Monday, 7 December 2009

Videos from Underground Cologne concert, Köln, 06.12.09

Thank you Mily for the tip!!


mily said...

oh, and i just found another one here:

Line said...

Thank you so much Mily!

mily said...

and another:

your welcome :) (sorry for posting the url of the videos 1-1 but i found them now...)

mily said...

and another one:

mily said...

and another one:

SS said...

Oh my gooood, you do realize we're gonna see them too, only two fucking days left! Jesus, I'm twisting here... OK, I'm not gonna freak out. But this is just... nah, I don't know, fucking unbelievable :)

Line said...

Oh Gooooooood!! Really.. um!
It's just so unbelievable!! I haven't realized it yet!! It's just so crazy... I can't believe it's in TWO DAYS!! Um...!!

SS said...

I know. So not going to be able to sleep tonight, since I'm going to Berlin tomorrow. Gah *-*

Line said...

Oh main! Really? Your going tomorrow?! Um! I understand that!! I'm just so anxious!! UM! It's so strange!!

SS said...

Yeah, 'cause it takes so long to get there from where I live. Up 5 am tomorrow morning xD So yeah, by-bye, and if I see you I'm gonna call out loud :D

Line said...

Wow really? My God, that's early :S!! I'm first going the 9th xD At the day ;) Hope you will have a good time!!
And yes, please, you have to do that :D Hope we gonna meet there ;)

SS said...

I know xD So I have to go to bed now. heh :3 Have a great time u too, would've been awesome to see u there :D look for a small, small girl which looks like a guy, short brown hair, dark blue hoodie, huge grey pants and white shoes ;)

Line said...

Sorry I didn't answer´you! And you probably not going to see this one! But anyway xD
I will look after you :D
I Probably gonna have red pants on, and a Hummel shirt with long arm, over a black shirt xD And then I have long darkblond hair ;)
Hihi xD
Um, it's tomorrow.. my my