Friday, 29 April 2016
Monday, 8 April 2013
Saturday, 30 March 2013
More Panik?
Lately David has been writing some quite strange things at Twitter.
Some of it might hint at some news from Panik...

"Gut Ding will Weile haben" and "Every good show has more than one act. So let's wait for the "prestige""
- if he doesn't hint at Panik getting back together, or at least David and Timo making more music as Panik, then I have to say he is not very nice or doesn't know how to express himself (which I find very unlikely)
and then the 22nd March he wrote THIS!!:

(this is just really evil teasing if nothing is going to happen)
I don't know what is going on with him... What do you guys say?!
Wednesday, 9 January 2013
David's twitter
german producer, pianist, guitar player. 2003-now member of the band Panik/Nevada Tan. Tweets in GER and ENG. Neumuenster, Sao Paulo · http://www.davidbonk.deSo apparently, there is still something called Panik, and he is still a member?!
10th Jan:
Someone asked: I miss Panik so much, any chance to see you all back together ? :) xx
and he answered: i miss it, too. Every good thing has an End, but every good show has more than one act. So let's wait for the 'prestige' ;-)
Tuesday, 1 January 2013
New years present
Timo: A present for u.. Happy new year! ..and all the best things, to you!
Friday, 14 December 2012
Sunday, 11 November 2012
3 years ago
It has been 3 years since the guys told us they were breaking up - no more Panik.
Only three years.
What is there to hope for anymore? Nothing I think.
You can go to November 2009 on my blog, go a bit down, read the posts and the comments... if you want to feel sad, hm.
There is not really much more to do with this blog anymore. 3 years, and everything is pretty much gone. The most crazy thing is, that people still hold on to the thought and especially their love for Panik. Any of you left here?
Now there is more than 2000 posts on this blog :) - All those good and bad times. Have a nice day guys, don't feel sad - I hope I didn't bring the sad thoughts up again :)
Love from Line
Sunday, 21 October 2012
Linke update
Take a look at Linke's Twitter, if you want to see his latest tweets.
14th Oct:

hmm... too many instruments or room too small... not sure yet..
21st Oct:
Need suggestions for good halloween costumes for 3 dudes.
To give you an idea of what we looked like last year...
Tuesday, 2 October 2012
David on facebook:
Humm... There was a picture somewhere, with all the 6 PANIK Band members on it - how they changed their look during the years (and Timo always looked the same :-D) Can someone post this pic please? :-)
Saturday, 29 September 2012
Friday, 21 September 2012
Timo thanking for birthday wishes
Thank you for all your love and wishes, im stunned. I feel really greatful for all your support. Thanks for all, Timo.
Thursday, 20 September 2012
Tuesday, 18 September 2012
Saturday, 15 September 2012
Monday, 10 September 2012
Monday, 6 August 2012
Sunday, 5 August 2012
Monday, 30 July 2012
Sunday, 29 July 2012
Frank on tour
27th July:

"Enough waiting! Time for change!
I feel like playing, and goes out and will give you something for the ears!!
The songs are not all finished yet but who gets disturbed by that...
Be there and come around to:
"Lasst uns los! Tour 2012″Genug gewartet!! Zeit für Veränderung!!
Ich hab Bock zu spielen, also geh ich raus und geb euch was auf die Ohren!!
Die Songs sind zwar noch nicht alle fertig aber wen stört das schon…
Seid dabei und kommt rum zur:
“Lasst uns los! Tour 2012
Ich freu mich auf euch, Frank.
27.09 im Ziegler in Heidelberg
04.10 im BlueShell in Köln05.10 im Souledge in Hamburg09.10 in den Backnanger Stuben in Backnang11.10 in Hirsch/Osteria Antica in Kempten
weitere Termine und Ticket Link folgen!!

"Enough waiting! Time for change!
I feel like playing, and goes out and will give you something for the ears!!
The songs are not all finished yet but who gets disturbed by that...
Be there and come around to:
I'm looking forward to see you, Frank
27.09 im Ziegler in Heidelberg
04.10 im BlueShell in Köln
05.10 im Souledge in Hamburg
09.10 in den Backnanger Stuben in Backnang
11.10 in Hirsch/Osteria Antica in Kempten
Further dates/datelines (time?) and link for tickets will come"
Buy tickets here
Watch trailers on Frank's facebookpage

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