Thursday, 12 November 2009

Message from David on russian forum

"David: "Definitely.
The band is not splitting up.
It is just that 4 will go.
Timo and I will stay.
The others will leave after January,

and we try to keep on.
as we always did.""
he also says that everyone's dislikes and problems were growing all these 4 years
(thank you to Mily!)

Source:,, thank you Mily for the tip!

Okay, the band will NOT split up.. But well, when only 2 out of 6 will stay.. it's kind of splitting up? But still, TIMO AND DAVID IS STILL HERE!!!

- - -
Oh God, I just knew it was David and Timo who would stay! I just couldn't see them give up like that, I have to say, I just want to talk to Timo and David, hug them and comfort them, it must just be SO hard for them!! Horrible!

Okay guys! I know this sounds strange and wierd, but.. well, Timo and David will keep up - and guys... Timo is the one who writes the text, David is the one who make the music!
Lets look at the bright site! It sounds like we will get some more music in the Panik-way! I know it's a little crazy way to look at is! But we have to look in the good way!


mily said...

yeah, that's good... but anyway, i will miss frank, juri, jan and linke... i will miss them so much! they maybe return someday... and... i know it's not gonna be the same, but the main members actualy were linke timo and david... the others were just playing the music and singing... maybe they find new members :) but i know, it's not gonna br the same... that kinda hurts...

Line said...

It's just so sad! I'm gonna miss them sooo much too! It's crazy!
It's just gonna be so strange without them..

mily said...

yeah, it will... i guess time is the best doctor and maybe we'll get used to this... i will always remember this day: 11 november 2009 exactly 2 months after my dad's death... i hate the number 11!!!

Line said...

Oh God, what a horrible time! I feel sad for you!
Why is life so unfair?
But your right, time is the only way to make this go better!

mily said...

i don't think we have another choise but wait... and wait... and you and scorpia are right, we have to stay together all the fans... i still feel i'm fallin' apart... i couldn't go to school today and i can't eat anything... i can't even to drink water! i'm so damaged right now... i'm sure all the fans who had panik as a chance to escape from this painfull world feel the same...

Line said...

Yeah your right! I just feel so strange, and sick.. It's crazy! I'm so confused!

Line said...

Argh, It's just SO WIERD! I just don't understand how this could happen!! It's like your life just falling apart in NO time! And we wasn't even prepared, it was a schock!

mily said...

BUT on the other side maybe they just need a break... maybe this will be just a break. i cant believe this is the end! i deny to believe it!!!

Line said...

YEs! That's just as I think. Why can't they just take a break? Or try to take a break!! Just say, WE STOP! It's just, too much! Too fast!! I think they should try to make a break before this.. hm..! I just hope that they will find out that they can't live without this and each other! And what they needed was only a break!

mily said...

yeah maybe. but they can't decide this that fast! i mean, there where a photoshoot, maybe for the next single and just like that sudently, panik no more?! and the only thing they had to say is that some members could't take this anymore?! just in almost 2 weeks they decided to stop! and those members who didn't want to continiue, why they cant come to our place? we did everything for them, voting all the time! and what, this is it? i'm sorry but... shame on them! i don't know if i'll keep voting at the streetwalk magazine... i'm so disappointed by these 4... really... at least jan and linke should stay!!!

Line said...

Yeah! I'm really surprised that Jan gave up! I wouldn't have thought that! And Linke too! It seemed like they could take it!
Oh God! I think they have taken the decision to fast too!! All we can do, is wish they will change their decision!
I really surprised they just gave up. Huh, but you know. We have NO idea how it is to be in their situation, and be through the things they have been through

mily said...

yeah, you're right. is just that... oh, gosh i cant explain this... i'm so... i'm sure their last concert will be so emotional... everybody will cry that's for sure...

Line said...

Yeah! I think that too! And I think all their concerts in December will be like that! - really sad. And kind of, must be strange for the guys too! To know that they actually are going to soon split up, and this is some of the last concert they will give together!

SS said...

It's good yeah, but still, it will never be the same without Juri, Jan, Frank and Linke. Never. I feel so unbelievably sorry for them, how did it come to this? Of all bands in the entire world, they had to split up. They don't deserve this.