@panikmusik Nich zu doll, Timo ;-) Dont do it like at the last Dome Party (haha :-p ) (Woe betide you call me tonight at 4am!!)
28 minutes ago from web
Thursday, 31 December 2009
Timo twitter update Dec 31th
Berlin, here i am! :) lets get the party started.. Hehe.
3 minutes ago from txt
Berlin, here i am! :) lets get the party started.. Hehe.
3 minutes ago from txt
David twitter update Dec 31th
And heyhey, a friend told me, im in the Akinator :-) haha :-)
2 minutes ago from Twittelator
Preparing food for tonight :-)
4 minutes ago from Twittelator
And heyhey, a friend told me, im in the Akinator :-) haha :-)
2 minutes ago from Twittelator
Preparing food for tonight :-)
4 minutes ago from Twittelator
New year
Hi all you wonderful Panikfans :D
I want to wish you all a happy new year!
I will thank you all for this year, Which we simpel can call a really eventful year! A lot of things have happened, especially in the last part of the year, for us Panik fans :) Not everything have been easy!
I want to thank you all, a lot of times, for your support you have giving me, on this blog! That you are reading my blog, is so amazing! And you have all been here a lot this year!
I'm so glad that you all have been here, and we have been able to support each other in the hard times. I will say thank you to you for all the help you have giving me! And for all your joy and soul you have giving this blog. Thank you for all your comments! And thank you for beining here!!
I hope that the next year will be great, and that we will get just as good a time as last year!
Even though it probably gonna be a hard and different year. No of us know what will happen the next year! And how it will go with the Panik guys :) There will probably happen a lot of new things in the next year. But we just have to support the guys, and then, look forward to which new things that will happen :)
Happy new year everyone! I hope you all will get a wonderful year 2010!
Thank you for 2009!
Frohes Neujahr!
And then I have been looking in all the old stuff, and if you have nothing to do, then here is some fun and interesting tips for the waiting time:
Never seen before kyte videos
Panik and Killerpilze singing daylight!
Panik conference about why they don't sing in english
Interview (video) with David - Panik-david.de (David looks way too cute in this video!!!)
A (old) interview from Marts, about the songs on the new album!
Bochum totalt interview - they get a word, and have to say something about it!
Super cute kyte with Frank and Timo "Top guitar"
Panik Merry Christmas video 2008
Panik money - I would like some of these, they are pretty cool :D
And then some votings!!:
Viva Eure Top 100 Jahrechart!!
Vertigo Poll 2009 - Die Besten Alben des Jahres
The Flashlist at Starflash.de
Have fun ;)
Hi all you wonderful Panikfans :D
I want to wish you all a happy new year!
I will thank you all for this year, Which we simpel can call a really eventful year! A lot of things have happened, especially in the last part of the year, for us Panik fans :) Not everything have been easy!
I want to thank you all, a lot of times, for your support you have giving me, on this blog! That you are reading my blog, is so amazing! And you have all been here a lot this year!
I'm so glad that you all have been here, and we have been able to support each other in the hard times. I will say thank you to you for all the help you have giving me! And for all your joy and soul you have giving this blog. Thank you for all your comments! And thank you for beining here!!
I hope that the next year will be great, and that we will get just as good a time as last year!
Even though it probably gonna be a hard and different year. No of us know what will happen the next year! And how it will go with the Panik guys :) There will probably happen a lot of new things in the next year. But we just have to support the guys, and then, look forward to which new things that will happen :)
Happy new year everyone! I hope you all will get a wonderful year 2010!
Thank you for 2009!
Frohes Neujahr!
And then I have been looking in all the old stuff, and if you have nothing to do, then here is some fun and interesting tips for the waiting time:
Never seen before kyte videos
Panik and Killerpilze singing daylight!
Panik conference about why they don't sing in english
Interview (video) with David - Panik-david.de (David looks way too cute in this video!!!)
A (old) interview from Marts, about the songs on the new album!
Bochum totalt interview - they get a word, and have to say something about it!
Super cute kyte with Frank and Timo "Top guitar"
Panik Merry Christmas video 2008
Panik money - I would like some of these, they are pretty cool :D
And then some votings!!:
Viva Eure Top 100 Jahrechart!!
Vertigo Poll 2009 - Die Besten Alben des Jahres
The Flashlist at Starflash.de
Have fun ;)
This site
Wednesday, 30 December 2009
David twitter update Dec 30th
Trying to set up the WLAN.. Did anyone ever work with a p661 of ZyXEL?
20 minutes ago from web
Trying to set up the WLAN.. Did anyone ever work with a p661 of ZyXEL?
20 minutes ago from web
Franks love for nike shoes!
Watch the video here: http://www.starflash.de/
Yeah, Frank talks about his favourite shoes! Nike air!
Text: Franky von Panik lässt nur eins an seine Füße: Nike Airs. Das machte Franky nun im Video-Interview mit StarFlash.de ziemlich deutlich.
Im Interview mit Panik haben wir die Jungs gefragt: "Wer von euch möchte beim StarFlash.de-Schuhblog mitmachen?" Die Antwort kam wie aus der Pistole geschossen: "Das ist doch 'was für Franky", sagten die Linke, David, Timo, Jan und Juri.
Und tatsächlich: Wenn Franky über seine Schuhe spricht, ist er absolut in seinem Element. "Nike Air Jordan" ist Frankys Favorit - und zwar nur der. Franky geht sogar so weit, zu behaupten, dass diese Schuhe der Straße gut tun. Geputzt werden die weißen Nike Airs natürlich auch regelmäßig.
English: Franky from Panik only put onething at his feets: Nike Airs. That makes Franky very clear in the Video-interview with starFlash.de.
In the interview with Panik asked we the guys "Who of you would like to make a shoe-blog at StartFlash.de?" The answer came as from a gun shot: "That is just for Franky" said Linke, David, Timo, Jan and Juri.
And true: When Franky talsk about his shoes, he is totally in his element. "Nike air Jordan" is Franky's favourit - and is the only. Franky goes even as long to mean that the shoes do something good at the street. Polished is the shoes of course also regular!
Translation of the video at: http://panik-musik.blog.cz/
Watch the video here: http://www.starflash.de/
Yeah, Frank talks about his favourite shoes! Nike air!
Text: Franky von Panik lässt nur eins an seine Füße: Nike Airs. Das machte Franky nun im Video-Interview mit StarFlash.de ziemlich deutlich.
Im Interview mit Panik haben wir die Jungs gefragt: "Wer von euch möchte beim StarFlash.de-Schuhblog mitmachen?" Die Antwort kam wie aus der Pistole geschossen: "Das ist doch 'was für Franky", sagten die Linke, David, Timo, Jan und Juri.
Und tatsächlich: Wenn Franky über seine Schuhe spricht, ist er absolut in seinem Element. "Nike Air Jordan" ist Frankys Favorit - und zwar nur der. Franky geht sogar so weit, zu behaupten, dass diese Schuhe der Straße gut tun. Geputzt werden die weißen Nike Airs natürlich auch regelmäßig.
English: Franky from Panik only put onething at his feets: Nike Airs. That makes Franky very clear in the Video-interview with starFlash.de.
In the interview with Panik asked we the guys "Who of you would like to make a shoe-blog at StartFlash.de?" The answer came as from a gun shot: "That is just for Franky" said Linke, David, Timo, Jan and Juri.
And true: When Franky talsk about his shoes, he is totally in his element. "Nike air Jordan" is Franky's favourit - and is the only. Franky goes even as long to mean that the shoes do something good at the street. Polished is the shoes of course also regular!
Translation of the video at: http://panik-musik.blog.cz/
David twitter update Dec 30th
Mh, no, actually i dunno yet what ill do on new years eve, but to find out, what i could do is a good task for today :-)
about 3 hours ago from Twittelator
Mh, no, actually i dunno yet what ill do on new years eve, but to find out, what i could do is a good task for today :-)
about 3 hours ago from Twittelator
Timo twitter update Dec 29th no.3
My mobilphone works again! :) hu.. Good night!
about 8 hours ago from txt
My mobilphone works again! :) hu.. Good night!
about 8 hours ago from txt
Starflash's flashlist
Vote for Panik, at the flashlist, at startflash
HERE: http://www.starflash.de/ !!!
Panik is no. 37!
You can just keep on voting!
Vote for Panik, at the flashlist, at startflash
HERE: http://www.starflash.de/ !!!
Panik is no. 37!
You can just keep on voting!
Tuesday, 29 December 2009
Silvester - So feiern die stars
- Click at the link, and watch the video!
Here is a video, where Panik talk about how they celebrate New Years Eve and how they have done it the last years!
Wir haben Sarah Kreuz sowie die Jungs von Panik getroffen und haben gefragt: Wie feiert ihr eigentlich Silvester? Während Franky, David, T:mo, Linke, Juri und Jan uns von halbgefährlichen Böller-Ausrutschern, Reisen nach London und Amsterdam und lustigen Partys erzählten, wusste DSDS -Zweite Sarah hauptsächlich von Familienfesten mit Sekt, Cocktails und Knaller-Spielchen zu berichten. "Alles ist erlaubt" ist Sarahs Motto.
