack, who Work and Travel for one or two years right after finishing school, they studied in a foreign land, or worked after school in a foreign land. I felt kind of benighted. But where should I go to? And when?
The first footsteps were called vaccination. When the doctor asked me, where I wanted to travel, because it was important for the right kind of vaccine, I told her to Asia or maybe South America. This speech was only enough for a Hepatitis-injection. My friends were planning to travel in a VW-bus through South America for two years (www.heuteblau-morgenblau.de), I thought it was pretty good, but since I can barely speak Spanish, I thought about it some more. One of my friends had Indian friends, whom he visited from time to time and this winter he went there too. That was it. The ideal beginning for discovering the world outside of Neumünster. So it should be India. So we booked a flight in the beginning of September.
And it should all start tomorrow. Temperatures about 30° are awaiting us. What should we take with us? Fist, I bought a huge suitcase. The Indian friend told me right after that, that I should please choose a travel bag instead, because there’s a possibility that it wouldn’t fit into the trunk of our Indian car. So again to get the travel bag and now I realize, that this one is big too. Clothes for one week, Anti-Brumm, pills for diarrhea and sunscreen aren’t filling up a lot of space. Do I need an iron? Not really.
I console myself with the thought of buying a lot in India. The bag will then have her point. I am looking forward to the sun and warmth, even thought winter has its pretty sides too.
Einfelder See im Winter
How do I prepare for a trip to India? 4 weeks without European standards? Honestly, I barely know what we can expect :-) The two of us, my father and I, will travel to Mahabalipuram to meet a friend – I know that.
I’ve packed some Aspirin, a few bottles of Anti-Mosquito spray (with a very fitting name “Anti-Brumm!”), Oralpädon and some other small pills, and I feel well equipped for every situation :-)

Next I’ve provided myself a hat, as it can get very hot round Madras in February, especially for a Central-/North European :-) With 95% humidity, one will most likely really feel the 30 degrees. Actually, I could have had my hair cut though..

I’m still packing my suitcase – a couple of bright T-shirts, 2 shorts, underwear, 1 pair of sandals (I’m wearing my sneakers right now), some biscuits as a snack, 1 towel (you never know?!), my culture-pack. We’ve decided to rather do the washing more often, than carrying clothes for 24 days with us. Since we’re going to travel a lot, we need no extra unnecessary baggage. By all means, my backpack will accompany me all the time, filled with all my
trifles – headphones, camera, bottle of water, and of course a GPS.
I’ll do some last shopping tomorrow, to get things I’m still lacking – who knows, what will come to my mind spontaneously while I’m in ALDI :-D
Everything’s clear.. let’s do it!
Translated by www.panik-musik.blog.cz (P.2K)
David in India
Sunday, 30 January 2011
Linke twitter update 30th Jan
Damn, it's already that warm in LA in January, it's crazy
7 hours ago
Damn, it's already that warm in LA in January, it's crazy
7 hours ago
Friday, 28 January 2011
Frank twitter update 25+27th Jan
School Jam Regio Final today @ Lido Berlin!!
27 Jan
Back in Berlin!!
25 Jan
School Jam Regio Final today @ Lido Berlin!!
27 Jan
Back in Berlin!!
25 Jan
Timo twitter update 25th+28th Jan
Im tired as hell! Applause to me, ill go to bed now :) and its not after 4 oclock in the morning ;) peace out
16 hours ago
Besous to spain than :) RT @beaxlicius Timo! Today is 'San Timoteo' here in Spain! So it's your saint here! Love ya T:mo <3.
26 Jan
nice tattoo :) "ich hab sie hier und ich denk an dich!" @_BreatheYouIn http://twitpic.com/3td51t
25 Jan
Im a fan of Charice Pempengco. :) a friend sent me a video of her.. wow :)
25 Jan
Im tired as hell! Applause to me, ill go to bed now :) and its not after 4 oclock in the morning ;) peace out
16 hours ago
Besous to spain than :) RT @beaxlicius Timo! Today is 'San Timoteo' here in Spain! So it's your saint here! Love ya T:mo <3.
