Sunday, 31 January 2010
Timo twitter update 31st Jan
watched "Lucky Number Slevin" with David.. hehe, nice movie :)
33 minutes ago from web
Timo twitter update 30th/31st january
@OfficialDA wanna see it :) send me.. please - good night everyone.. see ya
2 minutes ago from web in reply to OfficialDA
Saturday, 30 January 2010
David twitter update 30th January
@OfficialDA and actually turned out pretty awesooome!!
6 minutes ago from Twittelator in reply to OfficialDA
David from Destination Anywhere wrote: I'm drawing smth for the new cover... it's working pretty well I think ;). -David.
David status update on myspace
"As we were supposed to play in Moscow today - AGAIN SORRY FOR THIS CIRCUMSTANCES! Because the MILKconcerthall is CLOSED, we will NOT play TODAY! FUCK!"
Mood: disappointed
Friday, 29 January 2010
Panik didn't get on VertigoFM top 10
At you could give all albums points!
It was for top 10, Best albums 2009!
But Panik didn't get on the top 10!
New songs and new Album!!
In the new blog from Timo, he writes that, when he and David together, they had listen to some songs, and that it sounded great. And he tells that we will hear new song in this year! The most of the song were written last year and the year before that!
David twitter update 29th Jan
@verylala that was in Frankfurt!
18 minutes ago from web
Verylala wrote: i thought the worst pizza was in frankfurt :P
@panikmusik that was the worst Pizza e.v.e.r.!!
43 minutes ago from web
@kleinlexa vielleicht :-)
about 1 hour ago from Twittelator in reply to kleinlexa
Kleinlexa wrote: in lüneburg? ist das studio vielleicht in vögelsen??
English: In Lüneburg? Are the studio maybe in Vögelsen??
New blog from Timo, And NEWS about songs and album!!!
Blog by Timo, on myspace, 28th january
Von dieser Nacht, neuen Songs und Büchern
Wow, ich war grad joggen.. Der Fakt ist nicht zum staunen, allerdings war es draußen SO schön. Sternenklarer Himmel, die Straße glitzerte, als wären tausend kleine Diamanten aus versehen ausgekippt worden und lägen nun verstreut auf dem tiefen Schwarz der Straße und die Luft, die Luft so schneidend klar, dass die Kälte meinen ganzen Brustkorb durchströmte und mich mit einem Mal hell wach werden ließ. Der Mond, durchzogen von einem langen dünnen Kondensstreifen, von einem Flugzeug hinterlassen, das schon lange vorbei geflogen war, denn außer das leise Knacken des zerbrechenden Eises unter meinen Schuhen, hörte ich NICHTS. Gar Nichts.. Es war wundervoll. Millionen von Sterne und die Umgebung völlig erhellt, nur durch den Mond. Naja, und dann Ipod rein und Eminem, der von Drogen, vielen Drogen, Sex, hui, viel Sex, und seiner schlagenden Mutter rappt. Hehe, schon ein leichtes Kontrastprogramm.. Aber es war echt cool :) Kann ich nur empfehlen..
Ich habe heute erfahren das der Erfinder von Scrubs letztes Jahr eine Serie gestartet hat, "Couger Town", die muss ich mir wohl mal antun; bin sehr gespannt..