Für Panik dürfte der 31. Dezember 2009 auch einen ziemlich bitteren Beigeschmack haben. Denn: Im September gab es ein letztes Album, das sich leider nur mittelmäßig verkaufte. Die Konsequenz: Die Band wird es künftig nicht mehr geben. Im Dezember waren Franky, Linke, David und Co. noch ein letztes Mal auf Tour. Jetzt werden sich Panik für immer auflösen.
We have met Sarah Kreuz and the guys from Panik, and have asked them: How do you celebrate New Years Eve? Franky, David, T:mo, Linke, Juri and Jan told about fireworks-slips, trips to London and Amsterdam and fun Party storys... (And then the part with Sarah xP)
For Panik gives the 31th December 2009 also a really bitter taste. Then: in September come the last Album, which unfortunately only sold mediocre. The consequence: The band will in the future not keep on. In December was Franky, Linke, David and co. a last time on tour. Now is Panik for always breaked up.
Source for video: http://forum.panik-fanclub.de/thread.php?threadid=24&page=11&sid=
Translation by me
Translation for the video at: http://panik-musik.blog.cz/
- Click at the link, and watch the video!
Here is a video, where Panik talk about how they celebrate New Years Eve and how they have done it the last years!
Wir haben Sarah Kreuz sowie die Jungs von Panik getroffen und haben gefragt: Wie feiert ihr eigentlich Silvester? Während Franky, David, T:mo, Linke, Juri und Jan uns von halbgefährlichen Böller-Ausrutschern, Reisen nach London und Amsterdam und lustigen Partys erzählten, wusste DSDS -Zweite Sarah hauptsächlich von Familienfesten mit Sekt, Cocktails und Knaller-Spielchen zu berichten. "Alles ist erlaubt" ist Sarahs Motto.
Für Panik dürfte der 31. Dezember 2009 auch einen ziemlich bitteren Beigeschmack haben. Denn: Im September gab es ein letztes Album, das sich leider nur mittelmäßig verkaufte. Die Konsequenz: Die Band wird es künftig nicht mehr geben. Im Dezember waren Franky, Linke, David und Co. noch ein letztes Mal auf Tour. Jetzt werden sich Panik für immer auflösen.
We have met Sarah Kreuz and the guys from Panik, and have asked them: How do you celebrate New Years Eve? Franky, David, T:mo, Linke, Juri and Jan told about fireworks-slips, trips to London and Amsterdam and fun Party storys... (And then the part with Sarah xP)
For Panik gives the 31th December 2009 also a really bitter taste. Then: in September come the last Album, which unfortunately only sold mediocre. The consequence: The band will in the future not keep on. In December was Franky, Linke, David and co. a last time on tour. Now is Panik for always breaked up.
Source for video: http://forum.panik-fanclub.de/thread.php?threadid=24&page=11&sid=
Translation by me
Translation for the video at: http://panik-musik.blog.cz/
David twitter update Dec 29th no.2
@panikmusik and u can take my old phone :-)
about 2 hours ago from Twittelator
@panikmusik ooh, i can understand you!!! :-)
about 2 hours ago from Twittelator
@panikmusik and u can take my old phone :-)
about 2 hours ago from Twittelator
@panikmusik ooh, i can understand you!!! :-)
about 2 hours ago from Twittelator
Timo twitter update Dec 29th no.2
Im in love with Neytiri from Pandora :)
half a minute ago from web
@laudenbonk yes, and its pain in the ass.. (i never say that, but this time its an "Ärgernis".. Now i need a new mobilephone.. wich one?
3 minutes ago from web in reply to laudenbonk
Im in love with Neytiri from Pandora :)
half a minute ago from web
@laudenbonk yes, and its pain in the ass.. (i never say that, but this time its an "Ärgernis".. Now i need a new mobilephone.. wich one?
3 minutes ago from web in reply to laudenbonk
David twitter update Dec 29th
@panikmusik i would try "my mobile is in the ass" :-p
11 minutes ago from Twittelator in reply to panikmusik
@panikmusik i would try "my mobile is in the ass" :-p
11 minutes ago from Twittelator in reply to panikmusik
Timo twitter update Dec 29th
What is the right english translation of: "Mein Handy ist im Arsch!!!" busted, broken? what ever, it sucks..
about 1 hour ago from web
What is the right english translation of: "Mein Handy ist im Arsch!!!" busted, broken? what ever, it sucks..
about 1 hour ago from web
Monday, 28 December 2009
David twitter update Dec 28th no.4
To Lyon :-) i love airports at night.. In a way it looks nice :-) http://moby.to/d35vel
about 4 hours ago from Twittelator

To Lyon :-) i love airports at night.. In a way it looks nice :-) http://moby.to/d35vel
about 4 hours ago from Twittelator
David twitter update Dec 28th no.3
Hamburg airport, 16.45, totally empty. My flight boards in 30 minutes and i guess ill fly alone :-) http://moby.to/vhm40g
2 minutes ago from Twittelator

Hamburg airport, 16.45, totally empty. My flight boards in 30 minutes and i guess ill fly alone :-) http://moby.to/vhm40g
2 minutes ago from Twittelator
David twitter update Dec 28th no.2
Ill leave into holidays now till the 5th of JAN 2010! Have a happy new year, all of you!!
2 minutes ago from Twittelator
Ill leave into holidays now till the 5th of JAN 2010! Have a happy new year, all of you!!
2 minutes ago from Twittelator
Timo twitter update Dec 28th
@laudenbonk oha, interesting :)
5 minutes ago from web in reply to laudenbonk
@laudenbonk oha, interesting :)
5 minutes ago from web in reply to laudenbonk
David twitter update Dec 28th
..at insound in Kiel, repairing my Mesa Amp..
21 minutes ago from Twittelator
..at insound in Kiel, repairing my Mesa Amp..
21 minutes ago from Twittelator
Sunday, 27 December 2009
Timo twitter update Dec 27th no.2

http://twitpic.com/vi273 - Funny, Isnt it? haha.. thank you for this great avatar :)
1 minute ago from TwitPic

http://twitpic.com/vi273 - Funny, Isnt it? haha.. thank you for this great avatar :)
1 minute ago from TwitPic
David twitter update Dec 27th no.3
Try to make a right click on the first MP3 LINK and than SAVE FILE AS.. That works!
1 minute ago from Twittelator
Fuck, seems not to work, ill change the hoster in the next days.
2 minutes ago from Twittelator
Okay, because of difficulties - here is a new DOWNLOADLINK: http://esistzeit.hostoi.com/piano_esistzeit.zip
26 minute ago from web
Ihr seid alle unfähig :-p Ich lade es als ZIP hoch, dann ist es einfacher für euch.
28 minutes ago from web (This tweet is now deleted)
English: you are all incompetent :-p I put it out as ZIP, so it's more simpel for you!
Für Alle Windows User: "rechts klick" -> "Ziel Speichern Unter"
30 minutes ago from web
On High Request I made a FREE DOWNLOAD Piano Version of ES IST ZEIT: http://esistzeit.hostoi.com/piano_esistzeit.mp3 hope it works!
36 minutes ago from web
Try to make a right click on the first MP3 LINK and than SAVE FILE AS.. That works!
1 minute ago from Twittelator
Fuck, seems not to work, ill change the hoster in the next days.
2 minutes ago from Twittelator
Okay, because of difficulties - here is a new DOWNLOADLINK: http://esistzeit.hostoi.com/piano_esistzeit.zip
26 minute ago from web
Ihr seid alle unfähig :-p Ich lade es als ZIP hoch, dann ist es einfacher für euch.
28 minutes ago from web (This tweet is now deleted)
English: you are all incompetent :-p I put it out as ZIP, so it's more simpel for you!
Für Alle Windows User: "rechts klick" -> "Ziel Speichern Unter"
30 minutes ago from web
On High Request I made a FREE DOWNLOAD Piano Version of ES IST ZEIT: http://esistzeit.hostoi.com/piano_esistzeit.mp3 hope it works!
36 minutes ago from web
Timo twitter update Dec 27th
PLEASE vote for us: http://www.viva.tv/TV/ArticleDetail/id/2176004?rand=1278789721&comment_submitted=1 (and have a nice day :))
about 5 hours ago from web
PLEASE vote for us: http://www.viva.tv/TV/ArticleDetail/id/2176004?rand=1278789721&comment_submitted=1 (and have a nice day :))
about 5 hours ago from web
Es ist Zeit Pianoversion
David have uploaded a Es ist Zeit Pianoversion at his myspace!!
On twitter David lay out a file, so you can download the song!
Download here: http://esistzeit.hostoi.com/piano_esistzeit.mp3
(if you can't make it work, then "right click" at it.. and then you have to choose something like "save destination" or "Save file as" I'm sorry I can't tell you, but my computer is in danish, so I don't know how it will look at yours ;) )
David have uploaded a Es ist Zeit Pianoversion at his myspace!!
On twitter David lay out a file, so you can download the song!
