Sunday, 11 October 2009

Panik in a Tokio Hotel game!!

There is a online game called The Tokio Hotel, at
The game is about Tokio Hotel, buut!!
Panik is starring in the game!! - Very short, and not much, but still cool :D

In the game you kind of read a story, and then there is riddles and stuff like that! It's really nice! - And the place where Panik is, they are showing some video clips with them, and there is a photo once in a flyer!
You can play the game on this site :

Thank you SO much to Gard for the tip!

- This sounds SO cool! I will try this game :D


Anonymous said...

i tried to play and the game was saying something that i have to turn my sound on?... i didn't understood much so i left it...

Line said...

Oh okay! That's bad! Cause it's really nice :D
- Yeah, it says turn your sound on in the beginning :)

Anonymous said...

yeah but, how can you start???

Line said...

You just have to read what there is standing!! There is standing a lot, it's kind of a story, the whole way through!
First there is standing you have to turn the radio off :D Then you have to find where you do that!!

Anonymous said...

oh, thank you very much :D

Line said...

Your welcome :D