26 Jan
nice tattoo :) "ich hab sie hier und ich denk an dich!" @_BreatheYouIn http://twitpic.com/3td51t
25 Jan
Im a fan of Charice Pempengco. :) a friend sent me a video of her.. wow :)
25 Jan
David twitter update 26th-28th Jan
@panikmusikblog you'd do that?would be awesome :-D thank you very much.It will be on http://www.indiablog.de/ - from tuesday/wednesday (1.2. / 2.22)
9 minutes ago
I decided to write a blog,when I am in India. Is there someone who could translate it from german into other languages? Would be so nice :-)
2 hours ago
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N215BuIrTs0&feature=bf_play&playnext=1&list=QL&index=1 Thank you, who every created this :-)
2 hours ago
@Jjannika25 where is THAT from?!
26 Jan
Jjannika25 wrote: WTF?! :D @laudenbonk http://twitpic.com/3t1ee5
I'll leave to india in 1 week! Exited :-)
26 Jan
@panikmusikblog you'd do that?would be awesome :-D thank you very much.It will be on http://www.indiablog.de/ - from tuesday/wednesday (1.2. / 2.22)
9 minutes ago
I decided to write a blog,when I am in India. Is there someone who could translate it from german into other languages? Would be so nice :-)
2 hours ago
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N215BuIrTs0&feature=bf_play&playnext=1&list=QL&index=1 Thank you, who every created this :-)
2 hours ago
@Jjannika25 where is THAT from?!
26 Jan
Jjannika25 wrote: WTF?! :D @laudenbonk http://twitpic.com/3t1ee5
I'll leave to india in 1 week! Exited :-)
26 Jan
Tuesday, 25 January 2011
Timo blog, Mein Luxus, 24th Jan
My Luxury
My luxury? I have come to know many sorts of luxury, but I can definitely say, which (one) is the nicest. I have always looked at luxury as privilege: privileges for which I should be thankful and (for which) I am. Fast cars [shut up, Di, shut up; I’m laughing too hard at this one], good hotels. Now I know that this kind of luxury doesn’t satisfy you for very long and doesn’t leave you necessarily satisfied. Are you satisfied, if you overdo it? Can you feel good about yourself if you pay 2,000 Euros for a jacket, when someone two blocks away would be delighted about a ten Euro jacket?
I don’t know. My family never had all that much money, so I was never really in touch with luxury. I even slept on the ground for a year and nourished myself with only black bread and cheese. A year later I was lying in the best hotels and their "I sink knee-deep" beds.
Luxury means 'to have too much' or 'to have so much that you don’t need to have thoughts anymore'. If you have decided who you want to be and which goals you want to aspire to, the other happens on its own. You don’t have anymore worries, because you trust yourself and I believe that is real luxury. Simply to be able to go and choose who you are. So many in this world can’t do that. Oppression and force are companions of many people and if are one of the few, who have grown up and can decide, then you can feel luxury in your veins.
Some flee from this luxury, others fight for it and others again never experience it.
Why do we throw this luxury away or frequently ignore it? Mostly we forget.
It was beaten into us as children, that there are goals that are attainable and goals that people so nicely say are “unrealistic”. In my childhood my grandparents often said to me, “Children with volition, get something on the glasses!” [I can’t find a reference for this idiom. I’m hesitating a guess that it means driven kids end up with glasses or having dreams gets you somewhere] It has taken years since I figured out, that even the will (that that will) is something that makes me happy. If you really know what you want, you’ve won. Because we possess the luxury to be able to achieve what we undertake. The hard work is all at once not so hard anymore if we know what we’re doing it for; And once we have achieved a further step up the ladder, it makes us happy.
But why do I always have to remind myself of that?