Download here: http://esistzeit.hostoi.com/piano_esistzeit.mp3
(if you can't make it work, then "right click" at it.. and then you have to choose something like "save destination" or "Save file as" I'm sorry I can't tell you, but my computer is in danish, so I don't know how it will look at yours ;) )
David twitter update Dec 27th no.2
Ill upload a EsIstZeit Pianoversion today, if myspace works :-)
about 8 hours ago from Twittelator
Ill upload a EsIstZeit Pianoversion today, if myspace works :-)
about 8 hours ago from Twittelator
David twitter update Dec 27th
Uaaaa, it's not possible, because all the good tickets are already sold! Boy, this movie is getting more and more famous :-)
15 minutes ago from web
Mooorning :-) ill go and watch AVATAR again today with @panikmusik, but this time in 3D. Lets test that :-)
about 3 hours ago from Twittelator
Uaaaa, it's not possible, because all the good tickets are already sold! Boy, this movie is getting more and more famous :-)
15 minutes ago from web
Mooorning :-) ill go and watch AVATAR again today with @panikmusik, but this time in 3D. Lets test that :-)
about 3 hours ago from Twittelator
Saturday, 26 December 2009
David twitter update Dec 26th no.2
@OfficialDA i wanna beee theeeeere :-) :-)
about 6 hours ago from Twittelator in reply to OfficialDA
(Destination Anywhere wrote: Tonight! Tonight! Tonight! Pyro! Explosions! Sadism! Tonight! Tonight! Tonight! -David.)
@OfficialDA i wanna beee theeeeere :-) :-)
about 6 hours ago from Twittelator in reply to OfficialDA
(Destination Anywhere wrote: Tonight! Tonight! Tonight! Pyro! Explosions! Sadism! Tonight! Tonight! Tonight! -David.)
David twitter update Dec 26th
Good morning :-) im gonna visit some old frinds today :-) have a nice day ;-)
about 3 hours ago from Twittelator
Good morning :-) im gonna visit some old frinds today :-) have a nice day ;-)
about 3 hours ago from Twittelator
Timo twitter update Dec 25th no.2
@_sophrosyne_ http://twitpic.com/v73kl - hehe, nice :)
21 minutes ago from TwitPic
@_sophrosyne_ http://twitpic.com/v73kl - hehe, nice :)
21 minutes ago from TwitPic
Friday, 25 December 2009
Translation of the interview with David in Rock one
English translation from http://panik-musik.blog.cz/!!!!!:
An important member of Panik, David Bonk, is a perfect pianist & guitarist. He did a huge part on the production of the second, just released album of the sixette. He introduces his instruments!
What equipment do you use?
David Bonk: I play on Epiphone Baritone Les Paul, I think it's better that all the originals from Gibson. For the sound I use the volumizer Hughes & Kettner WARP and a speaker 4x12 Vintage 30' of the same label. About the effects, I have KORG DTL-200BL, Boss NS-2, Boss CS-2, Line 6 Echo Park, Boss CH-1, Boss RV-3 a Hughes & Kettner Tube Tools Replex.
What's your first memory as a guitarist?
I started to play guitar when I was fourteen, but because I played the piano since I was six, it wasn't that hard. I never took lessons, I just tried on my own every day. I learned only by trying. The first song I could play was "Samba Pa Ti" from Santana, but then I ran into "Johhny B. Good" from Chuck Berry by watching "Returning to the future". And that was the first one I could really play.
Which ideas did you bring to Panik with your guitar - playing?
Actually I put everything I know and what I like into one pot, I shaked it and there the new ideas are!
What would you advise to those, who want to start with guitar?
Buy a cheeper guitar, I found out that there aren't such differences between cheep and expensive ones! And then try as hard as you can! If you don't have success .. continue! And when it still doesn't work, have a break!
Which best guitarists did you see?
There's unbelievably many good guitarists .. but I'd say Andy McKee or Erik Mongrain, then also Eric Claptom and Mark Knopfler (Dire Straits)
English translation from http://panik-musik.blog.cz/!!!!!:
An important member of Panik, David Bonk, is a perfect pianist & guitarist. He did a huge part on the production of the second, just released album of the sixette. He introduces his instruments!
What equipment do you use?
David Bonk: I play on Epiphone Baritone Les Paul, I think it's better that all the originals from Gibson. For the sound I use the volumizer Hughes & Kettner WARP and a speaker 4x12 Vintage 30' of the same label. About the effects, I have KORG DTL-200BL, Boss NS-2, Boss CS-2, Line 6 Echo Park, Boss CH-1, Boss RV-3 a Hughes & Kettner Tube Tools Replex.
What's your first memory as a guitarist?
I started to play guitar when I was fourteen, but because I played the piano since I was six, it wasn't that hard. I never took lessons, I just tried on my own every day. I learned only by trying. The first song I could play was "Samba Pa Ti" from Santana, but then I ran into "Johhny B. Good" from Chuck Berry by watching "Returning to the future". And that was the first one I could really play.
Which ideas did you bring to Panik with your guitar - playing?
Actually I put everything I know and what I like into one pot, I shaked it and there the new ideas are!
What would you advise to those, who want to start with guitar?
Buy a cheeper guitar, I found out that there aren't such differences between cheep and expensive ones! And then try as hard as you can! If you don't have success .. continue! And when it still doesn't work, have a break!
Which best guitarists did you see?
There's unbelievably many good guitarists .. but I'd say Andy McKee or Erik Mongrain, then also Eric Claptom and Mark Knopfler (Dire Straits)
David twitter update Dec 25th no.3
Ohhh, just listened through the HamburgConcertData, it will look and sound sooo great :-) ♬
13 minutes ago from Twittelator
Ohhh, just listened through the HamburgConcertData, it will look and sound sooo great :-) ♬
13 minutes ago from Twittelator
Timo twitter update Dec 25th
Watching Linkin Parks 'Road to Revolution' on Mtv.. :)
3 minutes ago from txt
@Infernoing my voice sounds like @laudenbonk ? hehe, thats funny, because our voices are very, very different! :)
30 minutes ago from web in reply to Infernoing
@laudenbonk mhh, my tree is better.. Lametta sucks! :)
about 1 hour ago from web
Watching Linkin Parks 'Road to Revolution' on Mtv.. :)
3 minutes ago from txt
@Infernoing my voice sounds like @laudenbonk ? hehe, thats funny, because our voices are very, very different! :)
30 minutes ago from web in reply to Infernoing
@laudenbonk mhh, my tree is better.. Lametta sucks! :)
about 1 hour ago from web
David twitter update Dec 25th no.2
@vampirwaschbaer ja, its a pic of @panikmusik and me :-)
about 1 hour ago from Twittelator in reply to vampirwaschbaer
@vampirwaschbaer ja, its a pic of @panikmusik and me :-)
about 1 hour ago from Twittelator in reply to vampirwaschbaer
David twitter update Dec 25th
My XMasTree :-) http://moby.to/7hmtdh
about 1 hour ago from Twittelator
Good Morning, twitterworld :-) i will now go Outside and take a deeeep breath of fresh air!! :-)
about 2 hours ago from Twittelator
My XMasTree :-) http://moby.to/7hmtdh
about 1 hour ago from Twittelator
Good Morning, twitterworld :-) i will now go Outside and take a deeeep breath of fresh air!! :-)
about 2 hours ago from Twittelator
David's Christmas tree
(Click at photo)
Aw, how nice :D
And there is a photo of David and Timo in the background! How sweet isn't that?!?!

Aw, how nice :D
And there is a photo of David and Timo in the background! How sweet isn't that?!?!
Thursday, 24 December 2009
David twitter update Dec 24th no.2
Merry Christmas, have fun at whatever you do :-)
14 minutes ago from web
Merry Christmas, have fun at whatever you do :-)
14 minutes ago from web
Interview with David in Rock one
In a rock on magazin there is a interview with David, don't know how old it is, but I think it's from before the break. Here is a scan for it:

SOURCE: http://panik-russia.blogspot.com/
Thank you for the tip Mily!
In a rock on magazin there is a interview with David, don't know how old it is, but I think it's from before the break. Here is a scan for it:

SOURCE: http://panik-russia.blogspot.com/
Thank you for the tip Mily!
Merry Christmas

Hallo all you wonderful people :D
I just like to wish you a very wonderful Christmas!
And I hope you will all have a really nice time, with love, happiness and peace :D
(and of course a lot of great presents xD)
Take care, and remember to enjoy the time :)
Frohe Weihnachten!
Merry Christmas everyone :D
All love from Line!

Hallo all you wonderful people :D
I just like to wish you a very wonderful Christmas!
And I hope you will all have a really nice time, with love, happiness and peace :D
(and of course a lot of great presents xD)
Take care, and remember to enjoy the time :)
Frohe Weihnachten!
Merry Christmas everyone :D
All love from Line!
This site
Questions schedule for Panik - You Messe (09)
Source: http://panik-musik.blog.cz/ !!
Translation: http://panik-musik.blog.cz/
NAME : Frank Ziegler
FAVORITE BAND/SINGER : John Mayer, singer, songwriter
FAVORITE BOOK : Extrem Laut and Unglaublich Noh
HOBBY : to cook
IDOL : I don't really have ..
