Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Twitter update 30th sep

- - Yes :)
about 3 hours ago from TwitPic

Viva top 100!

Panik are on VIVA TOP 100 as no. 89!

Viva live hightlights!!

you can see Viva Live Highlights from 25.09.09 when Panik were in Viva Live!!!


29.09.09 - Kyte Player

Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Twitter update 29th Sep

- - With David in an italian restaurant
about 2 hours ago from TwitPic

Twitter update 28th Sep

Hello Frankfurt! Thanks Cologne :)
about 16 hours ago from txt

Monday, 28 September 2009

28.09.09 - Kyte player

New song on myspace!

On Panik's myspace:
They have added a new song "Kinder (Ist es nicht Krank?)


The Dome 51: Fotomat

A really short and bad translation by me:
It starts with the girl says hi, and they say hi to her.
Then she says "Have you seen ours nice photo-machine?"
Timo: "Yeah, crazy"
Girl: she says something about that you can take photos together, and then she asks if it's okay?
Timo: says something about that it's okay.
David: yes
Girl: Go in here.
... I don't understand what she says next!
And then she says something about that they have to make an effort..
And then, girl: In with me
When she have layed down on Frank: Then we are ready.
And then she talks about some other bands and singers.


Viva Live - 25.09.09 - Base Jumping

Frank: Hi we are Panik, and we have today a little experiment to "something I don't get" our new single "Lass Mich Fallen". We are today by "Basefly"...
And then I really don't exactly get what he is saying, but they are going to jump ("Fallen") from were they are standing (at some building), and it is something about 300 meter they are going to fall, and in 7 seconds.
Then he says something about that they take the super-fly-suit on.

Frank stands with an other man (1:14)
Frank: Marco (I think), what do you say? Will it be fine?
Marco: (He says something I don't understand) totally sure (actually die/dead sure - Don't know if you can say it on english? Sure as dead?)
and then Frank says something about that it's not the best way to say it.. anyway, I'm not sure about this part!!

Then Frank asks something about how you brake. and then I think he ask something about pain, do it hurt? or something..
Then the man says that he can't anwser..
Then an other man says: The machine brake them (When they are falling - I think)

Jan: Frank, now it becomes really serious, how do you feel?
Frank: If I should be honest, I had sweard that I would be cool as last ... Sorry but I can't hear what they are saying here.. But I think it's something about that he is a little bit scared!

(at 2:00) Jan says something about that Frank are going to hang, or something :) hehe

Frank: So, this is "the last famouse words from Panik. - Jan what do you say?
Jan: I don't know
Juri: No comment
My colleague are a little bit * I can't get what he is saying *

Frank: Welcome here, at the "something-park" (haha - don't know)
Frank: Viva, I let me fall for you!
Frank: *something about "can't imagne"* Mom, Dad, *Nani? Don't know what he says*, grandfather, it's all okay

In the air:
Frank: LASS MICH FALLEN (Let me fall)
Frank: I stand at *something.. I don't get the rest - only get, "today - super"*

*Don't get what Jan says.*
When Jan is down on the earth.
Frank: How do you feel?
Jan: Great, great.

Hear 1 minute of all song from the new album!

On Panik's homepage , you can now hear 1 minute of ALL the songs from the new album!!
It's a player with the subtitel " ALBUM-PANIK" and then a photo, and below that there is a lot of song titels, and then you just have to click at them!!

Twitter update 28th Sep

On the way to cologne.. We decided that everybody should see us, not even just 100 people, so, everybody who wants to come, can come.. :)
about 3 hours ago from txt

Albumlistening auf unserer Website!
about 4 hours ago from Facebook


Sunday, 27 September 2009


Frank Ziegler will be in a new Disney German Movie called "Alles für Lila". The movie is about the 17 - year-old Lila (Anna Fischer), who falls in love, without knowing that the boy (Kostja Ullmann) is a star in a popular german band. The movie should be in the cinema September 2010.
Who Frank are about to perform as, no one know yet!

Photos Source:

Twitter update 26th Sep

Good Night! Fuck them all, never stop to fight! Sometimes life is hard, but its okay, thats life :) so, thanks for your support!! Im very proud to have you!
about 11 hours ago from txt

Morgencafé live session - Kyte player

Panik Unplugged Tour-Hamburg (25.09.2009)

Bevor du gehst

San Diego

Keiner merkt es

Ein Neuer Tag

Thank you to Melissa for the tip!!!

Saturday, 26 September 2009

About the hidden song San Diego!

The hidden song, San Diego, which is on the new Panik album, as track no. 14. A part of that song is in the beginning of the Jeder video!! (The part where linke is at the bathroom)!! Really Nice!!

