Monday, 16 November 2009

Timo Twitter update Nov 16th no.2

@Jessy_sparkle warum denn das??
about 2 hours ago from web in reply to Jessy_sparkle
(Jessy_sparkle wrote: Hab gerade die @panikmusik Poster abgehangen.. trauriger Moment :(
English: have hang the Panik (@panikmusik) poster up... Sad moment )

Verdammt,hat Jemand noch n manuelles Nikon Objektiv, bei dem man die Blende per Hand verstellen kann?Mist, die werden wohl nicht mehr gebaut
about 2 hours ago from web
English: Damn, Do everyone have the manual for Nikon Objektiv, Where you can adjust the blitz (I think) with the hand? Rubbish, They are probably not build anymore.


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