ONCE I WANTED TO BE : Policeman / Cook
I WISH FOR THE YEAR 2010 : To have it all so grandious as it is now
NAME : Timo Sonnenschein
FAVORITE BAND/SINGER : Rise Against, Die toten Hosen, Box Car Racer
FAVORITE MOVIE : L.A. Crash, Lord of the Rings, Stargate Universe
FAVORITE BOOK : Lord of the Rings
FAVORITE FOOD : Asian and vegetarian tofu - sausages
HOBBY : Jogging
IDOL : Roland Emmerich
ONCE I WANTED TO BE : Musician & Director
I WISH FOR THE YEAR 2010 : Less atom - energy
NAME : Jan
FAVORITE MOVIE : Marley and me
FAVORITE BOOK : The DaVinci Code
FAVORITE FOOD : Currywurst
FAVORITE PET : "Hasky" (dog), no horse
HOBBY : Lookin' good
IDOL : Linke
I WISH FOR THE YEAR 2010 : A lot of health and luck
NAME : Juri
FAVORITE BAND/SINGER : Red Hot Chilli Peppers
FAVORITE MOVIE : Indiana Jones
FAVORITE BOOK : Der Schatten des Windes
FAVORITE FOOD : Italian, Indian
HOBBY : swimming, art, traveling
IDOL : Chad Smith
ONCE I WANTED TO BE :Graphic Designer
I WISH FOR THE YEAR 2010 : Love, Happiness, Peace
NAME : Christian Linke
FAVORITE BAND/SINGER : Peter Maffay, Howard Carpendale, Luna <3
FAVORITE BOOK : Vom Winde verweht
FAVORITE SCHOOL SUBJECT : Textile (..something :D)
HOBBY : jockey and knitting
IDOL : Barbara Schoenberger
I WISH FOR THE YEAR 2010 : Peace
NAME : David Bonk
FAVORITE MOVIE : Kiss Kiss / Bang Bang
FAVORITE BOOK : Neale Donald Walsch's Books
FAVORITE FOOD : Guu - Tofu Guu
HOBBY : Music :)
IDOL : I don't really have one :)
I WISH FOR THE YEAR 2010 : Panik for forwardness
Source: http://panik-musik.blog.cz/ !!
Translation: http://panik-musik.blog.cz/
NAME : Frank Ziegler
FAVORITE BAND/SINGER : John Mayer, singer, songwriter
FAVORITE BOOK : Extrem Laut and Unglaublich Noh
HOBBY : to cook
IDOL : I don't really have ..
ONCE I WANTED TO BE : Policeman / Cook
I WISH FOR THE YEAR 2010 : To have it all so grandious as it is now
NAME : Timo Sonnenschein
FAVORITE BAND/SINGER : Rise Against, Die toten Hosen, Box Car Racer
FAVORITE MOVIE : L.A. Crash, Lord of the Rings, Stargate Universe
FAVORITE BOOK : Lord of the Rings
FAVORITE FOOD : Asian and vegetarian tofu - sausages
HOBBY : Jogging
IDOL : Roland Emmerich
ONCE I WANTED TO BE : Musician & Director
I WISH FOR THE YEAR 2010 : Less atom - energy
NAME : Jan
FAVORITE MOVIE : Marley and me
FAVORITE BOOK : The DaVinci Code
FAVORITE FOOD : Currywurst
FAVORITE PET : "Hasky" (dog), no horse
HOBBY : Lookin' good
IDOL : Linke
I WISH FOR THE YEAR 2010 : A lot of health and luck
NAME : Juri
FAVORITE BAND/SINGER : Red Hot Chilli Peppers
FAVORITE MOVIE : Indiana Jones
FAVORITE BOOK : Der Schatten des Windes
FAVORITE FOOD : Italian, Indian
HOBBY : swimming, art, traveling
IDOL : Chad Smith
ONCE I WANTED TO BE :Graphic Designer
I WISH FOR THE YEAR 2010 : Love, Happiness, Peace
NAME : Christian Linke
FAVORITE BAND/SINGER : Peter Maffay, Howard Carpendale, Luna <3
FAVORITE BOOK : Vom Winde verweht
FAVORITE SCHOOL SUBJECT : Textile (..something :D)
HOBBY : jockey and knitting
IDOL : Barbara Schoenberger
I WISH FOR THE YEAR 2010 : Peace
NAME : David Bonk
FAVORITE MOVIE : Kiss Kiss / Bang Bang
FAVORITE BOOK : Neale Donald Walsch's Books
FAVORITE FOOD : Guu - Tofu Guu
HOBBY : Music :)
IDOL : I don't really have one :)
I WISH FOR THE YEAR 2010 : Panik for forwardness
David Twitter update Dec 24th
I'm glad, that you like the song :-) good morning :-)
about 3 hours ago from mobile web
I'm glad, that you like the song :-) good morning :-)
about 3 hours ago from mobile web
New blog from Timo at Panik's myspace
New blog from Timo: http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=93277057&blogId=523358162
Hey People,
were back, back in a new formation, so lets begin:
watch "Es ist Zeit" - Video Clip, the first song of the new Panik: www.panik-musik.de
get the FREE MP3 - click here: ES IST ZEIT
Thank you so much for your support! Hope to see you soon.
Thank you,
New blog from Timo: http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=93277057&blogId=523358162
Hey People,
were back, back in a new formation, so lets begin:
watch "Es ist Zeit" - Video Clip, the first song of the new Panik: www.panik-musik.de
get the FREE MP3 - click here: ES IST ZEIT
Thank you so much for your support! Hope to see you soon.
Thank you,
Newsletter! "Ein Song zum Fest // Free MP3 for Christmas"
Our Christmas Gift to YOU: "Es ist Zeit" MP3
Hello to all Panikfans out there,
well, finally it's Christmas time again, and because of that we present you a Musicvideo + a Song to Christmas Eve, the 24th of December. You will get it as a free download on our homepage: www.panik-musik.de
As many of you already know, PANIK will regrettably not continue in this constellation. That's why we want to say thank you for this wonderful years with all of you. But this is not a reason to be too sad, because David and Timo (the two creators of this band) will continue, and you will definitely get new Songs to listen to in the next year.
So keep your eyes open ;-)
We thank you all for the brilliant tour, we just played, and of course we wish you a happy new year ;-)
Our Christmas Gift to YOU: "Es ist Zeit" MP3
Hello to all Panikfans out there,
well, finally it's Christmas time again, and because of that we present you a Musicvideo + a Song to Christmas Eve, the 24th of December. You will get it as a free download on our homepage: www.panik-musik.de
As many of you already know, PANIK will regrettably not continue in this constellation. That's why we want to say thank you for this wonderful years with all of you. But this is not a reason to be too sad, because David and Timo (the two creators of this band) will continue, and you will definitely get new Songs to listen to in the next year.
So keep your eyes open ;-)
We thank you all for the brilliant tour, we just played, and of course we wish you a happy new year ;-)
Es ist Zeit lyric!!
Here is the lyric for the new song: (from http://www.magistrix.de/lyrics/Panik/Es-Ist-Zeit-free-Track-527722.html)
Es ist Zeit, um aufzustehen
Es wird Zeit, um loszuziehen
Es ist soweit, wir müssen gehen, wir müssen gehen
Und Abschied nehmen
Wir hatten eine tolle Zeit,
doch jede Zeit geht mal vorbei.
Sie geht vorbei, sie geht vorbei
Ein Blick zurück, und einen nach vorn
Ein Stückchen Glück ist neugeboren
Ich nehm es mit und ich schau nach vorn, ich schau nach vorn
Die Erinnerung ich halt sie fest, ich hab sie hier und ich denk an dich,
ich werd sie aufbewahren so gut ich kann, bitte denk daran, denk daran…
(denk daran, denk daran, denk daran, denk daran, denk daran)
Du weißt wer ich bin, und ich weiß wie du bist
Und was wir sind, vergiss das nicht, vergiss mich nicht, bitte nicht
(bitte nicht)
Es ist Zeit, um aufzustehen
Es wird zeit um aufzugeben
Es ist soweit, wir müssen gehen, wir müssen gehen, und Abschied nehmen
Here is the lyric for the new song: (from http://www.magistrix.de/lyrics/Panik/Es-Ist-Zeit-free-Track-527722.html)
Es ist Zeit, um aufzustehen
Es wird Zeit, um loszuziehen
Es ist soweit, wir müssen gehen, wir müssen gehen
Und Abschied nehmen
Wir hatten eine tolle Zeit,
doch jede Zeit geht mal vorbei.
Sie geht vorbei, sie geht vorbei
Ein Blick zurück, und einen nach vorn
Ein Stückchen Glück ist neugeboren
Ich nehm es mit und ich schau nach vorn, ich schau nach vorn
Die Erinnerung ich halt sie fest, ich hab sie hier und ich denk an dich,
ich werd sie aufbewahren so gut ich kann, bitte denk daran, denk daran…
(denk daran, denk daran, denk daran, denk daran, denk daran)
Du weißt wer ich bin, und ich weiß wie du bist
Und was wir sind, vergiss das nicht, vergiss mich nicht, bitte nicht
(bitte nicht)
Es ist Zeit, um aufzustehen
Es wird zeit um aufzugeben
Es ist soweit, wir müssen gehen, wir müssen gehen, und Abschied nehmen
The vocals at the new Panik!
As they also said in the Rock on interview, both Timo and David can sing, as Timo have wrote on Twitter, that both Timo and David will sing in the New Panik!
"we both (David and me) will do the vocals in the future.. i sang the first song "Es ist Zeit".."