Why don’t we recognize luxury? Every instant in which you sleep, go forever. So stand up, keep going and you are as awake as possible. My life has taught me that a garden can emerge from every battlefield and I am game. I rake and remove weeds every day. I stand, turn my head to the sun and realize luxury reveals the whole world to me. Do you understand? Everything is there, you only have to take it for yourself.
Translation by Diglossia, http://diglossia-fic.livejournal.com/34050.html#cutid1
My Luxury
My luxury? I have come to know many sorts of luxury, but I can definitely say, which (one) is the nicest. I have always looked at luxury as privilege: privileges for which I should be thankful and (for which) I am. Fast cars [shut up, Di, shut up; I’m laughing too hard at this one], good hotels. Now I know that this kind of luxury doesn’t satisfy you for very long and doesn’t leave you necessarily satisfied. Are you satisfied, if you overdo it? Can you feel good about yourself if you pay 2,000 Euros for a jacket, when someone two blocks away would be delighted about a ten Euro jacket?
I don’t know. My family never had all that much money, so I was never really in touch with luxury. I even slept on the ground for a year and nourished myself with only black bread and cheese. A year later I was lying in the best hotels and their "I sink knee-deep" beds.
Luxury means 'to have too much' or 'to have so much that you don’t need to have thoughts anymore'. If you have decided who you want to be and which goals you want to aspire to, the other happens on its own. You don’t have anymore worries, because you trust yourself and I believe that is real luxury. Simply to be able to go and choose who you are. So many in this world can’t do that. Oppression and force are companions of many people and if are one of the few, who have grown up and can decide, then you can feel luxury in your veins.
Some flee from this luxury, others fight for it and others again never experience it.
Why do we throw this luxury away or frequently ignore it? Mostly we forget.
It was beaten into us as children, that there are goals that are attainable and goals that people so nicely say are “unrealistic”. In my childhood my grandparents often said to me, “Children with volition, get something on the glasses!” [I can’t find a reference for this idiom. I’m hesitating a guess that it means driven kids end up with glasses or having dreams gets you somewhere] It has taken years since I figured out, that even the will (that that will) is something that makes me happy. If you really know what you want, you’ve won. Because we possess the luxury to be able to achieve what we undertake. The hard work is all at once not so hard anymore if we know what we’re doing it for; And once we have achieved a further step up the ladder, it makes us happy.
But why do I always have to remind myself of that?
Why don’t we recognize luxury? Every instant in which you sleep, go forever. So stand up, keep going and you are as awake as possible. My life has taught me that a garden can emerge from every battlefield and I am game. I rake and remove weeds every day. I stand, turn my head to the sun and realize luxury reveals the whole world to me. Do you understand? Everything is there, you only have to take it for yourself.
Translation by Diglossia, http://diglossia-fic.livejournal.com/34050.html#cutid1
Timo twitter update 25th Jan
I think the half of all my tweets sound like this: Good night, bless ya! So tonight ill make it different: May the force be with u, always!
10 hours ago
New Blog on myspace.com/paniktimo
15 hours ago
Hey, when was the day i stopped the "important fact of the day" thing? Lets see, important fact of the day: I love Free WIlly!
15 hours ago
I think the half of all my tweets sound like this: Good night, bless ya! So tonight ill make it different: May the force be with u, always!
10 hours ago
New Blog on myspace.com/paniktimo
15 hours ago
Hey, when was the day i stopped the "important fact of the day" thing? Lets see, important fact of the day: I love Free WIlly!
15 hours ago
Monday, 24 January 2011
David twitter update 23th Jan
anyways: http://www.koreus.com/video/chaton-masse-chaton.html :-D
21 hours ago
@xmusik im not convincing anyone to avoid meat.im vegetarian due to personal reasons.this is about food in general. (goodfood-badfood.de)
23 Jan
I recommend everyone to get informed. http://www.goodfood-badfood.de/ next time you eat, i'd rather say "good luck", than "bon appetit!"
