Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Week since the break up!

Well, today it's one week since we got the horrible news, the 11th November 2009.
One week since the guys told us the sad new about that they breaked up, or that 4 of the guys would leave the band!
How are you guys feeling?
I'm feeling better now, and kind of have accepted it now..
But it's still really unreal for me!



SS said...

I feeling... weird. It's unbelievable. But I've kind of gotten over it (not completely, but I'm not feeling down all the time because of it), since I'm going to their concert in Berlin December the 9th. My biggest dream has been, for a very long time, to see them live. My mum helped me coming up with an idea, so now I'm counting down for the trip. Will be my second trip to Berlin in 6 months, actually. But still, it's terrible and I don't think I'll ever get really past the split up. Panik will never be the same without Jan, Juri, Frank and Linke. Not to me, anyway. But like they say: Don't worry. Be happy! :)

mily said...

i feel shit... as always... i still cry when i enter at your blog cause it remids me the good memories... when i go to 2008 when i didn't have internet at my home and i was using my sister's mobile so i can see the news... when i was talkin' with ma bff on the phone when i saw panik were going to china and i told her: "hey, what the f***k! they didn't finish touring on europe! they must come at the rest of europe first!" when i was counting the seconds till the end of september so i can hear the new songs! all these memories... why all good things must end always!?! anyway, i feel a little bit better cause i know,they won't be lost and maybe they return someday! i decided to support panik even if they put new members or they stay 2... i had a bad feeling when frank said that he will play in this stupid film... and then he made his own twitter... and linke doesn't sing background anymore... (maybe he does in some songs, now david sings more than chris) and i had a felling that this won't be long... maybe they would change, i don't know... but anyway, it's done now so we can't do anything but to except it... but i think it will be better... somehow... in a way