Sunday, 13 December 2009

Messages for the Scandinavian fans!

Scorpia and I asked the guys to make a messages for the Scandinavian fans at the Berlin concert, at the time we met them!

So, now, here is the messages from David, Timo and Frank, hope you like them guys :D

From David:

- "For all and to a ll Scandinvian Fans:
I would like - one day to come to you and go fishing with you =)

Keep Rockin'
- God wonderful, he was so sweet, he took so long time to write this for us, it's crazy! And his handwriting is he most wonderful I have ever seen!

From Frank:
- "Hello Norway" (and then his autograph)
"Hello Sweden" (and then his autograph)

From Timo:

"Thank you for your support" (and then his autograph)

From Linke:
"Gree" - yes, he was about to write greetings, but he wouldn't see anything because it was a thin ballpoint (mine xP), so he didn't write more..

Click at the photos ;) They are big!!
All scans from my book, which I got autographs in ;)


mily said...

wow! awesome! i think david wrote the larger note(unfortunately, i can't read it at all...). and about frank: sweden? wtf, you're from denmark! timo was just sweet and linke's... well..."gree"... thanks for the scans :)

Line said...

I have written what they wrote ;)
But yeah, God, it was so sweet of them!!!

mily said...

yeah, i read it... i still couldn't understand (i mean... "go fishing"???) but yeah, it was very nice from them :)

Line said...

Yeah, go fishing xD The cutest thing was, that he couldn't remember what it was called in english!!
But really, a vegetarian who wants to go fishing? Somethings wrong there xD
But oh God, it was so sweet of him. And that handwriting...

mily said...

well, i can't uderstand a thing from this handwriting... it reminds me the handwriting of my math's teacher... i really like frank's handwriting... and, for the fishing, i'm vegetarian too and i eat fishes... maybe he just doesn't like to eat meat... and timo eats sushi...and he is vegetarian too...

Line said...

Yeah okay, I know. But the "real" way- or what you say, of being vegetarian, if you really are, then you don't eat fish.. anyway, I couldn't live without eating fish, sushi is my favourite dish xD But well, I still don't think he wants to kill the fish xD

zara/nä said...

åååh :D

mily said...

yes, you're right... actually they are not vegetarians (me neither xP) because they eat fish! is just that they don't eat meat, not that they are vegetarians... (i don't eat meat cause it's not healthy for me...)

Line said...

Yeah, but you can always think what you then should call it. I think it's okay to call people who don't eat meat vegetarians, even though it's actually isn't right ;)
Anyway, In Denmark we (not me) eat so much meat, it's insane! And it's not good for you at all..

mily said...

in here too... all the kinds of meat... and i suffer, when i'll go out to eat there is nothing but meat! and, well, i don't eat anything... is just that there is not a name for the people who don't eat meat and we use "vegetarian" (it's not right although):)

Line said...

Ah yeah, but seriously, Denmark is the country in the world which eat the most meat or something.. totally crazy!! It's not good for us, or for the world...
I hate when restaurants don't have anything good vegetarian to eat -.-' Or don't even have something!!
Vegetarian food is the best, when it is someone who really is good of making it! Know how to make it.

SS said...

I've thought A LOT about the fishing part too xD But aw, it was so geil that he wrote that :D

Line said...

Seriously I would LOVE to go fishing with him xD My God!

jejj3 / Jess said...

I have to say, I love Frankys greeting to Sweden heheh :D

Line said...

I knew you would Jess ;)

jejj3 / Jess said...

haha :D
I think he could have written something for me too, just because I'm from Sweden and he promised me to come here! (A) XD

Line said...

Oh God, I think you should be happy, he didn't write Denmark :o
Right. He promised you?!

jejj3 / Jess said...

haha well, I would have been happy if he wrote Denmark too, I have relatives from Denmark :p
Haha yes? xD

Line said...

Ah yeah xD God.. well

xxmusikxxkod said...

this is so kwl,that you met the guys:D it seems you had quite the time^^