As they also said in the Rock on interview, both Timo and David can sing, as Timo have wrote on Twitter, that both Timo and David will sing in the New Panik!
"we both (David and me) will do the vocals in the future.. i sang the first song "Es ist Zeit".."
Es ist zeit at myspace
Now, the guys have added "Es ist zeit" at their myspace, with a photo of Timo and David as "song-photo" - or what it's called, haha :)
Now, the guys have added "Es ist zeit" at their myspace, with a photo of Timo and David as "song-photo" - or what it's called, haha :)
Timo twitter update Dec 24th
@verylala we both (David and me) will do the vocals in the future.. i sang the first song "Es ist Zeit"..
4 minutes ago from web
(Verylala wrote: is david going to sing with the new panik? :) )
Listen to "Es ist Zeit", the first song of the new Panik, on www.myspace.com/panikmusik, and watch the video on www.panik-musik.de
19 minutes ago from web
http://www.kyte.tv/ch/34619-panik/734637-panik-es-ist-zeit -- first song i sing alone (its different than rap/shout a whole song alone :))
about 1 hour ago from web
Thank you for the great feedback.. David and i will continue the journey, and were very glad to have you. Thank you so much..
about 1 hour ago from web
@PlasticMary haha.. gerne.. Its coming.. NOW..
about 1 hour ago from web in reply to PlasticMary
@verylala we both (David and me) will do the vocals in the future.. i sang the first song "Es ist Zeit"..
4 minutes ago from web
(Verylala wrote: is david going to sing with the new panik? :) )
Listen to "Es ist Zeit", the first song of the new Panik, on www.myspace.com/panikmusik, and watch the video on www.panik-musik.de
19 minutes ago from web
http://www.kyte.tv/ch/34619-panik/734637-panik-es-ist-zeit -- first song i sing alone (its different than rap/shout a whole song alone :))
about 1 hour ago from web
Thank you for the great feedback.. David and i will continue the journey, and were very glad to have you. Thank you so much..
about 1 hour ago from web
@PlasticMary haha.. gerne.. Its coming.. NOW..
about 1 hour ago from web in reply to PlasticMary
NOW You can hear the NEW song!!
Then the song is on people!! Enjoy the new song from Timo and David!
Wednesday, 23 December 2009
30 minutes till the new song!!
Then guys, only 30 minutes now!!
And then we can hear the new song, and watch the new video at Panik-musik.de!! Remember to watch it!!
Enjoy! :D
Then guys, only 30 minutes now!!
And then we can hear the new song, and watch the new video at Panik-musik.de!! Remember to watch it!!
Enjoy! :D
David twitter update Dec 23rd
I hope you all will like the video and the mp3 we will present you tomorrow :-) good night, and have a nice christmaseve!
6 minutes ago from txt
I hope you all will like the video and the mp3 we will present you tomorrow :-) good night, and have a nice christmaseve!
6 minutes ago from txt
Timo Twitter update Dec 23rd
I think we will never make a song like this again.. We recorded the vocals in one night.. It was a sad night and i was very down..
9 minutes ago from txt
I wrote the lyrics for a girl, but the whole situation right now is the same.. Its a very, very personal song!
14 minutes ago from txt
The name of our new song is 'Es ist Zeit'. It will be released on our homepage at midnight..
19 minutes ago from txt
One of the best songs ever: 'Fort Minor - The Hard Way'. Are you ready for the new song in a few hours?
22 minutes ago from txt
I think we will never make a song like this again.. We recorded the vocals in one night.. It was a sad night and i was very down..
9 minutes ago from txt
I wrote the lyrics for a girl, but the whole situation right now is the same.. Its a very, very personal song!
14 minutes ago from txt
The name of our new song is 'Es ist Zeit'. It will be released on our homepage at midnight..
19 minutes ago from txt
One of the best songs ever: 'Fort Minor - The Hard Way'. Are you ready for the new song in a few hours?
22 minutes ago from txt
"Es ist zeit" released at mitnight! + Info about the song
David and Timo's new song, "Es ist Zeit" will be released at Panik's homepage at midnight!! - just at the minute it becomes the 24th :D
And then Timo have told us on Twitter something about the song:
"I wrote the lyrics for a girl, but the whole situation right now is the same.. Its a very, very personal song! "
The Song is very emotional it sounds like, he also wrote:
"I think we will never make a song like this again.. We recorded the vocals in one night.. It was a sad night and i was very down.. "
David and Timo's new song, "Es ist Zeit" will be released at Panik's homepage at midnight!! - just at the minute it becomes the 24th :D
And then Timo have told us on Twitter something about the song:
"I wrote the lyrics for a girl, but the whole situation right now is the same.. Its a very, very personal song! "
The Song is very emotional it sounds like, he also wrote:
"I think we will never make a song like this again.. We recorded the vocals in one night.. It was a sad night and i was very down.. "
More photos, Berlin, 09.12.2009
Hi everyone :D
Here is some photos in a really good quality from when Scorpia and I met the guys outside!!
Hope you like them!!
Have a nice day before Christmas :D!

(Scorpia is the one with short brown hair, I'm the one with the long darkblond hair (at the photos with Linke and Frank hehe ;D)
Hi everyone :D
Here is some photos in a really good quality from when Scorpia and I met the guys outside!!
Hope you like them!!
Have a nice day before Christmas :D!

(Scorpia is the one with short brown hair, I'm the one with the long darkblond hair (at the photos with Linke and Frank hehe ;D)
Timo Twitter update Dec (22nd/)23rd
At a very nice birthdayparty :)
8 minutes ago from txt
At a very nice birthdayparty :)
8 minutes ago from txt
Tuesday, 22 December 2009
David twitter update Dec 22nd no.2
@jejj3 The Christmas Release will be on the 24th, not on the 25th. :-)
2 minutes ago from web in reply to jejj3
(Jejj3 wrote: danke gleichfalls :) hah, btw, which time will the song come up? you know, we celebrate on 24th and not 25th like u ;D )
@FreakyConny @7meterthrow Haha, ja, das ist wohl wahr..
3 minutes ago from web in reply to FreakyConny
(FreakyConny wrote:Also den find ich richtig passend den kann jeder fahren hättest du führerschein nich mal machen brauchen :D besorg den mal)
Ha!David from officialDA just tried to sell me their old Tourbus: http://bit.ly/13WEWM
5 minutes ago from web
Happy Holidays to all of you ;-) Have a nice time and enjoy every free second you got!
8 minutes ago from web
@FeliFromHell Du Glücklicher :-)
9 minutes ago from web in reply to FeliFromHell
(Feli - From Aloha From Hell wrote: got a new mobile phone :))
@jejj3 The Christmas Release will be on the 24th, not on the 25th. :-)
2 minutes ago from web in reply to jejj3
(Jejj3 wrote: danke gleichfalls :) hah, btw, which time will the song come up? you know, we celebrate on 24th and not 25th like u ;D )
@FreakyConny @7meterthrow Haha, ja, das ist wohl wahr..
3 minutes ago from web in reply to FreakyConny
(FreakyConny wrote:Also den find ich richtig passend den kann jeder fahren hättest du führerschein nich mal machen brauchen :D besorg den mal)
Ha!David from officialDA just tried to sell me their old Tourbus: http://bit.ly/13WEWM
5 minutes ago from web
Happy Holidays to all of you ;-) Have a nice time and enjoy every free second you got!
8 minutes ago from web
@FeliFromHell Du Glücklicher :-)
9 minutes ago from web in reply to FeliFromHell
(Feli - From Aloha From Hell wrote: got a new mobile phone :))
David twitter update Dec 22nd
The Song we will release in 2 days is named "Es Ist Zeit"
26 minutes ago from web
@FreakyConny @Cookie_KyteKind jap :-)
27 minutes ago from web in reply to FreakyConny
(FreakyConny wrote: du und der film muss ich den jetzt doch gucken um dich zu verstehen?
English: You and the movie, do I now have to watch to undertsand you/or/if I understands you right?
Cookie_kytekind wrote: immer noch? Ist der so verdammt gut? English: Always still? Is it SO good?)
@duwedenise I am just in love with the philosophy of the story. :-)
about 1 hour ago from web in reply to duwedenise
(Duwedenise wrote: Is he really that good?)
Still in my head at the AVATAR movie..
about 1 hour ago from web
The Song we will release in 2 days is named "Es Ist Zeit"
26 minutes ago from web
@FreakyConny @Cookie_KyteKind jap :-)
27 minutes ago from web in reply to FreakyConny
(FreakyConny wrote: du und der film muss ich den jetzt doch gucken um dich zu verstehen?
English: You and the movie, do I now have to watch to undertsand you/or/if I understands you right?
Cookie_kytekind wrote: immer noch? Ist der so verdammt gut? English: Always still? Is it SO good?)
@duwedenise I am just in love with the philosophy of the story. :-)
about 1 hour ago from web in reply to duwedenise
(Duwedenise wrote: Is he really that good?)
Still in my head at the AVATAR movie..
about 1 hour ago from web
David just wrote on his Twitter, that the new song is called "Es ist Zeit" !!!!
"The Song we will release in 2 days is named "Es Ist Zeit""
David just wrote on his Twitter, that the new song is called "Es ist Zeit" !!!!