23 Jan
anyways: http://www.koreus.com/video/chaton-masse-chaton.html :-D
21 hours ago
@xmusik im not convincing anyone to avoid meat.im vegetarian due to personal reasons.this is about food in general. (goodfood-badfood.de)
23 Jan
I recommend everyone to get informed. http://www.goodfood-badfood.de/ next time you eat, i'd rather say "good luck", than "bon appetit!"
23 Jan
Timo twitter update 23th + 24th Jan
So, good night :) see ya soon!
13 hours ago
@laudenbonk awesome!!!! Dont remember the last time, i laughed so much. http://www.koreus.com/video/inception-animal-edition.html
19 hours ago
...still workin :) babyyyy
23 Jan
So, good night :) see ya soon!
13 hours ago
@laudenbonk awesome!!!! Dont remember the last time, i laughed so much. http://www.koreus.com/video/inception-animal-edition.html
19 hours ago
...still workin :) babyyyy
23 Jan
Tuesday, 18 January 2011
David twitter update 17th Jan
I love this eighties stuff :-D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vy0xSAuJ6oU
17th jan
I love this eighties stuff :-D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vy0xSAuJ6oU
17th jan
Saturday, 15 January 2011
Timo twitter update 13th Jan
@OfficialDA filmed by me? Did anyone know our privat tape?
13th Jan
@OfficialDA filmed by me? Did anyone know our privat tape?
13th Jan
David facebook update 13th+14th Jan
Hahaha :-) http://i358.photobucket.com/albums/oo22/MindFuck-Mind-Fuck-Shit-Bricks/cheerleaders-hot-girls-sexy.jpg
22 hours ago
David Bonk http://www.clipfish.de/video/2283207/pixar-lifted/ - awesome :-)
13th Jan
Hahaha :-) http://i358.photobucket.com/albums/oo22/MindFuck-Mind-Fuck-Shit-Bricks/cheerleaders-hot-girls-sexy.jpg
22 hours ago
David Bonk http://www.clipfish.de/video/2283207/pixar-lifted/ - awesome :-)
13th Jan
Wednesday, 12 January 2011
Timo twitter update 11th Jan
I nominate @Revkin for a Shorty Award in #green because he understands the importance of #SaveTigersNow. http://bit.ly/shorty
12 hours ago
@OfficialDA Of course youre awesome. After a day of hard work im sittin here and listen to "Erdbeere". Hope youre fine. Good N8 everyone.
11 Jan
I nominate @Revkin for a Shorty Award in #green because he understands the importance of #SaveTigersNow. http://bit.ly/shorty
12 hours ago
@OfficialDA Of course youre awesome. After a day of hard work im sittin here and listen to "Erdbeere". Hope youre fine. Good N8 everyone.
11 Jan
Tuesday, 11 January 2011
Linke facebook update 10th-11th Jan
We love Incubus :)
11th Jan
Well, we're all back from the holiday, rehearsing and getting ready for some shows. Booking now...stay tuned ;)
10th Jan
We love Incubus :)
11th Jan
Well, we're all back from the holiday, rehearsing and getting ready for some shows. Booking now...stay tuned ;)
10th Jan
Monday, 10 January 2011
David answers from panik-david.de August
Was magst du lieber: blond oder schwarz?
- Wo? An mir? :-)
Hast du eine Lieblingsgitarre?
- Epiphone baritone.
Was haben "Ce Pia Ali", "Our Story" und "N°4" für eine Bedeutung?
- Eine persönliche.
Hast du eine Adresse, um Geschenke oder Poster für eine Widmung zu schicken?
- Mel's :-p
Bist du in der Lage die schwierige Version von "Requiem for a dream" von Clint Mansell zu spielen? Wenn ja, kannst du es zeigen?
- Gibt es hier eine Klavierersion? Die kenne ich gar nicht!
Kennst du Japser? Den Gitarristen, der auf YouTube bekannt geworden ist? Wenn ja, wie findest du seine Musik?
- Nein, is mir nich bekannt :-)
Warst du mal in einem Stück im Ohnsorgtheater in HH? Wenn ja, welches Stück hast du gesehen?
