Wednesday, 10 June 2009

David blog meesage on myspace - about the new song

Hey Fans,

jaaaaaa, it's done - unbelievable, but
true. I was fighting with myself a long time on Sunday, but after a big&long discussion (with myself), I wrote a new Song - with an end :-)

Well, here it is, and this time it's.... different. I hope, you guys like it -
regrettably in bad MySpace Sound MP3 quality.

Rock On,

This is just one of the blog messages David and Timo is writing all the time!
So, on Timo and David's myspace they often write in their blogs, especially Timo!
Timo only write in german, but David write in german and english.
I will not lay the blog messages out on this news site, because a lot of them is very long, and the most of them is not about Panik.. But I will just remember you to look at the blogs on myspace!

But if you want me to write the blog messages, everytime a new come, on this site, then please leave a comment here, and tell me that you want me to do it!

(sorry about the bad english - I will right the mistakes later)

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