Thank you SO much to the attentive fan which wrote is as a comment on the "Extra hidden song on the new Panik album!!!! " -post :D

Panik twitter update 25th Sep

On the way back home.. Was very nice..
about 16 hours ago from txt

In a few minutes the unplugged session in hamburg will take place! :)
about 19 hours ago from txt

Jetzt! Das Videolistening aus dem Proberaum! Gebt mal Feedback!
about 20 hours ago from Facebook

Panik newsletter: Our new Album: "Panik" - out now!!!

Our new Album: "Panik" - out now!!!

Finally the day has come! Our new album "Panik" is out now! It was a long, exciting and sometimes hard way until we could finally hold this "new baby" in our hands - it is a very very good feeling!

But of course we hope that YOU will like it and you guys go and buy the record. Also get some first impressions of the new songs on and listen into the snippets now.

Thanks a bomb!
David, Frank, Jan, Juri, Linke, Timo

Friday, 25 September 2009

News : Das Album "Panik" jetzt überall!


Endlich ist es soweit – Panik veröffentlichen ihr neues Album. Es war ein langer, spannender und steiniger Weg bis zu diesem Ereignis. PANIK liefern mit dem selbstbenannten Werk einen frischen und ausgereiften Crossover-Mix, in den man sich gerne "fallen lässt". Und nicht nur Mike Shinoda (Linkin Park, Fort Minor) unterstützt die Jungs, sie erhalten viel Zuspruch aus der Musiker-Szene: Sebastian Lange (In Extremo) sagt: „Eine der selbstständigsten und besten Live-Bands Deutschlands.“ Alles Songs des neuen Albums könnt ihm im Player auf der rechten Seite anhören, unter könnt ihr a sofort sechs Songs der Live-Proberaum Session hören und sehen!

Finally it have come - Panik publish their newst album. It was a long, exciting and stoned way to this event! PANIK deliver with the selfnamed work a fresh and * crossover-Mix, in the man who want to "let himself fall". And not only Mike Shinoda (Linkin Park, Fort Minor) supports the guys, they get a lot comfort at the Musik-scene: Sebastian Lange (in Extremo) says "One of the most independent and best live-bands in Germany" All songs from the new album can you at the player in the right site hear, under can you immediately 6 songs from the live-testrum session hear and see.

Translation by me!

Extra hidden song on the new Panik album!!!!

On the new album, there is not only 13 song, but there is 14!!!
After "Bevor du gehst" you have to wait a little bit, and then comes a song called San Diego!!


Twitter update 25th sep no.2

Wow, i read some tweets, youre great, thanks for your support :)
about 2 hours ago from txt

If you have the choice between iTunes and physical cds, please buy our album in stores :) or both! :) thank you very, very much for your support! Youre great :)
about 2 hours ago from txt

No news!

Hi guys!!
I'm sorry, but I can't write news, from now on and then until sunday!
I can't get to a computer! I'm so sorry, I know it's not the best time!
Have a nice weekend :D

Twitter update 25th Sep

Wow, i dont know what to say, but our album is out now!
about 1 hour ago from txt



Finally the day has come!!
TODAY, 25. September 2009!! ´Today Panik's first album (as Panik) have been released!!!
Right now everyone in Germany can go down to a musicstore, and buy the new PANIK ALBUM!!
Us in the most of the other countrys, just have to wait till we will get oure orders on the internet!!
Today is the day!!

Thursday, 24 September 2009

Twitter update 24th Sep

Practicing for the Unplugged-Tour and Viva-Live!
about 6 hours ago from txt


New Blog: Von Base Jumping und Proberaum-Session (+ links)


die Jungs sind heute das Park Inn in Berlin runtergesprungen. Wer alles gekniffen hat, seht ihr dann am Freitag bei Viva Live, also einschalten :) Wird bestimmt lustig..
Außerdem war heute auf SchuelerVZ unsere Internet/Proberaum/Session zu sehen.
Leider hatten wir soo viel Traffic im Player, dass der Server abgeschmiert ist, aber keine Angst, es wird daran gearbeitet und ich denke bald könnt ihr drauf zu greifen, probiert es einfach aus.
Ich bin fertig und werde wohl jetzt ins Bett fallen, war n langer Tag (einmal Berlin und zurück!).
Falls ihr noch nicht pennen könnt, dann sind hier noch ein, zwei super Links:
for germans:
not the best video, but a wonderful song:
another beautiful song:
the great forum:
good night

Hi! Today the guys are in the park in Berlin jump down (A place where you are jumping down (from?) - I think it's the place from the kyte video!).
Alles have pinch (okay, I can't get what that means!), you can see it friday on Viva Live, will be fun!