- Neee, möchte ich aber gern mal!
Kann man eigentlich irgendwie an euch schreiben und ein Autogramm bekommen?
- Meeeeel :-)
What do you like the most: Blond or black?
- Where? At me? :-)
Do you have a favourite guitar?
- Epiphone Baritone
What is the meaning with "Ca Pia Ali", "Our Story" and "N°4"
- It's personal
Do you have an adress, where you can send gifts or posters for a dedication (not sure about the translation?)
- Mel's :-P
Are you able to play the difficult version of "Requiem for a dream"? If yes, can you show us?
- Is there a Pianoversion? I don't know that one!
Do you know Jasper? The guitarrist, who became famouse on Youtube? If yes, what do you think about his music?
- No, I don't know him
Have you ever been in the Ohnsorgtheater in HH and watched a play? If yes, which play have tou seen?
- Noo, but I would like to!
Can we in any way write to you and a get a autograph?
- Meeeeel :-)
/Translation by me (please correct me if I have done something wrong, I'm in a little hurry :) )
Was magst du lieber: blond oder schwarz?
- Wo? An mir? :-)
Hast du eine Lieblingsgitarre?
- Epiphone baritone.
Was haben "Ce Pia Ali", "Our Story" und "N°4" für eine Bedeutung?
- Eine persönliche.
Hast du eine Adresse, um Geschenke oder Poster für eine Widmung zu schicken?
- Mel's :-p
Bist du in der Lage die schwierige Version von "Requiem for a dream" von Clint Mansell zu spielen? Wenn ja, kannst du es zeigen?
- Gibt es hier eine Klavierersion? Die kenne ich gar nicht!
Kennst du Japser? Den Gitarristen, der auf YouTube bekannt geworden ist? Wenn ja, wie findest du seine Musik?
- Nein, is mir nich bekannt :-)
Warst du mal in einem Stück im Ohnsorgtheater in HH? Wenn ja, welches Stück hast du gesehen?
- Neee, möchte ich aber gern mal!
Kann man eigentlich irgendwie an euch schreiben und ein Autogramm bekommen?
- Meeeeel :-)
What do you like the most: Blond or black?
- Where? At me? :-)
Do you have a favourite guitar?
- Epiphone Baritone
What is the meaning with "Ca Pia Ali", "Our Story" and "N°4"
- It's personal
Do you have an adress, where you can send gifts or posters for a dedication (not sure about the translation?)
- Mel's :-P
Are you able to play the difficult version of "Requiem for a dream"? If yes, can you show us?
- Is there a Pianoversion? I don't know that one!
Do you know Jasper? The guitarrist, who became famouse on Youtube? If yes, what do you think about his music?
- No, I don't know him
Have you ever been in the Ohnsorgtheater in HH and watched a play? If yes, which play have tou seen?
- Noo, but I would like to!
Can we in any way write to you and a get a autograph?
- Meeeeel :-)
/Translation by me (please correct me if I have done something wrong, I'm in a little hurry :) )
David answers from panik-david.de September
Was waren die Gründe für den Schritt zu Selbstständigkeit?
- Selbstständig bin ich doch, seit dem ich aus der Schule bin. Da war der Schritt nicht so groß :-)
Dauert es noch lange bis wir ein neues Lied von Panik zu hören bekommen?
- Ich hoffe nicht. Wir haben schon viel neues!
Arbeiten du und Timo im Moment viel an Panik?
- So viel, wie wir können!
What was the reason for the step forward the independence (work)
- Independently I am, since I was in school. Then wasn't the step very big :-)
Does it take long time before we will hear a new song from Panik?
- I hope not. We already have many new ones!
Do you and Timo at the moment work a lot with Panik?
- As much as we can
/Translation by me (please correct me if I have done something wrong, I'm in a little hurry :) )
Was waren die Gründe für den Schritt zu Selbstständigkeit?
