Friday, 20 November 2009

David twitter 19th Nov

@nightmar3e3 Yes, of course we do :-) and @FreakyConny - keine Angst, Du weißt es bestimmt besser :-p
about 16 hours ago from web in reply to nightmar3e3
English: No worry, you know it better (-?)
(Nightmare3e3 wrote: panik love Russia? because russia loves panik !!!! <3333333>
FreakyConny wrote: Mhh wieso sieht der tweet so komisch aus? also das englisch?Wenn ich Englisch jetzt verhau bist du schuld... du verwirrst mich!

English: Mhh, Why does that tweet look so komisch? ! That english one? When I now english builds, is it your fault... you confuse me! )

Just made some new Photos - they will look great ;-)
about 17 hours ago from web

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