And then today we were also at SchuelerVZ oure internet/testroom/Session to see. Unfortunately we have so much traffic on the player, so the server (schmieren means to spread.. so I don't know what the means, but I think it's something about it's broke down!), but don't worry, there will be worked at it and I think that soon we can catch it (?), and try to make it simpel. (I'm so sorry, but my wordbook or my mind can't really make this make sense! Sorry!! But It's something about that they just will work on make the player work again, and Timo this that it will work out - I think!)
I'm finish and will go to bed, after a long day (Once to Berlin and then back!)
If you can't sleep, then here is a great link:

for germans:

not the best video, but a wonderful song:
another beautiful song:

the great forum:

good night


Translation by me, and sorry again!

New clothes on

On there have come A LOT of new clothes!! It is so cool!!

(more on the site!!)

Bravo leser top 20

Yeah!! Panik is on the Bravo Leser Top 20 as no. 10!!!! With Lass Mich Fallen!

twitter update 23rd Sep no. 2

please vote for us: - retro?
about 14 hours ago from web

@Lylsouz i think you must scream.. sorry.. we hoped, but you must buy it in germany or on the internet..
about 15 hours ago from web in reply to Lylsouz

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Twitter update 23th Sep

Too many visitors on schülervz, the player is down...
about 5 hours ago from txt

The player on schülervz is down!!

Hi guys !!
Panik just wrote on twitter that the player on schülervz is down, because there have been so many visitors!!!
So unfortunately you can't see the videos for Keiner Merkt es or Noch Nicht tot!!

We must just hope the player will work again soon!!


You can hear Noch Nicht Tot and Keiner Merkt es!!!

And you can see the Noch Nicht Tot and Keiner Merkt es videos!!!!!


23.09.09 - Kyte Player

Morgencafé lyric!!

HEAR Keiner Merkt es!!!!!!! + Lyric


Morgencafé VIDEO!! Youtube

Tuesday, 22 September 2009


On this site you can hear "Morgencafé"!!!!!! And also see the Morgencafé VIDEO!!!!
There are also written that you can hear Noch Nicht Tot and Keiner Merkt es, but, you can't hear or see anything there...

Panik Streetteam!

If you want to be a part of Paniks streetteam, then sign up here:

"Du hast dich kürzlich für das PANIK Streetteam angemeldet. Jetzt geht's los!
Die Teilname am Streetteam ist kostenfrei. Wir benötigen deine Adresse, um dir das Streetteam-Material per Post zu übersenden."

You have lately signed up for the Panik streetteam. Now it begins! It dosen't cost anything. We need tour adress, so we can send streetteam-material by post for you

Sneak Peak 2 - Kyte Player

Twitter update 22nd Sep

exclusive "Making Of" on AOL:
about 1 hour ago from web

new Myspace: + new Blog:
about 6 hours ago from web


Making of Lass Mich Fallen- Click!

Watch Lass Mich Fallen Making of at the end of the page :D - So nice :D
On Youtube! :

New myspace!!

Check out Panik's new Myspace!! Really nice :D

Blog: Vom Panik Album und Beyonces Fans


Hi, first, thank you so much all for the birthdays wishes, they made me really happy .. well, Now I'm a whole year older. It's unbelievable how fast the last year have been. It's hard to belive, that this friday, oure album will be in the stores (when they do :)) We have been working in such a long time and it's really here. Yesterday I had a *Dummy* (don't know what it is) in my hand (photo), it isn't the final version , but I'm "satisfied". :) I'm really exited to know how you will meet the new album and how it will be (something like that, hehe!). I'm really proud of it and I hope you will like it too.

Ach und noch was (more some kind og just expression- yeah, don't know how to translate it! ): You are pretty good, but BEYONCE's fans are the best! :D

Look at our new page :

Look at our new myspace page :
Translated by me!

Monday, 21 September 2009

If you haven't pre-ordet the new album yet...

Here is a site, in english, were you can preorder the new Panik album!!
Panik (Limited Deluxe Edition)( CD + DVD)!! , for 19,99 Euro

You can also preorder on

The version
without DVD which isn't Limited Deluxe Edition , for 14,99 Euro
And then
the Limited Deluxe Edition - Doppel CD (I think it's with the DVD), for 16,99 Euro

Sunday, 20 September 2009

Twitter update 20 Sep

@Yumi696 you can change the language on the top..
33 minutes ago from web in reply to Yumi696

For all our fans outside of germany: help us :)
about 1 hour ago from web

Thanks for all your Birthday-Wishes :) its nice to read all the comments :) thanks
about 1 hour ago from web

Panik on Viva Live!

26 September will Panik be on Viva live!

Happy Birthday Timo!!!

