Thursday, 12 November 2009

Twitter update Nov 11th/12th

Scheiße ey...
about 8 hours ago from txt


Line said...

Oh my God, poor Timo!

mily said...

i said about the fight at my previous comment because david said to the official russian panik forum :
Clarifies David:
The band is not splitting up.
It is just that 4 will go.
Timo and Me will stay.
The others will leave after the 30th January, and we try to keep on.
as we always did.

Partially. With no breaks. Only four will leave. Timo and I will stay. Others leave us after 30 January, we are trying cohranitsya. as they have always done.

He also wrote that anyone problems and discontent grew 4 years.

(it's a translasion from google from russian into english. but i also have read an english version at a comment here :

Line said...

Thank you so much Mily! This is great! Do you have the direct link to the "interview" on the russian forum?

mily said...

um, i will try to find it :)

Line said...

It's just if you had it.. Cause I can't find the page, with it all.. and I don't understand anything of that Russian! The letters I don't get, haha xD You can't probably either understand it!
But if you have an idea where the link would be, then it would be amazing!

mily said...

i actually think that the link i gave ou has the english version:) it's at the first comment

Line said...

yeah that's right! but is it all the said? On the russian forum?

mily said...

yeah, the answer i wrote you is from russian forum. he also says that everyone's dislikes and problems were growing all these 4 years... but i can't stand this! all those years they didn't love each other?! it can't be serious! why they can't remember the good times?! :"(

Line said...

It's crazy! I have a feeling that it all have been a lie, I just thought they loved it so much! And they loved each other and all, and it was what they wanted, It's like a lie! It seemed like everything was going well and amazing! They seemed so happy, .. It's so strange.... I just can't believe it!