Ansonsten bin ich grade in Umzugsplanung, bald gehts los.. Auf, Auf in ein neues Leben.. schon komisch irgendwie..Als ich die Tage bei David war, hab ich mir unsere bisher aufgenommenen neuen Lieder angehört und freu mich darauf noch ein, zwei fertig zu stellen, damit wir n ganzes Album haben. Ich denke, ihr werdet es sehr mögen.Es sind hauptsächlich Songs, die wir letztes und vorletztes Jahr geschrieben haben.. Ich kann leider noch nicht sagen, wann ihr sie zu Hören bekommt, aber dies Jahr wird es sicherlich sein :)
Hoffe, das sind gute News :)
Na, dann will ich mal duschen gehn und ab zu Bett (zu meinem super Buch - Kennt ihr das, wenn man eine Trilogie anfängt und das erste Buch ist so NAJA, aber dann wirds richtig gut?Ich geb ja zu, ich habe noch nie besonders viel gelesen (in meiner Teenagerzeit vielleicht), aber letztes Jahr fing es an; es war n Rat von nem Bekannten, weil ich immer nicht einschlafen konnte und seit dem habe ich meine Liebe zu Büchern wieder entdeckt. Ich liebe Filme, keine Frage, mein Element, seit klein auf an :) aber Bücher sind teilweise schon intensiver, weil einfach viel mehr erzählt werden kann und bevor ich mir Abends irgendein Schrott im Fernsehen rein zieh (oha, diese Zeiten gab es auch - ziiemlich lange) lese ich lieber ein Buch :)
Jot Nacht --
Wow, I had just joged... the fact is not surprising(Is not a BIG wonderful thing-like), but it was so wonderful outside. Starry sky, the street sparkled, like it was thousand of small diamonds provided were tipped from and lay just scattered at the deep black street and in the air, the air so clear, so the cold flow through my entire chest and let me at once be wide awake. The moon, traversed for a long thin Contrail, that a plane have left behind, which have flew far away, besides the silence creak as the ice break beneath my shoes, I DON'T hear. Not at all.. It was amazing. Million of stars and surrounding area completely clear only because of the moon.
Njaja, and then the iPod clear (or is Rein a muscian?) and Eminem, that about drugs, a lot of drugs Sex, oops, not of sex, and his hited mom sings. Hehe, just a simple contrast program... but it was very cool :) Can I only recommend!
I have today found out that the Erfinder from Scrubs last year had a serie begin, "Couger Town", that I have to make me good time; I'm very exciting..
Others have I just plans to move, soon it will begin... On, on to a new life .. funny somehow..
As I the day with David was, have I our previously recorded new songs heard and look forward to another, two to provide ready, with that we will have a whole album. I think you really would like it.
It is the main thing songs, we in the last and the year before the last have wrote...
I can unfortunatly not yet say, when you will be able to hear it, but this year it will for sure be.
Hope that is good news :)
Na, then I will take a shower and go to bed (to my super book - do you know that, when you begin on a Trilogy and the last book is so well yeah, but then gets very good?
Ah yeah, I have to say, I have never really read a lot (In my teenagertime maybe), but last year it started; it was a advice from one of my well-known people, because I never would sleep and since I have revived my love for books. I love movies, no question/doubt, my element, since I was little :) but books are partly just intense, because you simple can tell much more and before I in the evening some scrap on television watch (oh, this time was it also very long time) I read pleasant a book :)
Translation by me
Thursday, 28 January 2010
Timo twitter update 28th Jan no.2
KerrangMagazine New Limp Bizkit single to drop next month! How awesome is that?
about 3 hours ago from web
Retweeted by panikmusik and 17 others
listen to a new song by @OfficialDA .. Love it :)
6 minutes ago from web
Timo twitter update 28th Jan
mhh.. i should read a book.. or eat something.. maybe not..
31 minutes ago from web
ooooooooooor i learn for my driver-licence..
32 minutes ago from web
Hello again..beautiful weather: snow AND sun.. wow.. maybe i should go out for a walk..
33 minutes ago from web
David twitter update 28th Jan
Alles gut bei mir, ja, sanke! Ich bin in Lüneburg im Studio :-)
about 2 hours ago from Twittelator
English: Everything is good here with me, yes, "sanke"! I am in Lüneburg in the studio :-)
@FreakyConny nein :-p
about 3 hours ago from Twittelator in reply to FreakyConny
FreakyConny said: @DamoFeevii fragen wir ihn mal @laudenbonk kann man was dagegen machen wenn man nur Süßes isst wie du?
English: ""DamoFeevii We ask him once @laudenbonk can you do something about it if you only eat candy as you?
Tuesday, 26 January 2010
Panik bulletin on myspace 23 Jan
First Movie: At Second Glance
Tekst: Timo produced/shooted/cutted his first short movie "At Second Glance".