Today it's Timo's birthday!
22 years old :D
I wish you a really nice day!


Saturday, 19 September 2009

The Dome 51 backstage

Twitter update 18 sep

nice evening today.. but now im tired, good night twitterverse
about 14 hours ago from web


Friday, 18 September 2009

Panik in KIKA live

"Am Montag präsentieren die sechs Jungs von Panik in KI.KA LIVE ihre neue Single „Lass mich fallen“. Aber damit nicht genug! Tanja und Ben werden die Musiker mit den Fragen löchern, die ihr der KI.KA LIVE Redaktion im Vorfeld gemailt habt.

Also - auf gar keinen Fall verpassen: Panik, in KI.KA LIVE um 20.00 Uhr. "

On Monday Panik will be at Kika Live, 20:00, and they will show their Single Lass Mich Fallen!

Viva top 100

Yay! Panik is no. 62 on Viva top 100 with Lass Mich Fallen :D
Check It out!

Blog - (Timo) Über Halbwahrheiten und andere Geschichten

Blog at Panik-Musik


hab heute nur 5 Stunden geschlafen, weiß auch nicht warum.. Naja, ich stelle grad die Setlist für die Unplugged Sessions zusammen und bin sehr gespannt, wie das Alles klingen wird :) Wir haben noch nicht geprobt..

Auch lustig: Ich hatte vorhin Bilder in der Hand, von nem uralten Auftritt in nem total kleinen verrauchten Club in S-H aus dem Jahre 2004. Echt Wahnsinn was da wieder für Gefühle hoch kommen.. Das war ne Zeit.. Damals hatten wir auch schon diese Internetdomain und als wir uns Ende 2007/Anfang 2008 wieder umbenannt haben, kam von Universals Seite: "Mhh, es gibt Probleme mit der gewünschten Internet-Adresse. Die ist schon vergeben an nen gewissen Herrn *******, da müssen wir uns jetzt Alternativen überlegen!". Hehe, David schrieb nur zurück: "Das ist mein Vater!" :)

Naja, es ist schon lustig, wie schnell die Zeit vergeht und wie schnell sich Alles ändern kann. Wie schnell man bergauf rennt und wie schnell man wieder runterfällt. Grade eben noch dieses Leben, jetzt Dieses. Mein Lieblingszitat ist: "All you have to decide, is what to do with the time, that is given to you!"
Jeden Tag entscheidet man, wer man ist.. Will ich in Selbstmitleid baden oder will ich raus gehen? Lass ich mich unterkriegen oder kämpfe ich?
Ich glaube, Kämpfen und "weiter machen" ist immer das Beste :) Da biste auf der sicheren Seite. Ließt sich jetzt vielleicht, wie eine billige Halbwahrheit aus dem Horoskop-Teil in der Bild, aber ich hoffe ihr versteht mich :)

Ich wünsch euch noch nen schönen Tag und wir sehen uns! (Die Bilder vom Konzert bleiben zum Glück privat :) also fragt nicht :))

Haven only sleeped for 5 hours today, I don't know why... Wellja, I put the setlist for the Unplugged Sessions together and I'm very excited, how it all will sounds like. We haven not made a test yet.

Also Fun: I have earlier photos in my hands, for old performances in a totally small smoke-filled Club in S-H in 2004. It's crazy this feelings which come again. Das war ne zeit.. (I really don't know what that means, but maybe it could be something about "What a great time" - or something like that) At that time we also have this internetdomain and as we in the end of 2007 start of 2008 changed oure name, came we on Universals site: "Hmm, there is a problem with the wished internet-adress. It is already given to somebodyelse, That must we consider!", Hehe, David write back as the only thing "That is my Father" :)

Naja, it is already nice, how fast the time past and how fast we all can change. How fast you move forward and how fast you can calm down (not sure about this). "Grade eben noch dieses Leben, Jetzt Dieses" - Sorry but don't understand this part. My favouritquote is "All you have to decide, is what to do with the time, that is given to you!"
Evenyday you decide, who you are. Will I sink in my own regret or will I just carry on. Do I surrender or do I fight?
I think, fight and continue is always the best :) That is on the safe site. Let yourself now maybe, as a cheap half true in the Horoskop-part in Bild, but I hope you understand mich. (Sorry, But really don't understand this part!)

I wish you all a nice day and see ya! (The photos from the gig remains luckily private :) So don't ask) "

- Hi all! I'm sorry that my translation is not the best, but I tried as good as I could! Hope you understand it anyway! It was a kind of hard text... Well, Please leave a source to here if you copy my bad translation :p!

English Translation by me!


Sneak Peak!! - Kyte Player

Interview with Timo


Panik - Linkin Park made in Germany?