- Selbstständig bin ich doch, seit dem ich aus der Schule bin. Da war der Schritt nicht so groß :-)
Dauert es noch lange bis wir ein neues Lied von Panik zu hören bekommen?
- Ich hoffe nicht. Wir haben schon viel neues!
Arbeiten du und Timo im Moment viel an Panik?
- So viel, wie wir können!
What was the reason for the step forward the independence (work)
- Independently I am, since I was in school. Then wasn't the step very big :-)
Does it take long time before we will hear a new song from Panik?
- I hope not. We already have many new ones!
Do you and Timo at the moment work a lot with Panik?
- As much as we can
/Translation by me (please correct me if I have done something wrong, I'm in a little hurry :) )
David answers from panik-david.de October
Wieviel Hoffnung können wir uns machen auf ein neues Album von dir und Timo?
- Ich kann nicht sagen, wie viel Hoffnung ihr euch machen könnt, aber ich hoffe es sehr!!
Werden du und Timo noch Konzerte geben dieses Jahr?
- Konzerte? Nee.
Warum seid ihr euch nicht sicher, ob ihr ein neues Album veröffentlichen wollt?
- Natürlich sind wir uns sicher. Es sind lediglich äußere Umstände, die es verzögern. Machen wollen wir es auf jeden Fall!
Schaust du dir eigentlich ab und zu eure Live-DVD "Niemand hört dich live" an?
- Schon länger nicht mehr, könnte ich mal wieder :-)
Wieviele Gitarren besitzt du und welche spielst du am liebsten?
- Im Moment sind es 6, und am liebsten zur Zeit die Epiphone Baritone.
Was hast du Timo zum Geburtstag geschenkt?
- Zusammen mit Fans ein Microshouldermount - das immer noch nicht angekommen ist, trotz wiederholter Nachfrage! Ich ruf da gleich nochmal an!
How much can we hope for a album from you and Timo?
- I can't say how much you can hope for it/expect we will make one, but I really hope for it!!
Will you and Timo give concerts this year?
- Concerts? Noo.
Why are you not sure if you will release a new album?
- Of course we are sure. There are only external circumstances which delay it. No matter what we want to make it!!
Do you sometimes watch your Live-DVD "Niemand Hört dich live"?
- Not anymore, but I could again
How many guitars do you have and which do you like the most to play with?
- Right now I have 6, and right now I like the most to play with Epiphone Baritone.
What did you gave Timo in birthday-present?
- Together with fans I have a Microshouldermount (don't know what it is?) - which still haven't been delivered yet, despite I have repeated the demand! I call there again.
/Translation by me (please correct me if I have done something wrong, I'm in a little hurry :) )
Wieviel Hoffnung können wir uns machen auf ein neues Album von dir und Timo?
- Ich kann nicht sagen, wie viel Hoffnung ihr euch machen könnt, aber ich hoffe es sehr!!
Werden du und Timo noch Konzerte geben dieses Jahr?
- Konzerte? Nee.
Warum seid ihr euch nicht sicher, ob ihr ein neues Album veröffentlichen wollt?
- Natürlich sind wir uns sicher. Es sind lediglich äußere Umstände, die es verzögern. Machen wollen wir es auf jeden Fall!
Schaust du dir eigentlich ab und zu eure Live-DVD "Niemand hört dich live" an?
- Schon länger nicht mehr, könnte ich mal wieder :-)
Wieviele Gitarren besitzt du und welche spielst du am liebsten?
- Im Moment sind es 6, und am liebsten zur Zeit die Epiphone Baritone.
Was hast du Timo zum Geburtstag geschenkt?
- Zusammen mit Fans ein Microshouldermount - das immer noch nicht angekommen ist, trotz wiederholter Nachfrage! Ich ruf da gleich nochmal an!
How much can we hope for a album from you and Timo?
- I can't say how much you can hope for it/expect we will make one, but I really hope for it!!
Will you and Timo give concerts this year?
- Concerts? Noo.
Why are you not sure if you will release a new album?
