-This message, where on the "New Nevada Tan"'s homepage: www.nevadatan.de
Read the message here!!: http://www.nevadatan.de/pdf/to_all_panik_fans.pdfShort about whats written: They tell about how it all took place (the producers point of wiew)
They tell that the whole with Nevada Tan, the name and all, were a projekt, and they found the members of the projekt, after they have thought about make the projekt. They found the members from the old Panik, and they change the name too Nevada tan. And that is the resone why they own the name, and they now use new members, and make the projekt continue. They also tell, about that Panik self choose to sleep on the floor on the studio, and keep on be in the studio in Hamburg and don't in their hometown Neumünster. They say that they made the studio dirty, and the produceres/managers not could use the studio no more and they send them home.
They say that they send David in the shopping, to buy food, for 30 euro. And he came back and have buied expensive food, for Timo, and asked for more money.
- Sorry for my bad english!
I think you should read the whole meesage from them!