What is connecting these 6 guys and Mike Shinoda from Linkin Park? Very simple - with rap and rock mix and with German language follows PANIK to a certain extent this American band and they even won Mike Shinoda's praise. On September 25 will be released their new album and these boys are waiting excited. Interview with Timo (by Dennis Rowehl):

Autona: We can read about it more and more - you won a big praise from Mike Shinoda. How did it come to this?
Timo: This praise appeared on his internet blog. Within the "Doing Yourself" action we joined the "Circle of Band" competition and we've won. Since then we're in contact with Mike through emails. We'll see, if something happens…

Autona: Because of your rap-rock-crossover-orientation you're often compared to Linkin Park. Do you mind it?
Timo: Not at all, anyway Linkin Park is a great band. And the fact that we were praised by Mike Shinoda shows that we're not just a copy but we have our own character. If not, Mike would surely express something else.

Autona: You attended "The Dome", what's surely isn't a big thing for a rock band. On the other side, you can win a big audience. What do you think about that?
Timo: It has always advantages and disadvantages, but basically we don't even care. It was a great opportunity and we always take what's offered.

Autona: If music business should be compared to the one 10 years ago, it's kind of on the ground. What motivates you as newcomers to try to make a career in this branch?
Timo: Once David and I had opportunity to record in a big studio we simply let school be and we bet everything on one card. I think this kind of opportunity happens just once. We're sure that we can reach something and we are ready to risk!

English translation:!

Timo's blog - Von neuer Homepage - District 9 - Geburtstag

Timo's Blog

from today on, we have new homepage with a blog on it, so I'll probably write there now and then, when it's going to be something about the band too, not just my weird ideas.
Do you like the website?

I saw "District 9" in the movie theater. Really influential, it's worth watching ..

I have so much to do right now, that I forgot about my birthday, but then someone asked me 2 days ago, what I'm going to do.I think it's going to end up with inviting my friends over and sitting nicely by the fire .. god, I'm really old :)
Have a nice rest of the evening

English translation from:!

Win VIP tickets!

Here you can win VIP-tickets for the unplugged tour :D

Thursday, 17 September 2009

Nike photo


Twitter update 17th Sep nr.2 + photos

Ich habe 2 Fotos im Album „Snipestour 2009“ auf Facebook gepostet:
about 4 hours ago from Facebook

The photos:


Panik blog


es ist nun so weit.. Endlich haben wir eine neue Homepage! Sie ist zwar noch im Aufbau und in der folgenden Zeit wird hier und da immer mal wieder was verändert und hinzugefügt, allerdings ist das hier das Grundgerüst. Wir haben aus allen Portalen das Beste genommen und zusammengeklatscht :)
Ich bin grad mit David im Studio am Mischen und wir sind gespannt auf euer Feedback, außerdem freuen wir uns schon riesig auf die Unplugged/Autogrammtour. Es ist zwar exklusiv, immer nur für 100 Leute, allerdings werden wir uns wirklich Zeit nehmen und versuchen Alle glücklich zu machen, die kommen. :) Einfach als Danke für die lange und großartige Unterstützung. Normalerweise spielen wir nur ungern Unplugged, weil das einfach nicht so richtig zur unserer Mucke passt, aber wir werden schon ein schönes Set zusammen schustern und ich denke es wird alles sehr cool und spaßig.
Natürlich hoffen wir, dass wir euch Alle auf der Tour im Dezember sehen. Es ist schon etwas länger her, dass wir unterwegs waren und deshalb freue ich mich schon ziemlich.
Nachdem unser Single Release ja mit Pannen übersät war, schauen wir gespannt zum Album und hoffen, dass diesmal alles klappt. Danke trotzdem für eure tolle Unterstützung.

Bis bald

English translation:

Hi, It is now that. Finally we got a new homepage! There is so informations and in the following time there will here be and always will ...
It's a difficult text! - Sorry, I don't have the time to translate this, right now!


Now Panik have got a new homepage!!! :D And it's SO cool!!!!
With a blog!! News! Twitter updates, Photos, Videos, Kyte player!!
So nice!!

Twitter update 16/17th Sep

- - win VIP Tickets for the Unplugged Session..
about 1 hour ago from web

@hassmich yes, we work on this problem..
about 1 hour ago from web in reply to hassmich

new Panik-Page:
about 2 hours ago from web

New Website!
about 2 hours ago from Facebook

@N483 wir werden -alle- Fans glücklich machen! :)
about 16 hours ago from web in reply to N483

hey:, can you please delete revolution? :) thanks - good night
about 16 hours ago from web

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Panik unplugged tour Poster

Be one of Panik's 100 fans which get the change to hear Panik's new album at an exlucive unplugged Session live in your city.
Get a personal VIP admission-bracelet at the concertday 11 o'clock in your Snipe store.

