Friday, 11 December 2009

From the Hamburg gig

At a writer writes about the show in Hamburg.
And tells that Frank, Jan and Timo had tears in their eyes!
Than there is written: "Leider ging auch dieser Abend mal zu Ende und es wurde verkündigt das diese Konzert für Link das letzte war."
It is written that it was the last concert for "Link" - Linke?
I don't knwo anything else about this!! But there is standing that he will not be in Moscow!

Read the whole post here!


mily said...

yeah, i read that too and i didn't understand... the gig in moscow will be or not???

Line said...

No, She had written, that they told that LINKE will not be at the concert in Moscow :S

mily said...

why linke won't be at moscow??? he has something more importaint to do than to thank one last time the fans who gave him a gold record???....

Line said...

yeah... I don't know at all! But I think there is a good reason!

mily said...

oh, and about the page, i read in the official forum that will be a new desing from 24 dec. source:

korny said...

it's sad :( and what the heck this mean..?

Ju' said...

Really ? ... It's so sad for Moscow ! I hope this isn't true..