Friday, 20 November 2009

New Timo blog on myspace

Now Timo have wrote a new blog,
You can read it here!!!


mily said...

so, while i was reading frank's answers at the official forum i suddently saw this:
so, if you go at the 4th post in the 70th question you will see franks answer about the "acting thing"... if you are a member, if you are not, i don't know if you can see it...

Line said...

Hi! Can you tell me which tropic it is in?! Cause the link dosen't work for me!

mily said...

ok, they're asking frank if he's intresting for a film or a serie(to play) (date: 03/03/2008) and he answers: if i find the right thing why not? but we are musicians not actors. i never say never. (it's a free translation by me)

Line said...

Where can I find the place it is written?!
Your sure it's Frank? Is it a interview?

mily said...

look. a friend of mine is member at the panik forum. so, i was at her house and she allowed me to enter at the site with her username. and then i went to the category "members" and i found frank (maybe it's frank since it's official forum) and i found this. i can give you her username and her password to enter at the site and see it by yourself :)

mily said...

it is question of fans and the members answer. it's not an interview from a magazine or something. and i think that the dude named franky on the official forum must be frank ziegler. the other members have profiles there too :)

Line said...

I'm a member of the site myself ;)
I don't think Frank is on that forum! He isn't. It's just a member! But Thank you, I will check it out!

Line said...

Or maybe he is, even it's one who pretend to be him, but it looks like it him..

Line said...

Thank you so much! I found it! And I'm think it's actually them ;)
Thank you!

mily said...

you're welcome! i think it's him cause there it says"rate" (in his profile) it says "panik"...