Thursday, 10 December 2009

The Berlin Concert at Frannz Club

This is a very very long story :D

Well, okay, now I will try to tell something about the concert!
The club - Frannz Club were really nice!
They opened the doors at 19:00, and let slowly people in, 5 at a time, which actually were a really get way to do it.
The staff told me that I couldn't have my good camera with me, cause we were only allowed to gave "pocket-cameras" with us. So.. No really crazy good photos..
Yeah, well then we came in. It was a nice small room, I think there could be around 400 people in there. I went over to the left of the strange.. Yeah, because it was there David would stand (hih).
The concert should have been started 20:00, but it started 20:15!
Hm.. Okay, now is the hard part, well, the played and all!
Frank was really in a good mood, as always. He was very lovely and made fun with some of the other guys. They talked a LOT especially Timo and Frank, unfortunately I didn't understand much... Linke and Jan were standing at the same place all the time, and I didn't really see them that well.
David and Timo were really sweet, the thing that made David smile the most was Timo. They often looked at each other and all, sooo sweet :D

And David and Linke too, sending each others funny looks!
David seemed really really tired, poor him! He didn't really seem like he had the energy for it. But try to think about how hard it must be! I really did find out about that later too!!
But yeah, David seemed really tired, anyway, he talked sometimes too.
He played a piano solo in 3 minutes (I filmed it that's why I know it xD) - and it was just... - yeah, can't be described either, but I could never imagine anything that amazing. And then... Kinder! David played piano as the only instrument in the song, and Timo raped, while David sang the "Es ist nicht krank?", only the two of them on the scene, and this I mean, I have never ever seen or heard anything that beautiful in my life. They so much emoition and feelings in this song as they played and sang, it was so unbelievable!
A lot of the song were very emotional too, especially Wegweiser, all the guys seemed very serious and sad in that song, So beautiful! Like crazy!

Just the way the guys were on that scene. They loved it so much. SO MUCH! And they love each other so much!! It's just so crazy!! And the way Timo express himself in the songs.. when he sings, it's really with his soul!! and Frank, the way he does it, it just like a story he really wants to tell us!!

After the concert.. Yeah, then I actually sat down and cried.. My body was totally smashed too, I have filmed with my camera and took so many photos, and my body just hurt so much (No no, that’s not why I cried :D)
Some people around the place looked sad too, not everybody smiling and some sat on the floor to.
And then when I have tried in some time NOT to cry, even though it was a little hard, then I went over to the scene, were some of the other fans were standing. We stood there in some time, and then, suddenly came Juri, Linke and Jan up at the scene again! And they began to sign autographs! Linke began at the left site, I was standing kind of in the middle, but most in the right site. I had a book with me, and the first one who signed it was Jan, he looked at me and smiled. Jan was really really nice. He was so happy, and sweet to everyone, looked and smiled at people and talked to them. He was really nice, looking at a lot of the things he had to sign and took good time. And then Juri, he sat down all the time, also took all the time he wanted, and had a cup of Coffee or Tea with him all the time. Timo, Juri and Linke wrote as no. 2, 3 and 4, I don’t know in which order. Then Frank came, and he was really sweet, and happy. Then some guy told us and Frank that we had to go out. Jan tried to pack his DJ stuff, and I smiled at him while he send me some funny looks. I went outside. And went back the club, were me and Scorpia met :D If Scopia haven’t been there I think I had left again. We stood there and talked. And then suddenly Linke walked by, really fast. A little time after that Linke came again, and David too (And I freaked juuust a little out). Then we talked a lot again, about how great Linkes hair was too :D. And then we saw Timo in a window at the 1st floor. We waved at him, and he waved at us. He looked out a lot of times, and waved and made some different stuff.
I think we waited in 3 quarters. And then the guys began to come out. Frank as the first one. He drag on some instruments amplifier and stuff like that, with some other guys, a lot of drums :D – David came out too, but went in front of the car they packed.
Then David came, and we went over to him. Tried to come close. He took a lot of photos with other people. And then we get to talk with him. We asked him if he wanted to make a message for the Scandinavian fans! He said “Scandinavian?” and I said “Yeah, we comes from Norway and Denmark” – just as a fact for him, the two of us were from there, and then he said to me “Yeah, I KNOW what Scandinavian is!” – And I was like, argh! Sorry, I just wanted to tell you were WE comes from, main xD Haha
Okay, then he began to wrote, with his beautiful writing, someone said that he had such a beautiful writing, just as he has, aaw….. okay okay, well, then he kept on writing, and then he asked some girls how you say “Fishing” in English! – I think he said “Angeln” – which is finishing in German. He wrote a wonderful message, it was just so sweet of him, it was so wonderful that he actually took so much time to write a whole long message! And then we took photos with him too, whit his arms around us. And I was just soo crazy after that “He touched meeee”. Okay, really.. I sounds like an idiot.. I’m not normally really like that, but I have to say, David - I’m just so fascinated of him, really a lot… Ehm, yeah.. anyway. Then we went over to Timo, and there was a LOT of people there. So we went over to Frank. And asked him to write a message for the Scandinavian fans. He did, he wrote “Hello Norway” and “Hello Sweden” but not Denmark, hm. Then we took photos with him too :D
Then we went over to Timo, which all the way kept on go in the other way, away from us, no matter what we did, haha. Then at last we got to talk to him, and asked him too to write a message for the Scandinavian fans, Sweet Timo, is not good at English, so he seemed a little bit uncomfortable. We said that he of cause could write in German to. But he had began to write “Thanks” so we kept on writing in English, and wrote “Thanks for your support” forgot the u in you’re the first time, and thought a little about support, was sooo sweet :D – Then we took photos with him. I can still remember his arm around me, he had a bottle in the one at my site :D Then he said “Thank you” after the photo :D
All the guys seemed really tired there. Think about it. I can’t believe how hard it might be! With concert so many days after each other! Just - Soundchek - play a whole concert, then out and talk with the fans, write autographs and take photos, in hours. and then.. on to the next city with a concert again and so on! I understand why they are so tired!!
Especially David, he seemed soo tired and kind of sad...
But Linke! We got over to him, and he was SO sweet! I think he just loved to talk English! We asked him for a message. He hadn’t a thick pen, so I have a little thin ballpoint, but he only got to wrote “Gree..” cause then he said, that he just couldn’t write whit that pen, he wouldn’t see anything. Then he said something about videos and mail or something like that, didn’t really get it. But it ended that we said we could make a video. He filmed. And he asked again were we came from. We said Denmark and Norway. And then he began to talk about this half brother, which came from Slesvig which is so near Denmark, that he could talk Danish. And some strange stuff. Then he said something about “Was it it?” .. I can’t really remember. And then we took photos with him too.
Juri and Jan didn’t really came out. And in the end I leaved. I don’t know what Scorpia did after that :D But it was SOO nice that we met! I don’t think I would have liked to take photos and all that stuff, if she hadn’t been there!

