Thursday, 12 November 2009

German channel - Panik will not split?!

This is translated by google translate, I do not understand russian, and the only way we can get a little of it, is to translate it here. So, what I get from it:

"A German channel said:
guys from the group Panik otigrayut (?) its program and will go on vacation. Recently, the group often misunderstandings and quarrels, but the participants said that no one is going to leave tvorchesvo (?) ... they just need to go for new energy for the new album. So sleep soundly "

- What the? Okay, Now it says that a german channel (Tv?) have said, that Panik will NOT split, and they will just take a break!
But this is not true, cause we know what the guys have told us, and we just have to believe them right now, as the only ones!!



mily said...

i have a feeling that when they put their feet on stage and they start singing and playing and see who much their fans love them, they will probably change their minds... but, something else now. i read at the aol link you puted at the blog that panik were fighting with their old managers, david had said that this story came to an end somewhere in the summer. i mean... ???

Line said...

Yeah, kind of like Bravo wrote. I though that too!!! I have never heard that they still should fight with them, wasn't it over?

mily said...

yeah, that's why i'm saying something's wrong here! and david at his twitter he hasn't wrote anything! frank doesn't even have the "news at" omg... so weird the worst is that all the fans can't eat, can't sleep, can't even breathe well!(at least i can't) they think it's only their point?!and their problem?! WRONG!!!

Line said...

I know, but I think it's a very hard time for them too!
But I thinkt that Frank should have wrote that on his twitter too!
But well, maybe the guys just don't spend that much time on Twitter, and maybe they don't have time.. I don't know!
But.. I would love if they just could write something.. something more on their myspace or homepage!
Yeah, we are all sad and all, I think they should sent a message to us, explain some more..It's like they just have put us here, totally lonely, not knowing anything... But we have to wait..

mily said...

you are right! that's how i feel. i agree it must be hard time for them... but even if they write a bullshit like timo did then it would be much better for us i think... to show us they won't forget us! i'm so sad and complicated and i feel very weird... like we all do... and, yeah, we have to wait... another weird thing is that frank isn't following david at twitter and davd isn't following frank too... strange... i think they try to clear the things at their minds and that's why they don't writ anything...

Line said...

Yeah, I don't think you should put too much in it :)
- Yeah, I think it's great that Timo writes something! I just hope all the time that we get to know some new things from them!