See the trailer on:
cheers :)
Timo twitter update 26th Jan
Im waiting.. David will arrive soon.. Hope so..
about 1 hours ago from txt
I just got up to 46920 in #DoodleJump!!! Beat that!
about 2 hours ago from API
I just got up to 26551 in #DoodleJump!!! Beat that!
about 2 hours ago from API
Monday, 25 January 2010
Timo twitter update 24th Jan no.2
The Bourne Trilogy is so fu****g amazing :) My fav movies after "Lord of the Rings".. :)
about 23 hours ago from web
Sunday, 24 January 2010
Timo twitter update 24th jan
new Blog on - good night twitterverse and thank you so much for the great feedback :) promote ASG ;)
10 minutes ago from web
New blog from Timo : At Second Glance Teaser-Trailer
At Second Glance Teaser-Trailer
nun sitz ich hier, alleine im Dunkeln, eine Tischlampe brennt, sonst ist alles Schwarz, nur das Flackern meines Monitor springt mir entgegen und ich verliere mich in diesem rechteckigem Fenster.. Alles still, draußen frierts, drinnen ist der Ofen an und angenehme Wärme steigt zu mir hoch.. ein leichtes Rauschen meines MacBook-Lüfters, und irgendwo eine Uhr die tickt (wahnsinn, nicht digital :)).
Nun sitz ich hier und schreibe diesen Blog, meine Gedanken schwinden schon dahin, weil mich die Müdigkeit einholt und zu sich zieht und wie an einem Seil rüttelt das einladend wirkende Schlafzimmer an mir, dass ich hoffentlich gleich betreten werde und die letzten Gedanken vor dem Einschlafen meinem Buch und dessen Helden schenke..
Der Grund, warum ich diesen Blog schreibe, ist dieser:
Den Film habe ich an 8 Drehtagen abgedreht, hatte keinerlei professionelle Unterstützung und alle Leute, die in diesem Film vorkommen, sind Freunde oder Bekannte. Es hat mir super viel Spaß gemacht zu drehen und ich hoffe, dass ich bald meinen zweiten Film in Angriff nehme, diesmal mit etwas mehr Spielzeit.
Im Moment kursiert der Film hier und da herum und wird dem und dem gezeigt, obwohl die finale Fassung noch nicht fertig ist.. Vor allen Dingen aus Zeitgründen..
Der Schnitt und die Farbbearbeitung sind fertig, Synchro und Musik auch.. Richtig, wenn ihr richtig aufgepasst habt, fehlt da nicht mehr viel.. Der Abspann und ein paar Kleinigkeiten will ich noch umändern. Wann der Film genau rauskommt, will ich noch nicht verraten, aber ich bedanke mich jetzt schon mal, für das äußerst positive Feedback auf den Trailer; es freut mich, dass er euch gefällt!
Achso, und nein, ASG ist kein Horrorfilm :)
Eine Sache noch, ich habe grad Paul Panzer im Fernsehen gesehen und fand ihn wirklich lustig.. :) hab noch nie ein Programm von ihm gesehen, aber das eben war wirklich gut..
jut nacht
Now I sit here, alone in the dark, a desklamp bruns, otherwise everything is black, only the flicker my monitor comes towards me, and I'm getting lost in the rectangled window... everything is still, it's freezing outside, inside is the stove turned on and comfortable warmth rise high at me (Okay, don't knwo how to translate it to english).. A weak whistle from my Macbook ventilation, and somewhere a clock tick (madness, not digital :))
Now I sit here and write this blog, my thought disappear slowly allready there, because the tiredness catch me up and drag in you and like a rope the bedroom invites me in, that I hopefully will go into and the last thought before the sleep my book and this hero give.. (I don't get that at ALL xD)
The reason, that I wrote his blog is this:
I have filmed the movie in 8 days, and all the people who is in the movie, is friends and people I know. I have had a lot of fun while filming this and I hope, that I soon will start to film my second film, this time with more running time.
In this moment the film circulates around now and then and will be showed now and then. Even though the final version is not finished.. above all, reasons of time.
