interview from:
- Which shoesize do you have?
69 (what a rare stupid question)
- How do you make it when you make food the band together? Is it then always vegetarian?
No, but there is making allowance to it.
- What do you think about the new Rammstein-single "Pussy" and the video? I don't know...
- Do you like sushi?
Yes, but only with cucumber... and so... :)
- Have you wrote the text for "Bevor Du gehst" yourself, or have a bandcolleague?
With Timo.
-What inspired you to "Keiner Merkt es"?
You must ask Linke that :) He had already wrote the song for years ago!
- Do you like together with Timo?
No, but sometimes he lives at my home.
- Have you ever tried that there were a play you couldn't play, or at least you have been looking at in long time (working at - try to learn) ?
Couldn't play? No. Been looking at in long time.. yes, Gaspard de la Nuit, Ravel, I always worked on.
- When do you get to the exact point where you say that you master a piano piece so perfect, that you don't have to practise more?
I always practise farther. There is no exact point, where the play/musical piece is "done". Every day comes new emotions, which made it sound different. True, I mark a play as "vorführreif -( I don't know what means- but must be some kind of done) When I in the morgning direct after I wake up (Really direct after I wake up) can play it.
- Do your dreamgirl have to be musical too?
Fun question.. :-) No, "es bietet sich an"(don't know what it means), ja, but anyway, I have already once have a very muscial girlfriend, and there is still competitionfights. That was not nice... For me it actually don't matters.
-Do you read Fanfictions with you and Panik and what do you think about them?
No, I do not read them.
Do you like to go out in the evening (in a club etc.) do you like to party?
Nomally not. I prefer the time, I can be alone :) I make a lot together with others, and have from this not long time, where I can be myself - and when the possivility is there, I catch it.
- How do you pronounce your second first name and from who do you have it?
Lauden - Well yes, as you write it :-) "lau" (as lau-warm) "denn" (Not deeeen, more deen, as the normal word "deen") :) and from who do I get it? From my parents :)
- Where were you in work experience?
I have been it two times, if you mean the school-work experience. Once at a piano farmer (not sure about the farmer) in Kiel, and once in a homepage-manufacturer-firm, also in Kiel.
Read the orginal version in german here
Translated by me! Sorry again that I'm so bad at english!!
I have to say, - It's really good he don't read Fanfictions xD
Not reading fanfiction is good for David's health LOL
lol, I love the fact that a fan actually asked such a question... maybe he starts reading and get ideas... I definitely love fictions containing panik :) Do you read fictions as well, Line?
Yeah me too! It's really nice!
Yeah, I read some Fanfictions, when I have the time! But it's few I have read, can you recommend some?
i just read this fanfic :
i really liked it, i don't know if you'll like it :)
I will check it out :D Thank you! :D
this site:
has great fanfics!!! realy, espesially lirren's fanics... is the shit ;) I personally would recommend everything written by Diglossia and AlchemyEcho. Mikaiyawa's got some good ones as well. Just so you're warned: this is slash (=boy/boy) and almost slash only, so if you're not very keen on one band member being in a relationship with another, then you probably should stay out of it :P If you're curious on the slash thingy, you should read some easy going first, like "Chill" by AlchemyEcho. It'll convert you right away.
Hey! Thank you so much guys :D It really looks great! Now I have a lot to read, really nice :D Thank you!!
and Scorpia - I have no problem with that xD
Thank you :D
Great! :D I can already see you over there, welcome! ;) I know quite many fans hates slash and the thought of a member in their favorite band being gay, so I had to be on the safe side ;) Have fun over there :D
almost in every fansite has fanfics :) there are also some englsh pretty good fanfics at :) you can find everywhere ! :)
but this one
is the main site for fanfics so there you can find easy something to read :)
Scorpia - Great :D Haha! I have no problems with that at all ;) And it's just some storys read ;)
Mily, thank you so much for the sites :D
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