Wednesday, 11 November 2009


Hi guys!
I have just stopped crying and I try to calm down! I have never cried this much in my life.
I don't really want to talk about how sad this is, and all, cause I really can't handle it, and I can't describe how sad I am!
I had never though this could happen. They were the last people I would ever think would split up. they just loved music this much, it was their life! It seemed like nothing could stop them, they just loved it, they loved to be together and they just want to make all the music they could! It comes as a really really big shock for me, and I though they were in their best period.
Right now I can't imagine how my life will be without them, Their music mean so much to me, I can't describe how special it is, it is so unique, and not like anthing else!! They are so special, I can't describe it! -
They have been a big part of my life in 3 years, and in the last 1 ½ year I have spend all my time on them, on making this blog, and writing news about them! And I have never become tired of it, I have loved it more than anything! I can't believe that this is the end, that it is not me getting tired of spending all my time on this blog, but that it should end like this!

- In the last time, there have been people who actually read my blog, more than one time! And I thank you all, everyone who have read this blog, and followed it! It means just so much to me! Anything! I know it sounds crazy, and I don't even know you, but you mean so much to me! It means so much to me. Because I have been writing this blog, for you! Because you wanted to read it!
Thank you all, you're amazing!!

- In the future:
I don't believe these guys would never make music again! I know it will be a very tough time, right now, and there will probably go a really long time, where there will not happen anything. But guys, I'm so sure these guys will make music again. Maybe them all in a band again? Or maybe just some of them in a band? maybe with new members in it? And maybe just all alone! We can't know that right now. But I do not think these guys can live without making music, I think they want to make more! Maybe they just need a break? Or maybe they will do it, in a different way in the future!!

- But, I promise you, I will follow these guys! Even if they go each their way, and they will end up in 6 different bands, I will follow them, and I promise you, I will write about them here!!
I will also write about the concert in december!
I will be at the Panik concert in Berlin the 9th december! I want to see them, for the first, and the last time! I can't live my life knowing that I never saw them! That I never heard they wonderful music, which means anything to me, live!


This must be so horrible for Panik! They just can't go on! I think they just want to do this! Make their music!! But they can't! It must be horrible!
I still hope, and believe, that these guys will start making music again!



Jess said...

I just wanna wake up and hear mum say that it's just a dream, a nightmare. but she won't ..

Line said...

It's just how I feel! I can't believe that this can happen!

xxmusikxxkod said...

I'm a bit shocked too,because i realy related to their songs ,and now...they're gone,but there is a brite side too, i mean we stil have their songs,don't we?

Line said...

Your right! And that's amazing! It's just so hart to think about that we will maybe never get any more music from them.
But your right!

Mily said...

lucky girl... i cant go to their concert... see, greece is far enough from germany... i wanted to go at christmas to berlin just to buy their album... i will never have the oportunity to see them... live... except if they return...i cant understand something: did they split up because they did not had enough money or because they had a fight??? i will try my best to convince my mom to go... but i dont think i will go... :(
ps: Line, take any picture of their concert:)

korny said...

I'm so sad about it! I'm even much than sad! Their new album is such amazing! They made so much good job. And now?

Mily said...

sorry, take some pics from their concert :)

Anonymous said...

Just to be honest with you, Line honey, Panik WILL BE BACK!!! That's what I believe. And I also believe that they can't stay away from each other for a long time. So in 6 months the least they will be back, I guess... (I say at least 6 months cause they have to feel the missing from each other... And I guess this will be take some time...)

Line said...

Mily - Well, Actually, they don't exact tell why. I think there is missing something! But it's because they didn't get money enough, some of the guys didn't have energy to go on like that. They didn't earn enough money, and couldn't live of making music! And they spend all their time on it!
But I still think there is missing something!
But I think, some of the guys, (especially Timo and David) kind of wanted to keep fightning? Or they anyway, still want to make music!
Anyway, I have a feeling that they haven't told us it all
But it dosen't sound like they have a fight AT ALL! I don't think!! They haven't said anything about it anyway!

Line said...

Lily - I have just TOTALLY THE SAME FEELING!! I do not believe these people can just stop making music, and can stop being together, I'm SO SURE!!!
I'm so sure they will be make, anyway, some of them!!
We have to keep the thought up! Thank you Lily :D

Line said...

