Saturday, 13 June 2009

Panik Interview

Questions for the Band, from Universal Panik

Band - How are your families dealing with your fame? I know many of you have had problems with fans invading the privacy of your families. How do you handle that? And what do you say to those who claim that this is just the price of fame and something you (and your families) will have to live with?
-Of course it's a little bit annoying if our families are drawn into the whole situation but, if you want to call it this way, that's a small price you have to pay for it, but however, they cope quite well.

Band - Who has the worst temper in the band and who's the most easy-going?
- The most relaxed person is, without a doubt, Juri. ; )

Band - What's the dumbest thing you ever fought over?
- I can't really remember, to be honest, there were really quite a few stupid things, but the most stupid reason will have the most quickest reconciliation. ; )

Band - Most bands say they make the music they like to listen to. What is it that you like the most about the music YOU make.
- The variety and the perfect mixture, because we're 6 people with different tastes in music, there's something for everyone.

Band - Who came up with the concept for the WWDT video?
-All of us in cooperation with our video company Katapult.

Band - What's the best gift or gesture that someone could give to you?
-The best gift or gesture that an aspiring musician or band can receive, is the praise from a respected artist. Each one of us has an idol there, of course.

Band - Do you think that you lost fans since the name change and since you don't appear in teen magazines in Germany anymore?
-Not necessarily lost, we still have quite a respond on our Myspace Page and on our Kyte Player, quite a few are just holding out. ; )

Band - Is there a German band that you like at the moment?
-Nothing new, really. The new Samy Deluxe album is quite popular with some of us. ; )

Band - Do you aim to target an older audience with your new album? And how much do you think you have grown as a person and as a musician yourself?
- We've always played the music that we liked. We just don't work on songs thinking " So, I want to target a 30 year old with this one". You just write a song just the way you like to, Of course we changed a little, we experienced and learned a lot. You just learn how to deal with things and that helps to be more relaxed in certain situations. ; ) And we've also concentrated on our skills and tried to develop.

Band - If you could be part of a historical event, what would that event be? Why is that event significant to you.
- I think everyone of us would have a different opinion on this. ; ) Maybe played the Woodstock festival. ;D

Franky - How long have you been singing?
-I started singing when I was about 12 and I was about 15 when I joined my first band.

Jan and Franky - Linke said once that you both have middle names. What are your middle names?
Franky -That is and will be my best kept secret. ; )
Jan - -We surely won't tell. ; )

Jan- We've heard some stories about what school was like for some of the other guys, but you're pretty quiet on the subject. What was school like for you?
- I can't really complain. Of course, school isn't always easy, I've been bullied now and then, but you've just got to stand your own ground. But I also experienced a good class community when I was at the CTA-School.

Jan - You once told Rockoon magazine that you wanted to be in music for the rest of your life, but that you had a back up plan just in case it didn't work out. What's your back up plan?
-My back up plan would be chemistry of course. I would return to my old school and just finish my training.

Timo and David - Timo and David have obviously known each other the longest and I know you met Franky when you advertised for a new singer. When did the two of you meet Jan, Linke and Juri?
David - Jan went to school with Timo, Linke lived in Neumuenster and the music scene isn't very big there. = ) We spotted Juri in a Club in Hamburg, as a percussion player at that time - we really liked him, so that we invited him to a rehearsal.

David - Which composer has been your biggest influence?
-None. Or maybe every one of them. I'm not really focused on just one. I think many composer have written the most incredible pieces of music, therefore I like to get inspired by all that I know of. Although, I must admit, that I hardly listen to any music. Because I'm spending so much time making music, the time that I have off, I'd rather spend to wind down and relax.

David - Which of the pieces of music that you've palyed on the piano was the toughest , and why?
- The most challenging was Gaspard de la nuit by Maurice Ravel. I haven't really managed so far to play it really perfectly.

David- Are they any contemporary composer that you like? And do you listen to classical muisc quite often?
- As I mentioned above, I don't really listen to music very much. But classical music is definitely playing here and then. But I generally only favour modern compositions if I can see and hear them live, because I think that modern compositions ( as much as the older ones ), is something that you have to experience.

Juri - Your middle names are very unusual. What sort of significance do they have?
- I would have to research that myself first, to be honest.

Juri - If you don't mind us asking, has the ring that you're wearing a deeper significance?
- No

Juri - How long have you been playing the drums?
- since I was 6.

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