Entrace: 20:15
Begin: 20:30
Ends: ca. 21.30

I little quick translate, by me!

twitter update 16th sep nr. 2

@Lisa_Fantastic wir werden die Buden schon voll machen, du kommst sicherlich noch mit rein :)
35 minutes ago from web in reply to Lisa_Fantastic

Check this out:
about 1 hour ago from web

without an album is okay, too :)
about 3 hours ago from web

New tour DATES!!

25.o9.2oo9 - Hambrug
28.o9.2oo9 - Köln
29.o9.2oo9 - Frankfurt a. M.
3o.o9.2oo9 - Nürnberg
2.1o.2oo9 - Wien


Twitter update 16th sep - Maybe NEW HOMEPAGE TOMORROW!

please vote for us:
25 minutes ago from web

@PlasticMary no, you just go on the day of the concert in the snipes store, show our album and fetch a special wristband..
27 minutes ago from web in reply to PlasticMary

maybe tomorrow you get a new panik-homepage... timo
33 minutes ago from web

Snipes/Nike unplugged Tour!!! - kyte Player

Officiel Panik tracklist

A long time ago we got the tracklist for Panik's new album, but now it has change a bit!

01. Jeder
02. Unsere Zeit
03. Lass mich fallen
04. Keiner merkt es
05. Perfekt
06. Morgencafé
07. Wollt nur wissen
08. Kinder (ist es nicht krank?)
09. Was würdest Du tun
10. Noch nicht tot
11. Ein letztes Mal
12. Wir geben's zu
13. Bevor Du gehst


Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Vote for Lass Mich Fallen!!

Vote for Panik - Lass Mich Fallen for "Retro-Charts Die erfolgreichsten deutschen Hits der letzten 25 Jahre"

To vote, just click at "Panik - Lass Mich Fallen" and then at "Los!"

15.09.2009 - kyte player

Sunday, 13 September 2009

Saturday, 12 September 2009

Twitter update 12th Sep

Practicing for an internetconcert in our pracroom :) wuhu :)
about 3 hours ago from txt

With the other guys in our pracroom!
about 4 hours ago from txt

Listen to small pieces of all songs on the new album!!!

Here you can hear a little part of all the songs on the new album!!!

Friday, 11 September 2009

Decembre Tour Dates - Kyte player

Twitter update 11 Sep

Tour Dates on - night
about 22 hours ago from web

schlaaaaaaaand :)
about 23 hours ago from web

Thursday, 10 September 2009


06.12.2009 - Köln, Underground
07.12.2009 - Frankfurt, Nachtleben
08.12.2009 - München, Backstage
09.12.2009 - Berlin, frannz club
10.12.2009 - Hamburg, Knust!

Tickets: !!!

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Twitter update 9th sep

Ive got 99 problems, but the B*tch aint one! :) on the way back home.. Timo
about 5 hours ago from txt

Photos from The Dome + The Dome 51 afterparty

(Click at the photos)

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Twitter update 7-8 Sep

Beautiful weather today! I hope the single problem is solved.. Also hope, that they find a way to place our album not only in germany! Timo
about 3 hours ago from txt

..and found. Good Night :)
about 16 hours ago from txt

Still lost..
about 16 hours ago from txt

Lost in Berlin City..
about 17 hours ago from txt


07.09.2009 - Kyte player

Monday, 7 September 2009

Panik are Back - interview

Panik are back! With their new streetsingle, which can be downloaded on their official website, with their new single "Lass mich fallen", which can be downloaded and new Album named "Panik", available at the end of September. Of course the boys are going to answer some of our questions.

What did you do after the release of "Was wurdest du tun", except the studio work? Did you have time for other projects too?
-To be honest, we only made music. But not with someone else and if, then only for fun. We wrote many songs, we practised a lot. The new album is produces by us.

How long did the studio work for "Panik" take?
-We wrote songs for half a year. Then we were in the studio for 8 months.


Lass Mich Fallen - The Dome 51

Twitter update 6/7 sep

i cant sleep :) so, second time: good night..
about 11 hours ago from web

Buh :) good night twitterverse, tomorrow we have a photoshooting with nike.. Bye
about 14 hours ago from txt

Sunday, 6 September 2009

An Alle Leute + Lass mich Fallen unplugged!!!!

