I promised I will answer every eMail i can to this subject, and im slowly done, but please be patient. Im giving my best.
@deine_natalie Im on it, Natalie, but as sorry as I am, im still at 15.11, myspace inbox page 21.
(Deine_natalie wrote: @laudenbonk Davi, bitte... http://www.myspace.com/ --> inbox --> "über Konzert in Minsk" )
@vEwQa http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1fQ1P4Mwlc...
(vEwQa wrote:I'm sad.. please try to write me something what will make me laugh.. I know you can make it..)
And damn, Inventions (for 2 hands) BACH, 1 IV in Allegro 72bpm is fucking impossible.. started 2 days ago, but still hard to play in tempo!
@11th_echo Das hat die Konzertagentur gebucht, nicht wir.
English: The concertbureau have booked that, not us
(11th_echo wrote: @laudenbonk und deshalb ist das letzte konzert in russland? ;D - english: And therefore is the last concert in Russia?)
Das ist, wie im Statement schon angesprochen, leider Deutschland.
English: It is, as already spoken in the statement, unfortunately Germany
@11th_echo @xxNathi weil es leider hier nicht solch ernstzunehmende Zeitschriften gibt, wie dort. Wir machen hier auch etwas, sobald es geht
English: because it unfortunately dosen't have such serious magazins is, as they have. We will also make some here, as soon as it gets (?)
(11th_echo wrote: toll, für die franzosen gibt's so'n interview, für die russen das letzte konzert und was kriegen wir?! :D oô --- English: Great, for the French comes an interview, the russian gets the last concert, and what do we get?)
Oh, and Timo and me gave an Interview incl an official statement on the announcement from last Wednesday TO rockone france (december issue)
Just returned from running, will now play piano - and watch OCEANS 12 :-) (prolly the 4th time? :-) )
I haven't put the time on!
1) at the last twitter maybe he wants to say "probably"
2) so, is it gonna be their last concert at russia???
Yes, the russian concert will be January 30th, and the 4 guys will leave the band in the end of January (31th?) so, It's probably gonna be the last one, hehe :)
no, i know, i mean what did he answer??? (and no hopes for new members???)
i'm pretty sure that everybody will cries at the concert in russia... the band and the crowd...
I think so too!
No, nothing new!
so, i did the translation with google translation, but this time it seems to be right! (the english answer for the 11th_echo about the russian concert: "Has booked the concert agency, not us.")
well, what do you think??? (i said "it seems")
Well, I wrote: "The concertbureau have booked that, not us, "
And that's how I translated it! - And I'm pretty sure it's what it means ;)
ok, then you're right :)
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