Sunday, 15 November 2009

Timo twitter update Nov 15th

Das erste Mal in Neumünster feiern, wohl auch das letzte Mal :)
English: The first time to paty in Neumüster, also the last time


mily said...

what does he mean with this :(?

Line said...

hm.. Maybe he just through it was a boring party :P

mily said...

i wish...

Line said...

I have no idea what he means?!

mily said...

i mean about the seperation of the group... that he will never go to a party with panik again :(:(:(

Line said...

Well, he comes from Neumüster, and have been living there all his live, almost, don't know if he actually still does?
So I don't know what he means xP

mily said...

well, i've heard he lives in hamburg, and he was borned in a small town outside neumunster... i've heard. I don't know either ... :?

Line said...

Well, okay! I don't know xP But still wierd if it should be his first and last pary there xD

Line said...

I don't think he means that he wouldn't go to party with the others! Anyway, I don't think he were at a party with the others ;)
David wasn't there anyway!
I don't think he meant anything about that!