Saturday, 28 November 2009

Panik at the new Rock one

Text: "After the split... PANIK explains themselves"
Thank you Korny, Mily and Ju' for the translation!!



korny said...

it's a beautiful cover! :D And the title means: 'After the split...' what means 'sexplique'? ;D

Line said...

I have no idea...

mily said...

wow! i L-O-V-E the picture!!! they're gorgeous!

mily said...

and it's actually s'explique... it means something like "the explanation" to do or something it has to do with the word "explain"

mily said...

*or something it has to do with the word "explain" *

korny said...

yeah, I've already discovered it :)

korny said...

so 'Ater the split.. Panik explains' :)

mily said...

yeah, that's right :)

Line said...

Thank you you two!! I know NOTHING about french (or what it is)!! ;)

mily said...

don't worry, me neither. we did this word to our previous class and i heard something... i'm learning french for 3 years and i only know 5 words...

korny said...

and I've learnt frech since 2 years and I can't speak not much, neither ^^

Line said...

Okay, crazy xD haha, I have NEVER learned any Frech! We could choose between French or German, and that's for me no choose xD I loove German.. well, so no French! But crazy you haven't learned more Oo :D

mily said...

we also did this but i was so stupid and i chose french... but it's ok, now i'm learning 3 different languages...french, english and german...

Line said...

Okay! It's good you have German too ;)

Ju' said...

"After the split.. PANIK explains", it's a right translation, but "s'" means "themselves" ;) Of course, that is a detail ^^

Line said...

So... there shouldn't be a s on or?!

Ju' said...

The -s'- from -s'explique- ;)

Line said...

Ah, So, s' means themselves in French?

Ju' said...

Yes. Oh, excuse me, here, it's singular, but it's the same :)
Singular or plurial, s' means the same thing in french. So, in this case, it's himself better I think..

Line said...

Okay well, I don't understand Frech at all, hihi ;)
But thank you!!

Ju' said...

It's nothing. If you need help for french text, ask me ;) (I'm french, so.. ^^)

Line said...

Thank you so much!! It's great!!!