"The Song we will release in 2 days is named "Es Ist Zeit""
Monday, 21 December 2009
Timo twitter update Dec. 21st no.2
Crazy shit :)
about 1 hour ago from txt
On the way to RAMMSTEIN!! :D
about 3 hours ago from txt
Crazy shit :)
about 1 hour ago from txt
On the way to RAMMSTEIN!! :D
about 3 hours ago from txt
All the twitter updates assembled!
Hi everyone :D
Okay, now I have made a new "Label". It's called Twitter. So, I have put a tag at all the posts with Twitter updates! (And it took VERY long time, I can tell you xD)
So if you click at the Label, all the twitter updates will come up! - You can find it in the left site of the page, with the headline "Labels"!
Try to chek it out, it's very fun to see all the old updates :)
Have a nice afternoon!
Love from Line!
Hi everyone :D
Okay, now I have made a new "Label". It's called Twitter. So, I have put a tag at all the posts with Twitter updates! (And it took VERY long time, I can tell you xD)
So if you click at the Label, all the twitter updates will come up! - You can find it in the left site of the page, with the headline "Labels"!
Try to chek it out, it's very fun to see all the old updates :)
Have a nice afternoon!
Love from Line!
This site
David twitter update Dec. 21st
Dooooooone! Got it got it got it! :-)
33 minutes ago from txt
(The driving licence)
Dooooooone! Got it got it got it! :-)
33 minutes ago from txt
(The driving licence)
Sunday, 20 December 2009
Timo twitter update Dec. 20th
Wtf?!? Brittany Murphy is dead? Gone to soon..
less than a minute ago from txt
Wtf?!? Brittany Murphy is dead? Gone to soon..
less than a minute ago from txt
Photos, Berlin, Frannz Club, 09.12.2009 - The guys giving autographs

Hi guys, sorry, I'm just very slowly in these days xD
But, here is some more photos from the concert, the guys giving autographs, some more photos will come :)
David twitter update Dec 19th no.2
Avatar: watch - this - movie! It's great! Cleaning your soul. Good night.
about 9 hours ago from web
Avatar: watch - this - movie! It's great! Cleaning your soul. Good night.
about 9 hours ago from web
Timo twitter update Dec. 19th no.3
The dogs name is "Tonga" :)
about 4 hours ago from web
@laudenbonk oh, me too.. "the blueman group meets terminator" :) im cutting the christmas music-videoclip..
about 5 hours ago from web
The dogs name is "Tonga" :)
about 4 hours ago from web
@laudenbonk oh, me too.. "the blueman group meets terminator" :) im cutting the christmas music-videoclip..
about 5 hours ago from web
Saturday, 19 December 2009
David twitter update Dec. 19th no.2
I will watch Avatar tonight :-)
2 minutes ago from web
@vivifromhell have fun in stockholm ;-)
2 minutes ago from web
I will watch Avatar tonight :-)
2 minutes ago from web
@vivifromhell have fun in stockholm ;-)
2 minutes ago from web
Aloha from hell twitters
Well, Yeah. David are producing for Aloha from hell, and maybe writing songs with them? - Here is some of the tweets the members from Aloha From Hell have made the last days:
at @laudenbonk's house :) writing hits :)
12:05 PM Dec 18th from web
songwriting ... day 2 :) off to @laudenbonk :)
11:15 AM Dec 17th from web
And @laudenbonk :)
4:23 PM Dec 16th from TinyTwitter
Arrived in neumü yesterday :) started working with @laudenbonk on new songs today :) now having lunch with @moofromhell, @vivifromhell
4:22 PM Dec 16th from TinyTwitter
Having lunch with @felifromhell,@vivifromhell and @laudenbonk!
4:18 PM Dec 16th from Twittix
vivifromhell :
alone in @laudenbonk 's studio, writing lyrics while they're building up the drums./ did i mention that it's snowing like hell outside?!
2:33 PM Dec 18th from web
2nd day of songwriting in NMS with @felifromhell,@moofromhell & @laudenbonk./i thought tuesday was wonderful but yesterday was unforgettable
10:51 AM Dec 17th from web
Just uploaded recording vocals in neumünster :) :) to ALOHAFROMHELL: http://www.alohafromhell.de/tv.html
1:39 PM Dec 18th from Kyte
Well, only two of the members have a unprotected twitter.
Well, Yeah. David are producing for Aloha from hell, and maybe writing songs with them? - Here is some of the tweets the members from Aloha From Hell have made the last days:
at @laudenbonk's house :) writing hits :)
12:05 PM Dec 18th from web
songwriting ... day 2 :) off to @laudenbonk :)
11:15 AM Dec 17th from web
And @laudenbonk :)
4:23 PM Dec 16th from TinyTwitter
Arrived in neumü yesterday :) started working with @laudenbonk on new songs today :) now having lunch with @moofromhell, @vivifromhell
4:22 PM Dec 16th from TinyTwitter
Having lunch with @felifromhell,@vivifromhell and @laudenbonk!
4:18 PM Dec 16th from Twittix
vivifromhell :
alone in @laudenbonk 's studio, writing lyrics while they're building up the drums./ did i mention that it's snowing like hell outside?!
2:33 PM Dec 18th from web
2nd day of songwriting in NMS with @felifromhell,@moofromhell & @laudenbonk./i thought tuesday was wonderful but yesterday was unforgettable
10:51 AM Dec 17th from web
Just uploaded recording vocals in neumünster :) :) to ALOHAFROMHELL: http://www.alohafromhell.de/tv.html
1:39 PM Dec 18th from Kyte
Well, only two of the members have a unprotected twitter.
David twitter update Dec.19th
@moofromhell aloha leaves now - i wish you a nice travel (told you, the trains will be late!) :-)
about 6 hours ago from web
@moofromhell aloha leaves now - i wish you a nice travel (told you, the trains will be late!) :-)
about 6 hours ago from web
Friday, 18 December 2009
Timo twitter update Dec. 18th no.3
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_p7fc7sQv4 funny :)
2 minutes ago from web
@linamusik jap.. :) Nice dog, mh?
21 minutes ago from web in reply to linamusik
(linamusik wrote: oh wie süß, ist das dein Hund?
English: Oh how sweet, is it your dog?)
@BiancaKaulitz http://deutschrock.de/panik/ search: "panik"..
22 minutes ago from web in reply to BiancaKaulitz
(BiancaKaulitz wrote: do you have a merch website? I wanna get somethin for my friend for the holidays :))
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_p7fc7sQv4 funny :)
2 minutes ago from web
@linamusik jap.. :) Nice dog, mh?
21 minutes ago from web in reply to linamusik
(linamusik wrote: oh wie süß, ist das dein Hund?
English: Oh how sweet, is it your dog?)
@BiancaKaulitz http://deutschrock.de/panik/ search: "panik"..
22 minutes ago from web in reply to BiancaKaulitz
(BiancaKaulitz wrote: do you have a merch website? I wanna get somethin for my friend for the holidays :))
New Kyte video - 24 Dezember - Free track
So now, a new video at Kyte Video!! JUHU!!!
Timo outside in the snow xD walking with a dog!
It has been long time since we had this nice videos from them :D Anyway, he probably took his time to film, now he just was walking with the dog xD.. Wonder if he has a camera with him ALL the time xD
"It's snowing it's snowing! So nice. It's so amazing here.
I made this kyte video, to thank for this wonderful tour, I have had a lot of fun! it was so magnificent! Thank you so much for it! it was really great!
And then we will at the 24th December, at Christmas, a track on the hompage lay out, plus video.
And as a Christmas gift to you from us.
It's a very nice weather, I walk around.." and something I don't get. Kess means "Brash" not sure it's what he is saying.
And then "Something", in copenhagen is not happend (Talking about the Climate conferance) Don't get the next little part.
Then he says something about a lot of nice mails.. don't get that either..
"Otherwise, it's a very nice winter"
I wonder why it's called FREE track.. He dosen't say anything about it as free, does he?
So now, a new video at Kyte Video!! JUHU!!!
Timo outside in the snow xD walking with a dog!
It has been long time since we had this nice videos from them :D Anyway, he probably took his time to film, now he just was walking with the dog xD.. Wonder if he has a camera with him ALL the time xD
"It's snowing it's snowing! So nice. It's so amazing here.
I made this kyte video, to thank for this wonderful tour, I have had a lot of fun! it was so magnificent! Thank you so much for it! it was really great!
And then we will at the 24th December, at Christmas, a track on the hompage lay out, plus video.
And as a Christmas gift to you from us.
It's a very nice weather, I walk around.." and something I don't get. Kess means "Brash" not sure it's what he is saying.
And then "Something", in copenhagen is not happend (Talking about the Climate conferance) Don't get the next little part.
Then he says something about a lot of nice mails.. don't get that either..
"Otherwise, it's a very nice winter"
I wonder why it's called FREE track.. He dosen't say anything about it as free, does he?
Timo twitter update Dec 18th no.2
@PaoloBianchessi Maybe :) New Kyte-video on panik-musik.de
7 minutes ago from web in reply to PaoloBianchessi
(Paolo wrote: Tomorrow the second word? Danke! hehe!)
