Wednesday, 11 November 2009

From - bravo - Panik breaks up?!

Okay okay! At they writes that in the NEW bravo there is something about Panik, and that they will break up?! writes:

Hallo liebe Panikfans,
schockierendes ist heute in der Bravo zu lesen.
Aber lest selbst!
"Panik Fans müssen jetzt stark sein!
Die Band löst sich auf!
Nach ihrer Tour im Dezember ist schluss.
"Jeder wird seine eigene Wege gehen", hat mir Sänger Franky gerade verraten.Grund sind der Flop des neuen Albums und die ewigen Streiterein mitPlattenfirma und Management.
"Wir haben so hart gekämpft - jetzt gehts nicht mehr.
"Tschüss, Jungs! *wein*"
Die Band selbst hat sich noch nicht dazu geäussert, ob es wahr ist, steht damit nicht fest.
Mehr später

Hello Panikfans
Some shocked news can you today read in the Bravo.
Read it yourself:

"Panik fans have to be strong now!
The band release themself.
After the December tour it ends.
"We go each our own way" have the singer Franky told me. The reason is the flop with the new album and the eternal arguen with the recordfirm and managers.
"We have so hard struggle - now this dosen't work anymore!
"Goodbye guys" *cry* "

The guys haven't said anything about this themself yet, so if it's true, is not sure jet.
OKAY! - Guys! THIS Can't be true! And I tell you! THis is NOT true!!!!!!!! Of course not!! I have no idea what is going on here!! But just wrote this! I don't know if it's in the new bravo!! - I try to find out what is going on! And maybe it's just a rumour someone have made!
The only place this is written is at, so I have no idea if it's in the new bravo. Noone else have wrote about it!

(fast translation)


mily said...

if this is true then... it means it's over! i cant believe how they could be so stupid!!! and the fact the album wasn't going well it's their fault!!! they wanted to put new things on their music!!! if they had the guts then they would be together even without many fans!!! i cant believe i'm crying for them... if it's true then shame on them!!! :(:@

Line said...

it is NOT true!!
Don't believe in this!!
Panik would NEVER split up!! They love to do what they are doing, it's their live, and they will NEVER stop doing it!! And they will NEVER go from each other!! They love to go this together, no matter if they can live from it, they would never stop!!!

Blair said...

they're fighting again with the managers and the recordfirm???