Thursday, 12 November 2009

Bravo - Did Frank tell them about Panik?

How did Bravo got to know about the splitting up?
In the text Panik wrote, where they told us that Panik would end, they also wrote that Frank haven't been in touch with the magazine.

But at Bravo's twitter the person who wrote the artikel writes:

Franky hat es mir letzten Donnerstag Nacht auf der EMA-Aftershow-Party erzählt. Er lügt! Sascha
English: Franky told me it Thursday night, at the EMA-Aftershow-party. He lies! Sascha!

Bravo on Twitter also wrote: "Gemein! Alle sind sauer auf Sascha, weil er die Trennung von Panik verraten hat... " And put a photo of a man (is it Sascha?) holding the bravo with the articel! See it here:
English: Mean! Everyone are angry at Sascha, because he told about Panik's split..."

Is this true or not? Did Frank tell her it? Anyway, If he did, I CAN'T believe that she actually wrote it in Bravo, and didn't give the guys a change to prepare they fans, or tell them it themself!! It's crazy!


mily said...

what the fuck has happened here??? i mean, first, because of a fight panik suddently are splitting up, (don't tell me because they didn't had money! that was the most stupid reason to tell) then, bravo finds it out first because of frank! then, at their blog it says frank hasn't tell anything and now this?! what the fuck, dammit!! why they're playng with us?!

mily said...

and now this?!:

good news!)))

Thursday, 12 November 2009 13:54 (link)edit + In quotations or community + set link
Read: 31 per hour / 165 per day
RinKa_Ziegler_ all records of the author
said the German channel:
guys with the group Panik otigrayut its program and will go on vacation. Recently, the group often misunderstandings and quarrels, but the participants said that no one is going to leave tvorchesvo ... they just need to go for the new forces for the new album. So sleep soundly

google translation from russian into english. source:

ok, that's it! i quit!!! :@

Line said...

They didn't split up because they fight and didn't want to be together!! They split up, because some of them have lost their energy! - That the only thing we know, and we just have to believe what they have told us.
I just wonder, if it's true, why Frank told them it... Maybe he was drunk... Real..

mily said...

maybe... like always xD I cant think about this anymore... and if frank didn't tell it then how did they knew about it??? what the fuck is going on here??? (i cant believe they lost their energy... BUT the point is not what i believe, the point is that this is a weird complicated story and nobody explains us!!!)
(maybe sasha IS a boy xD)
the sure thing is somebody lies... and, forgive me, i don't think it's the magazine...

Line said...

This is wierd!
I think, in a way, sorry sweet Franky, but that he told it, But that dosen't give him the right to just publish it in germany's biggeste magazin!! ARGH! I'm so angry!!!
Well, They writes "weil er die Trennung von Panik verraten"
So, It must be a boy? Er! Huh, I though Sascha was a girls-name, But what do I know?

It's just so typical! Now there is just rumour EVERWHERE!!

Line said...

Everywhere.. Huh

mily said...

gosh i can't believe anyone right now! yeah, poor frank but, since they wanted sometime to prepare their fans then why frank told this thing? i'm so sicked of rumors and i want somebody to get out and tell the truth to the people! i think sasha was doing just his job! he said "ok, this is gonna sell" so they had to expect he would publish it! that's so crazy! and so weird... this break-up story thing... i feel something is wrong here...

Line said...

Yeah, it's just so confusing everything! And I too, just want one of the guys, stand up, and tell us everything about what is happening! It's all just so confusing

SS said...

I'm so fucking confused that I want to cry, but I don't have any strength or tears left in my body. I'm just empty. It fucking hurts that some say this, some say that, I want a clear answer D:

itsatram said...

I don't know what to think about it all. It's so complicated! :o Anyway, I'm waiting for the some news from guys.