Friday, 27 November 2009

Panik to Paris AND Warsaw

David wrote at his twitter:
"Trying to prepare some announcement for a Paris show..."

What could that mean? A Panik concert in paris maybe?!

Cokierecek and David talked:

Cokiereck: paris paris only fucking paris .. maybe poland ?
David: We have an offer to play in Warsaw, we are on it.
Cokierecek: when ? :)
David: in the beginning of 2010 - but nothing is sure, yet. We just got the offer.
Cokierecek: accept offer :D
David: Sure :)



korny said...

omg. they got an offer to play in my Poland! but I live far away from Warsaw lol ^^

Line said...

Yeah it's crazy!
But sad you live so far away from there!!

korny said...

yeah, but I've got direct bus to Warsaw :D if they play in Poland, it will be great. very very great. I never had a chance to see them live. and you?

Line said...

Oh yeah, okay! Then it's great!! I hope they will come to warsaw so you can see them then :D
Well, I'm going to the concert in Berlin the 9th December!! The guys would never came to Denmark ;D There is NO fans here ;) (except me ;))

korny said...

really? In Poland, there is small fans, too. but maybe more than Denmark :) Oh, so you will see them soon! Take a lot of photos! :D

Line said...

Yeah, there must be, or then they wouldn't make a gig there ;)
Yes I will :D :D!