@PaoloBianchessi Maybe :) New Kyte-video on panik-musik.de
7 minutes ago from web in reply to PaoloBianchessi
(Paolo wrote: Tomorrow the second word? Danke! hehe!)
Timo twitter update Dec. 18th
@PaoloBianchessi the first word of the title is: "Es" hehe
28 minutes ago from web in reply to PaoloBianchessi
(PaoloBianchessi wrote: can you tell us the title of the new song of Panik?)
snow, everywhere snow.. i need to go in this "icestorm" :)
about 2 hours ago from web
@PaoloBianchessi the first word of the title is: "Es" hehe
28 minutes ago from web in reply to PaoloBianchessi
(PaoloBianchessi wrote: can you tell us the title of the new song of Panik?)
snow, everywhere snow.. i need to go in this "icestorm" :)
about 2 hours ago from web
Timo twitter update Dec. 17th no.3
good night everyone..
about 13 hours ago from web
@some_human http://twitpic.com/txl7s in this moment i just saw Michi naked :)
about 13 hours ago from web in reply to some_human
(Timo just comments on Some_human putting a photo on twitpic)
I cant go.. My shoes were at Davids place.. fuck..
about 14 hours ago from web
good night everyone..
about 13 hours ago from web
@some_human http://twitpic.com/txl7s in this moment i just saw Michi naked :)
about 13 hours ago from web in reply to some_human
(Timo just comments on Some_human putting a photo on twitpic)
I cant go.. My shoes were at Davids place.. fuck..
about 14 hours ago from web
Thursday, 17 December 2009
yagaloo - Panik talks about the break
At http://www.yagaloo.de/ you can see a video where Panik is talking about the break, and all!
If the video dosen't work, then the video is at the yagaloo frontpage, it's the FIRST video at the site!! Hope you can find it!! The part with Panik is in the end of the video!!
Short, and not totally direct!
First that Woman tells That now do Panik fans have to be very strong. And she says that the boys now have "breaked up". They have met the guys from Panik, and have talked with them about how it will be, and about the future.
The speaker man, tell about that it's a photo session for the video for Lass Mich Fallen, this summer. And then he says that they don't want to continue anymore.
Here they tells why the end come so fast.
Frank tells:, I don't get the first he says, something about air. And then he says that the album was released in September.. and that they should have seen it, I actually think... Sorry, I don't get what he says.
He says that "the tour should have been an "promo" (commercial/drive) for the new album. But it went so fast" ("gewilt"- means to be willing to do something.. so I don't get it :))
Hm, Then he says a lot I don't understands, and then something about relativ, and freedom (?) And then he says that a lot of people thinks... I think he says "Lot of people thinks, it's because the band have been cheated so many times.." But I'm not sure about this at all!
"It is for all the shit to run away from" (I think) - This part I don't know if he means, that they DO run away for all the shit, and that people think they do it!
And then I actually think he says that it for some other.. (Poor Frank about to cry :S)
Then the speaker tells something about the manager and all that. He says something about the album which were released in Setpember
Then Timo talks: He says that "it's sure that it all very sudden came/happend" "We were also a bit suprised"
"And we must self together have to "without structere" (I think) it all.. and have to see (I think) how it will go on." "We have a lot of songs".. and then I think he says, which he had written? and then as the last I think he says that they have to see how it will go on.
Speaker tells about the concerts, and the last in Germany is in Hamburg, and the last one they play together is in Moscow, and then will the band not together at the scene stand (again) And then he says something about fans, and the rapper Timo.
Timo talks: ...he says that "Me (Timo) and David will continue, so the band will not totally be dissolved. and for exampel at the 24th December will there come a new song and a new video. So anything is not over, David and I (Timo) will go on"
Speaker: I think he says that it was not a "Neustart" oO?
Timo: .. Something I don't get. And then that they have in 2002 the band establish/made. And something about that they have the whole life made music.. I just think he talks about that they always have made music. and they will keep on doing it (i think). and then he say "Ich freu mich an lau- (I think so) Lau means Half hearted. So, it's something about that he is excited (happy) - I think for what will happen in the future, for that he will make music, but half hearted/mixed feelings - Because he right now, can't really be that excited because he is sad for all that are happening... I THINK SO!
Frank is talking: He says something about that David have produced the new album.
- This is a part of the interview. This is SO HARD to translate guys!! I hope you get something out of it, but it's very hard!
The rest will come later!!
Oh God, guys, At Panik-musik.blog.cz , they have translated the interview at their blog, so well.. I will not translate more? Or? Say if you want more of my really bad translation, which you probably don't xP Anyway, you can read the whole translation, TRANSLATED good, here:
It's embarrassing so bad I have translated it xD
At http://www.yagaloo.de/ you can see a video where Panik is talking about the break, and all!
If the video dosen't work, then the video is at the yagaloo frontpage, it's the FIRST video at the site!! Hope you can find it!! The part with Panik is in the end of the video!!
Short, and not totally direct!
First that Woman tells That now do Panik fans have to be very strong. And she says that the boys now have "breaked up". They have met the guys from Panik, and have talked with them about how it will be, and about the future.
The speaker man, tell about that it's a photo session for the video for Lass Mich Fallen, this summer. And then he says that they don't want to continue anymore.
Here they tells why the end come so fast.
Frank tells:, I don't get the first he says, something about air. And then he says that the album was released in September.. and that they should have seen it, I actually think... Sorry, I don't get what he says.
He says that "the tour should have been an "promo" (commercial/drive) for the new album. But it went so fast" ("gewilt"- means to be willing to do something.. so I don't get it :))
Hm, Then he says a lot I don't understands, and then something about relativ, and freedom (?) And then he says that a lot of people thinks... I think he says "Lot of people thinks, it's because the band have been cheated so many times.." But I'm not sure about this at all!
"It is for all the shit to run away from" (I think) - This part I don't know if he means, that they DO run away for all the shit, and that people think they do it!
And then I actually think he says that it for some other.. (Poor Frank about to cry :S)
Then the speaker tells something about the manager and all that. He says something about the album which were released in Setpember
Then Timo talks: He says that "it's sure that it all very sudden came/happend" "We were also a bit suprised"
"And we must self together have to "without structere" (I think) it all.. and have to see (I think) how it will go on." "We have a lot of songs".. and then I think he says, which he had written? and then as the last I think he says that they have to see how it will go on.
Speaker tells about the concerts, and the last in Germany is in Hamburg, and the last one they play together is in Moscow, and then will the band not together at the scene stand (again) And then he says something about fans, and the rapper Timo.
Timo talks: ...he says that "Me (Timo) and David will continue, so the band will not totally be dissolved. and for exampel at the 24th December will there come a new song and a new video. So anything is not over, David and I (Timo) will go on"
Speaker: I think he says that it was not a "Neustart" oO?
Timo: .. Something I don't get. And then that they have in 2002 the band establish/made. And something about that they have the whole life made music.. I just think he talks about that they always have made music. and they will keep on doing it (i think). and then he say "Ich freu mich an lau- (I think so) Lau means Half hearted. So, it's something about that he is excited (happy) - I think for what will happen in the future, for that he will make music, but half hearted/mixed feelings - Because he right now, can't really be that excited because he is sad for all that are happening... I THINK SO!
Frank is talking: He says something about that David have produced the new album.
- This is a part of the interview. This is SO HARD to translate guys!! I hope you get something out of it, but it's very hard!
The rest will come later!!
Oh God, guys, At Panik-musik.blog.cz , they have translated the interview at their blog, so well.. I will not translate more? Or? Say if you want more of my really bad translation, which you probably don't xP Anyway, you can read the whole translation, TRANSLATED good, here:
It's embarrassing so bad I have translated it xD
Panik-musik back to normal
Okay, I haven't actually notice when it changed. Or if the old site only was there in few days.
But right now the Panik-musik.de is back to normal again. Nothing new!
But you can't read the blog/news posts anymore there is standing "Under construction".
And then we know that the 24th December there will be a new design, and video :D
Okay, I haven't actually notice when it changed. Or if the old site only was there in few days.
But right now the Panik-musik.de is back to normal again. Nothing new!
But you can't read the blog/news posts anymore there is standing "Under construction".
And then we know that the 24th December there will be a new design, and video :D
Timo twitter update Dec 17th
@Sam_Sandiego nice one :) now i will jog.. in the cold night.. yes ya, im a real man, hehe :)
about 1 hour ago from web in reply to Sam_Sandiego
(Sam_sandiego wrote: ein Timo sie zu paniken, sie alle zu finden in die Hallen zu treiben und ewig zu binden)
@GeniusDina The name of my movie is "At Second Glance"..
about 1 hour ago from web in reply to GeniusDina
(GeniusDina wrote:How your film will be called?)
@Sam_Sandiego nice one :) now i will jog.. in the cold night.. yes ya, im a real man, hehe :)
about 1 hour ago from web in reply to Sam_Sandiego
(Sam_sandiego wrote: ein Timo sie zu paniken, sie alle zu finden in die Hallen zu treiben und ewig zu binden)
@GeniusDina The name of my movie is "At Second Glance"..
about 1 hour ago from web in reply to GeniusDina
(GeniusDina wrote:How your film will be called?)