Hörprobe von An Alle Leute & Lass mich Fallen unpl… - MyVideo

What the fuck - Kyte player

Twitter update 5/6 Sep

The original version is better! And wow, 1997 i was very young :)
about 11 hours ago from txt

Watching the first episode of Stargate Sg1 (final cut) - yes, Linke hates SG, but i love it :)
about 12 hours ago from txt

Now the train was cancelled!
about 21 hours ago from txt

Now 30 minutes! I really hate 'Deutsche Bahn', its better for the nature... Thats the only reason i travel with this shit! :) Fuckin DB! :)
about 21 hours ago from txt

On the way to hamburg city, but where is the fuckin train! :) 'Deutsche Bahn' says: 'etwa 20 Minuten später'
about 21 hours ago from txt

@VikiCullen just "Panik" :)
11:23 AM Sep 5th from web in reply to VikiCullen

Saturday, 5 September 2009

Hear some of An alle Leute!!!

If you go on iTunes, and go on the german iTunes, and search on "An alle leute" - Then you can hear 0,24 sek of the song!!
Of course you can also buy it and hear the whole song!!

An Alle Leute , songtext!!

Ah scheiße ich habs verkackt
das is ein scheiß Freestyle

An alle Leute da draußen
Ich kann nix hörn
Es is viel zu still
Und ich will was hörn

An alle leute da draußen
Macht mal Lärm
Wir sind hier um zu feiern
Und gleich geht's nicht mehr

An alle Leute da draußen
Ich kann nix hörn
Es is viel zu still
Und ich will was hörn

An alle leute da draußen
Macht mal Lärm
Wir sind hier um zu feiern
Und gleich geht's nicht mehr

Wir sind hier um zu feiern
Trinken Bier um zu reihern
Sind um 4 noch dabei
Verlier dich im Vibe
Dann fühlst du es
Und du fühlst nicht dich
Du fühlst nur uns
Du fühlst es ist richtig

Wir wolln, dass die Erde bebt
So wie wenn Pferde gehn
Wir wolln, dass ihr rausgeht, aufdreht
Und das Leben lebt
Dass ihr Gas gebt und das Glas hebt
Und n bisschen Gras dreht
Und wie Stars lebt

Also einmal, das ist kein Mahn mal
Das ist wie Malen-nach-Zahlen, man
Oder wie Karneval man
So wie für Opel, wenn der Staat in Bar zahlt
Wie für Saddam seine letzte Mahlzeit
Beim Rennen für hekkinän die beste Startzeit
Wie ein Fan von Deppen, denn es tut weh wie Zahnstein
Wie ein riesen Lied
Plus riesen Beat und Paarreim
Hör zu jetzt kommt der Chorus im besten Partreim

An alle Leute da draußen
Ich kann nix hörn
Es is viel zu still
Und ich will was hörn

An alle leute da draußen
Macht mal Lärm
Wir sind hier um zu feiern
Und gleich geht's nicht mehr

An alle Leute da draußen
Ich kann nix hörn
Es is viel zu still
Und ich will was hörn

An alle leute da draußen
Macht mal Lärm
Wir sind hier um zu feiern
Und gleich geht's nicht mehr

Ich weiß
Es ist alles im Arsch
Egal wo man hinguckt
Es geht alles bergab
Und deshalb denk ich nach
Und ich denke nach
Und irgendwann dann
Wirds mir klar
Die Rentner kriegen immer weniger Geld
Jedem is klar, dass ne Ehe immer weniger hält
Die Natur wird geschlagen, überall gespart
Und die arbeitslose Jugend, die lebt vom Staat
Also lasst uns auf die Musik konzentrier'n
Lasst uns alles vergessen
Und die Musik einfach spür'n
Lass uns haufenweise Becher exen
Nichts is zu viel
Jetzt is alles egal
Wir woll'n richtig abgeh'n
Wir sind hier um zu pogen, wir sind hier um zu lachen
Wir sind hier um die ganzen versauten Sachen zu machen,
Also lass es laut krachen
Wir woll'n, dass alle mitmachen
Wir haben zu wenig Zeit um das Leben zu hassen

An alle Leute da draußen
Ich kann nix hörn
Es is viel zu still
Und ich will was hörn

An alle leute da draußen
Macht mal Lärm
Wir sind hier um zu feiern
Und gleich geht's nicht mehr

An alle Leute da draußen
Ich kann nix hörn
Es is viel zu still
Und ich will was hörn

An alle leute da draußen
Macht mal Lärm
Wir sind hier um zu feiern
Und gleich geht's nicht mehr

An alle Leute da draußen
Ich kann nix hörn
Es is viel zu still
Und ich will was hörn

An alle leute da draußen
Macht mal Lärm
Wir sind hier um zu feiern
Und gleich geht's nicht mehr

An alle Leute da draußen
Ich kann nix hörn
Es is viel zu still
Und ich will was hörn

An alle leute da draußen
Macht mal Lärm
Wir sind hier um zu feiern
Und gleich geht's nicht mehr


Twitter update 5 sep

Ah, but before: thanks for the great comments, your words and support! Its very nice to hear those things :) thanks
about 8 hours ago from txt

I thought it sounds more convincing with the bitch, hah, okay a lil bit too ganxta for me! :) im tired, good night
about 8 hours ago from txt

But this is life :) just smile, just smile and think: 'ich bin noch nicht tot - im not dead' :) bitch
about 9 hours ago from txt


Friday, 4 September 2009

New Panik front homepage

Panik have got a new front homepage!! You starts on a site with the new single, and how to buy it... and then you have to click "weiter zu"
It's really cool!!

