Saturday, 5 December 2009

New Blog from Timo - Tour und Film

Von der Tour und Film

So, Morgen gehts los.. Freu mich schon sehr, wird bestimmt sehr spaßig, naja und traurig zu gleich..
Wer von euch isn dabei?
Im Moment bin ich am Schneiden, für einen Kurzfilm, den ich die letzten Wochen gedreht habe. Muss direkt im Anschluss der Tour weiterdrehen, damit ich dies Jahr noch fertig werde. Ist nichts Langes, wird wohl unter 5 Minuten bleiben, aber die haben es in sich, hehe.. Ist eine neue Erfahrung für mich, da ich sonst immer auf Musik geschnitten habe, ich aber diesmal völlig frei schneide, weil David die Orchestersheets dazu schreibt. Heißt, ich schneide erst, stumm, dann kommt die Musik drauf und dann der Sprecher.
Das wird interessant, da ich, wie gesagt, mir sonst Musik rausgesucht habe, oder erst die Mucke geschrieben habe und dann das Material draufgeschnitten habe..

Es handelt sich hierbei allerdings nicht um das Video, das wir an Weihnachten veröffentlichen werden (da muss ich auch noch ran :)).

Wahrscheinlich veröffentliche ich den Kurzfilm Anfang nächsten Jahres..

Ansonsten bin ich auf Kopenhagen gespannt, ob endlich was getan wird, für uns und unsere Zukunft!!

Zum Schluss möchte ich noch dem Team von "Rock One" (dem größten Rockmagazin in Frankreich) danken, für die Coverstory und die Unterstützung, die wir seit 2 Jahren genießen dürfen. Danke!! (

So, tomorrow it begins! I already look forward to it, it will definitely gonna be fun, oh yes and sad too...
who of you are going to be there? (I think it is)
At this time am I cutting a shortfilm, which I have filmed in the last weeks
I have to direct after the tour keep filming again, so I can finish it in this year. It is not long, it will be less than 5 minutes, but it has it in it (Something like that, I think), hehe.. It is a new experience for me, who otherwise always have cut music, I have this time cutted totally as I wanted to, because David wrote the orchestranotes (?). I cut first, mute (the movie soundless), then comes the music, and then the voices.
It gonna be interesting, that I, as said, otherwise, I normally make the music, and for the first time I have wrote the script and then cutted the material.(don't know what that means) wrote and then the material cutted...

All this here isn't about the video, which at Christmas will be released (I have to cut that too)

Probable will this shortfilm be released in the next year..

And then I'm so excited with Copenhagen, wether what is being done at last, for us and our future!!

At last I will the Team at "Rock One" (The big rockmagazine in France) thank, for the coverstory and the support that we in two years have enjoyed. Thank you!!


Translating by me, and sorry, it's really bad I know. Thank you Jess for the help!!!

Please tell me if you want to correct me!
The thing that is happening in Copenhagen is the climate conference, where the Nations try to find out a way to reduce our CO2 escape... And I can tell your, Copenhagen is full of people right now xD



SS said...

Ha-ha, I can imagine Copenhagen being full of people XD I don't want to think about how it will be in Oslo on Thursday when Obama will get the Nobel Peace Price :P Too bad I'm in Germany at that moment (OK, not really, I get to see Panik live, then I don't care about american presidents and peace prices ;))

Found one mistake in your translation though. "Wer von euch isn dabei?" means "who of you are going to be there?", thus who of us fans are going to be there at the concert in Köln tomorrow. But hey, mistakes are allowed to do and I can understand why you translated it the way you did.

mily said...

well, i'm kinda confused but anyway, your translation is much better that google's...and thank you very much! but, in the end, why does he thank the magazine? that means that he won't give an interview again? have i understood right? david has wrote the soundrack for his film?

mily said...

than google's*

Line said...

thank you so much Scorpia!
Really, he wrote a word which dosen't really exist xP
I see it was a reeeeally wierd translation by me, cause really, I knew that was what he was saying.. Pretty much anyway!

I'm glad your are going to the concert!! Gonna be amazing! i can't wait either for the concert in Berlin! Even though I think it gonna be very strange...

But yeah, Copenhagen is crazy, because of all the demonstrators who comes to the city... and people to discuss the climate too xD It gonna be fun...

Line said...

Mily - He said thanks to the magazine because they have supported them so much... If he gonna give a interview again?! Who knows that?! nobody could know that ;)
yeah, David have made the music for the film.. I'm pretty sure ;)

SS said...

Yeah, I'm glad too. Hell, it's going to be weird, knowing that that's one of their lasts concerts ever... Hang on, hang on, are you going to the Berlin concert as well, or did I misunderstand the whole thing?

Oh, and regarding the music for Timo's movie, I bet it's Ce Pia Ali, cause when I bought it on iTunes the genre read "soundtrack". I was all "wtf, soundtrack, which movie?", but this makes sense :D

Line said...

Yeah, it's gonna be so strange :S
Yes, I'm going to the concert in Berlin! the 9th! Are you too?!!?!

Ce Pia Ali? Really, Soundstrack?! Strange :D Wow, that could be nice!!

SS said...

Seriously, we're going to the same concert! Damn, who would've thought THAT? Oh, christ :D Shit... :D

Line said...

Seriously?! That's crazy xD That's gonna be fun! Wow, crazy!! ...

SS said...

I'm so laughing my ass off atm. This was fucking owned :D

Line said...

It's crazy, I didn't know At ALL!
Would have been crazy if we haven't found out before the concert ;)

SS said...

Yeah, tell me about it xD And had no idea at all. So, well, this is weird and very funny :D I just have to ask, what hotel are you staying at?

Line said...

Yeah, it's totally weird xD
Well... it's called Zarenhof Berlin.. I think xD

SS said...

Oh, would've been even more owned if we stayed at the same hotel, but we're not. Yeah yeah, whatever, we're still going to the same concert :D

Line said...

That would have been totally insane xD

SS said...

Yeah xD

Line said...

Are you going alone?!

SS said...

No, my uncle's going with me. He didn't even know Panik existed when I called him three weeks ago and asked him if he wanted to join me in Berlin! :D But he's going to the concert anyway, hehe. What about you?

Line said...

Hahah, niice xD :D
My mom is going with me ;)

SS said...

Nice :)