- Of course we are sure. There are only external circumstances which delay it. No matter what we want to make it!!
Do you sometimes watch your Live-DVD "Niemand Hört dich live"?
- Not anymore, but I could again
How many guitars do you have and which do you like the most to play with?
- Right now I have 6, and right now I like the most to play with Epiphone Baritone.
What did you gave Timo in birthday-present?
- Together with fans I have a Microshouldermount (don't know what it is?) - which still haven't been delivered yet, despite I have repeated the demand! I call there again.
/Translation by me (please correct me if I have done something wrong, I'm in a little hurry :) )
Timo twitter update 10th Jan
Beeing unhappy is waste of time! Isnt it? You can do better things. For example: somersault long jump, donate money, be awesome. Choose!
2 hours ago
Beeing unhappy is waste of time! Isnt it? You can do better things. For example: somersault long jump, donate money, be awesome. Choose!
2 hours ago
Saturday, 8 January 2011
Panik facebook update 8th Jan
Wanna thank you for all the new years eve wishes @twitter and our facebook-pages. Appreciate it. Thank you for all your love. Working on some stuff for me and you. Timo
13 hours ago
Wanna thank you for all the new years eve wishes @twitter and our facebook-pages. Appreciate it. Thank you for all your love. Working on some stuff for me and you. Timo
13 hours ago
Thursday, 6 January 2011
Poll about Twitter updates
I made a poll, 'cause I think they are fun xD haha..
Yeah, and mainly because I wanted an answer on the question, if you still wants me to write the Twitter updates. And I think more people will answer if it's a poll. It's so easy and fast!
Well, probably I won't stop writing these Twitter updates uless like a really high % of people want me to stop! But I would like to hear what you people think.
If you have anything to add, then leave a comment here :D
I made a poll, 'cause I think they are fun xD haha..
Yeah, and mainly because I wanted an answer on the question, if you still wants me to write the Twitter updates. And I think more people will answer if it's a poll. It's so easy and fast!
Well, probably I won't stop writing these Twitter updates uless like a really high % of people want me to stop! But I would like to hear what you people think.
If you have anything to add, then leave a comment here :D
This site
David twitter update 5th Jan
Do you know the movie "Joyeux Noel" by Christian Carion? You MUST watch it.
5 Jan
Do you know the movie "Joyeux Noel" by Christian Carion? You MUST watch it.
5 Jan
Timo twitter update 4th Jan
When you go after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer - PaulCoelho
4 Jan
When you go after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer - PaulCoelho
4 Jan
Sunday, 2 January 2011
David twitter update 2nd Jan
So @giovsa when will you be in germany? :-p
about 5 hours ago via Twittelator
Found my year's aim 2011 - and you? :-)
2:56 AM Jan 1st, 2011 via Twittelator
So @giovsa when will you be in germany? :-p
about 5 hours ago via Twittelator
Found my year's aim 2011 - and you? :-)
2:56 AM Jan 1st, 2011 via Twittelator
Timo twitter update 1st Jan
Happy new year! Make your dreams come true!
6:15 AM Jan 1st, 2011 via Mobile Web
Happy new year! Make your dreams come true!
6:15 AM Jan 1st, 2011 via Mobile Web
New music from Frank
Frank wrote a tweet on his twitter saying:
ICH WÜNSCH EUCH ALLEN EIN FROHES NEUES JAHR!!!!! WIR STARTEN MIT MUSIK!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2tZx4Sds1g
English: I wish you all a happy new year! We start with music!
In this youtube video, you will be able to hear small parts from 5 new songs by Frank! Enjoy!
Frank wrote a tweet on his twitter saying:
ICH WÜNSCH EUCH ALLEN EIN FROHES NEUES JAHR!!!!! WIR STARTEN MIT MUSIK!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2tZx4Sds1g
English: I wish you all a happy new year! We start with music!
In this youtube video, you will be able to hear small parts from 5 new songs by Frank! Enjoy!
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