Photos and videos will come :D

I have a felling like I'm not alive...


Zara/Nä said...

hehe jag såg de i frankfurt så kanske därför han sa hej sverige :D?

älskar din blogg btw!

Line said...

Hah, yeah! Vi sagde til ham at han skulle skrive Norge, Svergie og Danmark :D - Han blev bare ret forvirret så, og til sidst lidt for meget, så vi tænke, okay lige meget, fint bare med Svergie og Norge xD
1000 1000 tak :D Jeg er virkelig glad for du kan lide den!!!!!
Fedt med nogle flere skandinaviske fans :D :D!

mily said...

aw, that was so awesome!!! thank u for writing these to us! it has to be a great experience! and for the english and the guys, well, it's ok, my english are worst :)you were calm if i was there i would just screaming all the time like an idiot xD (especially if i was talking with david and timo and linke!) once more, thank you for posting this and share it with us! it was really nice from u!:)

korny said...

You're such a lucky woman, you could meet them! :D that had to be a wonderful experience! :D

Line said...

Thank you guys :D
Well, I actually surprised myself, with being so calm like - I didn't get nervous, and my heart didn't beat fast and I didn't feel very worm or anything, and I also felt very calm talking to them, my voice didn't shake or anything. That's very strange, cause sometimes I just had that like.. all the time!
maybe it's because I talked english, and had come over my nervousily with talking english (which I use to have) cause I talked with Scorpia. And then.. I was just like worn out, and had experienced so much. It felt so natural to talk and stand with them, really..
I usally don't scream xD Haha - never actually, only if I like, tell somebody about something, then I can freak out. But well, they are people like us, and it felt so normal...

korny said...

haha, yeah. it's like "oh, I met Panik. no big deal' xD I think my hand and voice would be shaking like ALWAYS :D
I want them to come to Warsaw and my mommy let me go there!

mily said...

yeah, they are human beings xD well, i usually don't speak a lot (i'm not talking just for english, but for my language too) so, yeah, i don't know if i would be able to speak... and for screaming... i don't scream either but, when i saw an old friend of mine (he came to me and i was in love with him) the only thing i could do was...screaming... so, i don't know how i would react... so, why do you have that feeling?

Line said...

Hm.. I don't know. I normal don't like to talk with people, and gets very nervous. But I think it had become better now. And in a way, I just seemed SO naturally with them there!! And it was too like, had to go fast and all. I think if it was like.. a Meet'n'Greet, I would NEVER have been like that. Then I would have been crazy nevous.. But this was.. outside, it had to go fast, people everywhere, and yeah... - But I have no idea what happend, but it was so normal...

Line said...

Well, of course it wasn't normal xD

jejj3 / Jess said...

du hälsade inte Frank? :(

Line said...

Nein, det var der ingen mulighed for!

jejj3 / Jess said...

*gråter lite*

jejj3 / Jess said...

nej, så hårt ska jag inte ta det.

SS said...

Aaaah, jesus, I remember all that :D Omg... God, it was embarrassing when David said "I KNOW where Scandinavia is!" I wanted to hide so badly xD

On the bus today I remembered so much I had planned to ask them, especially Linke, but I wasn't prepared that I was going to meet them, so I forgot to ask xD It was just a really weird feeling to sit on the bus today and think "I've actually TALKED with David, Timo, Frank and Linke..." And I didn't freak out, not totally, I'm kinda pleased with myself xD

Awesome to read what you thought about the concert and such :D I totally agree, when Timo and David played "Kinder" on their own, that was one of the most emotional things I've ever seen in my life.

Line said...

Oh GOD oh GOD!! YEAH!! Argh!! That was so embarrassing!! And it was me who said it, GOD!!! I wanted just to run away too xD Hahah - CRAZY!!

Ah yeah, it's ALWAYS like that!! You always found out stuff you would had said..