Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Meesage to David from a girl, about the "New nevada Tan"

Message on My Space:

David!I have got confused! What happened?
Really your last produssers have collected new musical group under your old name???

David: i think, that is what happend..
idiots..don't pay attention to it, please.
we will look after that..kind regards

(Thanks to panik-russia -http://panik-russia.blogspot.com/)



Anonymous said...

I'm a girl from Germany. I'm glad that you've already heard about the "wanna-be-nevada Tan". Please don't buy the cds and don't talk about it in the internet (i know that I'm doing it at the moment... but that's not important) because with every time saying the name of this band they will get more attention! The old producers did what we all were afraid of... tell the people that this band isn't PANIK and do everything, that they don't get any sucess!!!
Greetings from Germany,

Line said...

Thank you so much ;)
This is a news site, so I tell about what happend!
Can I copy this you have written and put it on my site, so everyone can see it :)?

Anonymous said...

Of course you can put it on your site, that's no problem...

Line said...

Thanks ;)