Hi, first, thank you so much all for the birthdays wishes, they made me really happy .. well, Now I'm a whole year older. It's unbelievable how fast the last year have been. It's hard to belive, that this friday, oure album will be in the stores (when they do :)) We have been working in such a long time and it's really here. Yesterday I had a *Dummy* (don't know what it is) in my hand (photo), it isn't the final version , but I'm "satisfied". :) I'm really exited to know how you will meet the new album and how it will be (something like that, hehe!). I'm really proud of it and I hope you will like it too.
Ach und noch was (more some kind og just expression- yeah, don't know how to translate it! ): You are pretty good, but BEYONCE's fans are the best! :D
Look at our new page :
Look at our new myspace page :
Translated by me!
You've heard that Keane (or whatever he's called) grabbed the mic from Taylor Swift when she won a price (VMA or something)? He said that even though she won, Beyonce's video is the best one ever. Pretty sure that's what Timo references to ;) If you look at the links for their 'new page' and 'new myspace', you'll see a parody on this ("this page is cool but Beyonce's cooler" or something similar).
Ah!! Your right!! It was Kanye West - totally crazy!!
Your right about that!! Great, thank you so much :D
You're welcome! :) And yeah, of course it was Kanye West! My mistake, sorry about that.
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