Timo's Movie titel
On twitter, Timo have just wrote, that his movie will be called "At Second Glance"
On twitter, Timo have just wrote, that his movie will be called "At Second Glance"
Timo twitter update Dec. 16th no.2
"Eminem - We As Americans" and "Love You More".. such nice songs..
about 16 hours ago from web
"Eminem - We As Americans" and "Love You More".. such nice songs..
about 16 hours ago from web
David twitter update Dec 16th no.2
..monday is drivinlivensetest. Whuhu! :-)
about 16 hours ago from web
..monday is drivinlivensetest. Whuhu! :-)
about 16 hours ago from web
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
Video, Berlin, Frannz Club, 09.12.2009 - Timo thanks and talk about the Future
First he says a lot of thanks for the concert, and that its their last tour in Germany. And he says that the concert have been amazing- Then he says something about the 24th December and their homepage.. After that he says that there will be the video, which will be Timo and David's further work as Panik. Then he says something to David. And he tells that David will play a song, alone on the scene.. If some of you gets some other out of this, please tell me!! I haven't been listen so much to it, but please tell me if you found out some more... Try to notice how sad the guys looks, oh my :S
Some more videos, From concert in Berlin 09.12.2009
(Sweet Timo lets David sing, and David gets really happy :D)
Unsere Zeit
Ein Letztes Tag
(soon this post will disapear again, and I will put some more videos on, just so you don't get too confused xD )
(Sweet Timo lets David sing, and David gets really happy :D)
Unsere Zeit
Ein Letztes Tag
(soon this post will disapear again, and I will put some more videos on, just so you don't get too confused xD )
Photos and Videos?
Hi guys!
Well, I haven't put so many photos and videos from the concert on the last days, cause I have been busy!
But I want to hear, if you want me to put some more videos on? From the concert.
And some photos, from when we met the guys?
Cause then I will do it :)
Hope you are having a nice day!
Love From Line :D
Hi guys!
Well, I haven't put so many photos and videos from the concert on the last days, cause I have been busy!
But I want to hear, if you want me to put some more videos on? From the concert.
And some photos, from when we met the guys?
Cause then I will do it :)
Hope you are having a nice day!
Love From Line :D
This site
David twitter update Dec 16th
..checking Paris club-availability, and Aloha will arrive in about an hour.
about 7 hours ago from web
..checking Paris club-availability, and Aloha will arrive in about an hour.
about 7 hours ago from web
Timo twitter update Dec 15th
@iwould_stoptime just an "5 minutes-movie", i think i will release it next year..
16 minutes ago from web in reply to iwould_stoptime
(Iwould_stoptime wrote:when are you gonna release the movie?)
yes, it was the last night, this night i slept enough.. :) but now i will watch a new scrubs episode :) hehe..
18 minutes ago from web
i worked the whole night on my movie and the bi-bong was the 24 clock, what do you think??? :)
22 minutes ago from web
@iwould_stoptime just an "5 minutes-movie", i think i will release it next year..
16 minutes ago from web in reply to iwould_stoptime
(Iwould_stoptime wrote:when are you gonna release the movie?)
yes, it was the last night, this night i slept enough.. :) but now i will watch a new scrubs episode :) hehe..
18 minutes ago from web
i worked the whole night on my movie and the bi-bong was the 24 clock, what do you think??? :)
22 minutes ago from web
Tuesday, 15 December 2009
Timo, Frank and David in a old musicvideo
Frank, Timo and David is in a "Madsen" musicvideo from 2008 :D
Madsen - Liebeslied
Madsen MySpace Musikvideoer
Thank you for the tip Jess :D
Frank, Timo and David is in a "Madsen" musicvideo from 2008 :D
Madsen - Liebeslied
Madsen MySpace Musikvideoer
Thank you for the tip Jess :D
New song on Linke's myspace
At Linke's myspace, http://www.myspace.com/dertollelinke, there is a new song! Called "Sad Violin"
Thank you for the tip korny!
At Linke's myspace, http://www.myspace.com/dertollelinke, there is a new song! Called "Sad Violin"
Thank you for the tip korny!
Timo twitter update Dec 15th
I didnt slept the last night.. Im like Jack Bauer :) and this is the longest day of my life.. Bi - Bong, Bi - Bong! :)
1 minute ago from txt
I didnt slept the last night.. Im like Jack Bauer :) and this is the longest day of my life.. Bi - Bong, Bi - Bong! :)
1 minute ago from txt
David Twitter update Dec 15th
@panikmusik The movie IS great ;-) I will now get sth to eat, and clean my studio.
2 minutes ago from web
@panikmusik The movie IS great ;-) I will now get sth to eat, and clean my studio.
2 minutes ago from web
Timo twitter update Dec 14th no.2
still editing.. the movie will be great :) :)
about 8 hours ago from web
still editing.. the movie will be great :) :)
about 8 hours ago from web
David twitter update Dec 14th
Just finished synchronisating Timos Movie and creating the soundtrack. NOW: BED! (still ill..)
about 9 hours ago from web
Just finished synchronisating Timos Movie and creating the soundtrack. NOW: BED! (still ill..)
about 9 hours ago from web
Monday, 14 December 2009
Destination Anywhere's Bassist in Moscow!
At the spanish forum, http://www.panikspain.com/, Anchy wrote in a tropic, that the bassist from Destiniation Anywhere will be playing in Moscow, cause Linke will not be there!
Thank you for the tip Jess!
At the spanish forum, http://www.panikspain.com/, Anchy wrote in a tropic, that the bassist from Destiniation Anywhere will be playing in Moscow, cause Linke will not be there!
Thank you for the tip Jess!
Some more videos, Berlin concert, Frannz Club 09.12.2009
Some more videos from me :D
Keiner Merkt es
Geht ab
Timo twitter update Dec 14th no.2
Rain Man by Eminem is such a great song.. one of the funniest tracks ever :)
about 2 hours ago from web
Rain Man by Eminem is such a great song.. one of the funniest tracks ever :)
about 2 hours ago from web
Timo twitter update 14th Dec (about 3 o'clock in the night)
Good Night - Thanks to the 'Rock One' in France :)
about 11 hours ago from txt
Good Night - Thanks to the 'Rock One' in France :)
about 11 hours ago from txt
David twitter 13th Dec no.2
@panikmusik HAHA :-) http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7pqn8_le-putain-de-guide-poilu-du-metal-p_fun
about 16 hours ago from web
@panikmusik HAHA :-) http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7pqn8_le-putain-de-guide-poilu-du-metal-p_fun
about 16 hours ago from web
Sunday, 13 December 2009
Panik to Spain!
Here you can undersign if you wants Panik to come to Barcelona, or Madrid.
Undersign for Barcelona here
Undersign for Madrid here
Thank you for the tip Jess
Here you can undersign if you wants Panik to come to Barcelona, or Madrid.
Undersign for Barcelona here
Undersign for Madrid here
Thank you for the tip Jess
The future for them all
Yeah, just to gather.. In the interview with Rock one David and Timo told a lot...
Well, for the future, for Timo and David, they will continue in Panik, and keep on make music, as we know.
David have then told, that Juri has decided to take over a drum school.
David and Timo told, that they didn't know what the other guys wanted to do, didn't. And that they maybe don't even know it themself.
About new members for Panik, the guys said that they haven't thought about it yet. But that they will think about it the next year. And no matter what, they have to find someone to give concerts!
A new song will come the 24th December, and the guys says they want to make one more album:
quote: "Furthermore, we have the strong will to release another album, even if we don't know when it will be. We will do it for the fans, to thank them for supporting us threw all these years."
Am I the only one who think it sounds like, they want to make one more album, to finish it, to say thanks.. The say it like, they do it just to say thanks to us.. As the last thing.. well? What do you think?
Maybe I just put too much in it, and they said it in the wrong way!
And then it's also only a translation ;)
Yeah, just to gather.. In the interview with Rock one David and Timo told a lot...
Well, for the future, for Timo and David, they will continue in Panik, and keep on make music, as we know.
David have then told, that Juri has decided to take over a drum school.
David and Timo told, that they didn't know what the other guys wanted to do, didn't. And that they maybe don't even know it themself.
About new members for Panik, the guys said that they haven't thought about it yet. But that they will think about it the next year. And no matter what, they have to find someone to give concerts!
A new song will come the 24th December, and the guys says they want to make one more album:
quote: "Furthermore, we have the strong will to release another album, even if we don't know when it will be. We will do it for the fans, to thank them for supporting us threw all these years."
Am I the only one who think it sounds like, they want to make one more album, to finish it, to say thanks.. The say it like, they do it just to say thanks to us.. As the last thing.. well? What do you think?
Maybe I just put too much in it, and they said it in the wrong way!
And then it's also only a translation ;)
Interview with Frank and Timo from You Messe
At Kindercampus.de you can see a video with Frank and Timo, from the You Messe (2009)
Watch the video here!
And you can read a translation of the interview at panik-musik.blog.cz
At Kindercampus.de you can see a video with Frank and Timo, from the You Messe (2009)
Watch the video here!
And you can read a translation of the interview at panik-musik.blog.cz
Timo twitter update Dec 13th no.2
in the postproduction.. with Hobbit-Buiscuits :)
15 minutes ago from web
in the postproduction.. with Hobbit-Buiscuits :)
15 minutes ago from web
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