27th July:

"Enough waiting! Time for change!
I feel like playing, and goes out and will give you something for the ears!!
The songs are not all finished yet but who gets disturbed by that...
Be there and come around to:
"Lasst uns los! Tour 2012″Genug gewartet!! Zeit für Veränderung!!
Ich hab Bock zu spielen, also geh ich raus und geb euch was auf die Ohren!!
Die Songs sind zwar noch nicht alle fertig aber wen stört das schon…
Seid dabei und kommt rum zur:
“Lasst uns los! Tour 2012
Ich freu mich auf euch, Frank.
27.09 im Ziegler in Heidelberg
04.10 im BlueShell in Köln05.10 im Souledge in Hamburg09.10 in den Backnanger Stuben in Backnang11.10 in Hirsch/Osteria Antica in Kempten
weitere Termine und Ticket Link folgen!!

"Enough waiting! Time for change!
I feel like playing, and goes out and will give you something for the ears!!
The songs are not all finished yet but who gets disturbed by that...
Be there and come around to:
I'm looking forward to see you, Frank
27.09 im Ziegler in Heidelberg
04.10 im BlueShell in Köln
05.10 im Souledge in Hamburg
09.10 in den Backnanger Stuben in Backnang
11.10 in Hirsch/Osteria Antica in Kempten
Further dates/datelines (time?) and link for tickets will come"
Buy tickets here
Watch trailers on Frank's facebookpage

Hm? New music from Frank? What an influx of good news! LOL
Nice post..
horoskop Stier
Nice one.
horoskop zwillinge
Great one..
horoskop zwillinge
Nice post..
horoskop krebs
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