I'm sorry for you Mily! But I can see Greece is far away!!
I just had that feeling that I just had to do it!
- And then, my mom gives me that for Christmas!- the ticktes, the flight and the hotel! :)
i will take a lot of photos :D Hope you will end up get to the gig anyway :D

SS said...

I was so shocked when I found out that I was just starring at the screen shaking. I wanted to cry, but I couldn't. The words got stock in my throat and my brain wouldn't believe my eyes. Some hours later I talked to my parents and the tears just came flooding out. Panik's been my life when it came to music over the last two years, my love for them has grown every day. Their smiles, their energy, their enthusiasm, how they loved what they did and never gave up... It gave me strength, thinking about them and what they'd been through. And I thought that one day, I was going to see them live or maybe even meet them, and tell them how much I loved their music and what it has given me. There have been days where I have wanted to do stupid things, but one thing held me back: the dream of once seeing Panik live. It was the one thing I wanted to experience before I die. But I'm never going to see that. It hurts, feeling that every motivation has been taken away from me.

I feel sorry for every fan out there, who have followed this band and loved them like I have. Words can't describe the emptiness I feel inside, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one feeling that way. It's like someone has taken my life from me. Thank you so much for writing the blog and for giving me information I wasn't able to find myself. Thank you for being kind and listen to those who have commented leaving tips etc. And thank you for what you wrote in this entry, it'll give hope to the fans. At least I was feeling a bit better after I read that. The best thing fans can do now, is to be together, support each other, cry together, whatever that helps. Listen to Panik's music and remember the good times, not the bad ones. Watch photos, videos and so on. Remember their happy faces and broad smiles. I truly hope they'll be back one day, we can never know, can we?

In the meantime, all we can do is to stay strong and heal the wounds.

And though this was especially dedicated to you Line, it's for all fans out there who reads this blog and my comment. Wish you all good luck and I (at least I think so) know how you feel.

Line said...

Wow... That was just so beautiful! Wow.. Amazing!
Thank you so much! You just describe it just as I feel! Wow, amazing written!
Thank you so much for all the amazing things you wrote! I don't know what to say!
Just have to tell you guys, that you are amazing! You all are! And really, I mean that you are amazing, so amazing! I'm so glad that I "meet" you and get to write a little with you!
I have to say sorry, cause I'm actually not that good in English, and I'm not good to explain how I feel!

scorpia - It's just amazing what you writes! Thank you!
And yes, we just have to hold together now! All of us! For Panik!! -
And guys, I'm so glad you are here! That you write your thought and everything! It's means so much to me! I will feel too lonely with this! But I'm so glad that someone can feel just like me - understand how I feel!
I can't write something as you scorpia, but you just described it as I feel!
We just need to hold together now guys!!
and I'm so sure that these guys will come again! At least, some of them will make music again, I know it! Thank you so much Scorpia! And thank you so much EVERYONE!!!
You all made it easier for me!

SS said...

Thank you, too. I appreciate that you liked it and I'm glad you could relate to it. Well, it's not good that you feel that way, cause it hurts so much, but you know what I mean. That it described your feelings even though they're not very positive.

Thank you for all the compliments, you have no idea how much it means to me. It's stuff like this, talking to other fans and sharing the pain, which helps me deal with this. But to be honest, it's really hard. I'm kind of expecting to wake up soon and realize this was only a terrible nightmare. But I know it's for real and it's killing me. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who feels like this, feels lonely and don't know what to do.

(Now I'm just quoting myself.) But thanks, for all you wrote Line, it was amazing, thank you. It helps to talk about it. And I hope for every fan out there that the pain will fade. Though I don't have much hope, too be honest. Only time can heal a wound like this, and it's going to take a lot of time...

Line said...

Yeah.. Right now I just have this feeling like "well, of course this is not real? How can it be real, this will never happen" - It just feels so unreal, like a stupid story you are reading...
I just do not understand it, and I'm so confused!
I have this feeling too, that it help to talk about it, and hear how others feel! And we just have to wait, and the time will make it better... I don't know what to say actually.. It's so unreal everything!

Line said...

I feel so empty!
Thank you everyone, that you actually want to spend your time on reading this blog, and make comments! It's amazing!

SS said...

Yeah, it's like reading a way too real fan fiction with character death. And no last chapters with happy endings.