Hi everyone :D
Here is some photos in a really good quality from when Scorpia and I met the guys outside!!
Hope you like them!!
Have a nice day before Christmas :D!

(Scorpia is the one with short brown hair, I'm the one with the long darkblond hair (at the photos with Linke and Frank hehe ;D)
grr...i can't log in ..
David looks very tired
Thats strange!!
Yes he was, a lot :)
aw, thank you so much! really :)
Aw, I get this strange but lovely feeling when I look at these pictures... :'D
YES!!!! (logged in)
i like Linke with shorter hair.... maybe because now i cant see his tattoo(im inloved in that tattoo its so ... sexy)
I forgot!(yeah its me again)
Did Timo really slept with Jans girlfriend????
Simona: W00t!! What are you talking about? One: did Jan have a girlfriend (and how do you know?) and two: why the heck would Timo sleep with her?
*is confused*
WAAAS? timo slept with jan's girlfriend??? when? why?
WHAT THE FUCK are you talking about Simona?!?!?!?!!!!!
I don't think Jan have a girlfriend?
And Timo would never do that?!?!
- Uf Oo
What did that come from?!
hahahaha. I didn't notice before, but on the latest photo with Linke I can see two of mine friend from Poland! :D this is two girls in the right corner, one with the white-black scarf and the second one behind Linke! :D
Haha, thats so fun :D
it's old info but ... i have read a long time ago an anket and there was a question why did Jan brake up with his girlfriend and the answer was because Timo slept with her... i didnt belive that too but i watched few days ago in youtube a vid. by the dome with the pussycats masks you know and the man asked him sth about "steeling girlfriends" and thats why im asking you because i dont know what to think now...(i mean.. ok he slept with another girl but JANS girl... stupid)
I heard about that, for a mio. years ago..
But I'm still not sure it's true. Anyway if it was, then it's VERY VERY long time ago!
I thought you meant he'd just done it that's why Jan's leaving (because he and Timo are arguing). Man, you scared me. Thank God it's long ago, if it happened at all.
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