Support Panik on Twitter!

Support Panik, and add a #twibbon to your avatar now! ->

You can also write "#panikmusik" in your updates!

Twitter update 4rd Sep

Sometimes life sucks..
about 3 hours ago from txt

Songtext: Panik - Lass Mich Fallen
about 8 hours ago from Facebook

Unsere neue Single "Lass mich fallen" jetzt erhältlich! #panikmusik
about 10 hours ago from Facebook

"Lass mich Fallen" Single OUT NOW!
about 10 hours ago from web

Thursday, 3 September 2009

Panik Newsletter!! - Our new single: "Lass mich fallen" - out now!!!

Our new single: "Lass mich fallen" - out now!!!

First and foremost we would like to thank everybody for the great feedback for our new video and single. TOMORROW (4th of September) is the day we have been waiting for. After 1 ½ years of production and ups and downs that accompany such a process our new single “Lass mich fallen” will be released. This time around we handled most things ourselves so we need your help to create the biggest impact possible.

We need your support!

If you are going to buy the single please do so within the first week (4th September – 10th September) of the release. Only by doing so we'll be able to reach a high chart rank. You can either get the single from your trusted record dealer or online from amazon, itunes or musicload.

Another way of helping us would be to inform your friends about the upcoming release. This is most easily done via myspace, facebook, or twitter. If you send out any tweets about the single, please use #panikmusik as a hash tag.

Among all fans that support us we will raffle off six itunes gift cards and a meet & greet with the band in Berlin during the “You” fair (October 9th - 11th).

If you want to join the raffle just take a picture of yourself with the single you have bought or send us a screen shoot of your online order or let us know about your supporting activities on myspace, facebook, or Twitter. Send it to:

The price will go to the best supporting idea so do not hesitate to drop us a line.

If you like to you can also include the following banner on your web site, your blog, your myspace or facebook profile.

Download the banner here:

We would already like to thank everybody in advance. We will host some of the nicest ideas and actions on our blog that will go online very soon. We will get back to you as soon as we receive the first mails.

Thanks a bomb!
David, Frank, Jan, Juri, Linke, Timo

The single „Laß mich fallen“ will be available on itunes today and everywhere else from the 4th of September on. The album “PANIK” will be released on the 25th of September.

Panik The Dome 51 interview

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Buy Lass mich fallen single on iTunes


Now on iTunes you can buy the single Lass Mich Fallen as download.
On the single you also can download "Lass mich fallen unplugged" "Jeder" and "An alle Leute" !!!

But it is only for Germany , and maybe some other places.
You can also download the musicvideo for Lass Mich Fallen.

Making of Panik Fotoshoot


Twitter update 31 aug - 1st sep

Exklusive "Lass mich fallen" 4-Track-EP JETZT bei iTunes erhältlich! Inkl unveröffentlichtem Song!
about 14 hours ago from Facebook

Ich habe 5 Fotos im Album „Making Of Panik Fotoshoot“ auf Facebook gepostet:
about 24 hours ago from Facebook

@SilverUP we work on this problem..
9:54 PM Aug 31st from web in reply to SilverUP


On Panik's myspace they writes a lot about the new single, and then in the end they writes:
Das neue Album "Panik" erscheint am 25.09. (The new album "Panik" will be released 25.09)
And then there is this picture:

(click at the photo)

I'm almost sure this IS THE NEW PANIK ALBUM COVER!

The great Panik Fan Interview!

From myspace ( :

"The great Panik fan interview!

Do you have any questions for Panik? Well then this is your once in a lifetime chance to get these questions answered. Join the fan interview here at

The 10 most interesting questions will be personally answered by Timo, David, Jan, Frank, Christian und Juri in an exclusive Myspace video interview.

On top of that each winner will receive 2 tickets for the autumn Panik tour. If Panik doesn’t come to your country this time around it won’t go wrong for you, as we have nice fan packages waiting on our desk for those winners.

To participate, just post your question as a comment on this page.

This promotion is organised by Universal Music."


Tuesday, 1 September 2009