Friday, 18 December 2009

New Kyte video - 24 Dezember - Free track

So now, a new video at Kyte Video!! JUHU!!!
Timo outside in the snow xD walking with a dog!
It has been long time since we had this nice videos from them :D Anyway, he probably took his time to film, now he just was walking with the dog xD.. Wonder if he has a camera with him ALL the time xD

"It's snowing it's snowing! So nice. It's so amazing here.
I made this kyte video, to thank for this wonderful tour, I have had a lot of fun! it was so magnificent! Thank you so much for it! it was really great!
And then we will at the 24th December, at Christmas, a track on the hompage lay out, plus video.
And as a Christmas gift to you from us.
It's a very nice weather, I walk around.." and something I don't get. Kess means "Brash" not sure it's what he is saying.
And then "Something", in copenhagen is not happend (Talking about the Climate conferance) Don't get the next little part.
Then he says something about a lot of nice mails.. don't get that either..
"Otherwise, it's a very nice winter"

I wonder why it's called FREE track.. He dosen't say anything about it as free, does he?


mily said...

dude this video is so fuckin' sweet! i mean, timo walking in the snow with snow on his hair and this cute black dog!:) ^-^

Line said...

I don't like dogs xP haha. But anyway, he is soo cute xD I wish I could watch the video :S

mily said...

btw, is this dog his dog? i have no problem, i love all the animals :P

Line said...

I have no idea actually xP But.. well, it might be?

jejj3 / Jess said...

I believe it's his sisters dog, 'cause if I don't remember wrong, he once said she had an animal :p

mily said...

yes, that's true, his sister has an animal, i don't know what, but she has, but at his twitter he answers to a girl that asked if it was his dog and he said yes :D

isn't this cute little sweety so sweet? and his owner too? xD

Line said...

I can't belive he actually have time to have a dog...

jejj3 / Jess said...

well, it's probably his and his sisters dog :p