The cuting and colourwork ist finished, dub and music too... Right, if you really paying attention, is not much missing... the tiredness and a a couple of small things I want to modify. When the movie exactly will be released, I will not reveal yet, but I thank you now already, for the positive feedback for the trailer, it makes me happy that you like it!
and then, No, ASG (At second Glance) ist not a horrormovie!
One more thing, I have Paul Panzer in the TV seen and though he was very fun .. :) Have not yet seen a program from him, but this was very good.
Sorry, really bad translation by me!
Saturday, 23 January 2010
Twitter update 23th Jan
At Second Glance - Teaser Trailer now on:
33 minutes ago from web
The "At Second Glance" trailer IS HERE!!!
From youtube:
Text from youtube:
"The first shortmovie by Timo Sonnenschein coming 2010.
Regie/Camera/Cut: Timo Sonnenschein
Music by David Bonk.
Special Thanks to Max Böhlen. "
Friday, 22 January 2010
David twitter update 22th Jan
12 minutes ago from web
Screenshots from the Destination Anywhere video
Some few photos from the new productionvideo from Destination Anywhere, with David!
Some photos of the photos he has in his studio! (I know you really can't see anything, but you get the idea xD) - A lot of the photos, I have seen myself, maybe them all? So it's photos which is on the internet too ;)


Click at the photos to see them in the real size!
Destination Anywhere - Albumproduktion no.4 with David!
Text for the video:
At the fourth part of the studioalbumrecordingspresentationvideose rials you are able to see the happy Tim K. and the silver-tongued David C. visiting the rowdily David B. to finish the last songs for the album and to record guitar and vocals. The other bandmembers were spending their time during that with cocktails at the beach of Ibiza, gazing at other men's behinds. Or something like that. Warning for musicians: the musical valuable proportion of the video is 1 % (rounded upwards). Have fun!
Oh my God! Try to notice the photos David have in the background when they produce in his studio!! (Makes me so sad :S)
- and then he play Farmville xD hahaaa!
(sorry about that "David" thing - but everytime I say David, It's our David (Bonk) xD)
Thursday, 21 January 2010
Timo twitter update 21th Jan.
@laudenbonk "hello again", ich sag einfach nur: "hello again" :)
13 minutes ago from web in reply to laudenbonk
English: "Hello again" I say simpel only "hello again" :)
New members and Casting?! - NOT TRUE!
At have Timo wrote a comment!!! - But it is TIMO?! Nothing shows that it is him!
You can see the comments here!!!
At you can make comments! and you can see the comments people made!!
Someone who call themself "Timo Sonnenschein" have made a comment, but is this Timo?
Getzo made a comment:
Submitted by Getzo on 13. January 2010 - 17:22.
Kommen neue Bandmitglieder in die Band????
English: Will there come new members in the band?
and Timo made one just after:
Ja, es werden neue Mitglieder
Submitted by Timo Sonnenschein on 13. January 2010 - 18:01.
Ja, es werden neue Mitglieder in die Band kommen.
Wir werden wahrscheinlich ein Casting machen, und die Gewinner kommen in die Band.
English: Yes, there will come new members in the band.
We will probably make a Casting, and the ones who win will join the band.
The link, when you click at "Timo Sonnenschein" is to the!
I'm not sure that this IS Timo?! - I don't think it is!
This is just a faker who act like he/she is Timo!!!
Tip for the comment from
Talking with David + getting message for scandinavian fans
Well, not much is happening in these times! So now I will put something on the site :D
Here is the video, where Scorpia and I talks with David! In the beginning it's a little confusing xD (my mom say a lot of strange stuff in the beginning (I'm a bit embarrasing about that :S)), and the most of the beginnng we just try to get in contact to him xD And then we ASK!! Haha, and then you can hear David get angry at us too xD My God!, Scorpia is the one saying "You want to write a message to scandinavian fans?" then he says "Ah, scandinavian faans" and I say "Yes we are from Norway and Denmark" (and Scorpia say something in the background I can't hear xD)
- then you all know how it all happened xD anyway!! Here it is!! ENJOY!!!!
Panik on Wikipedia's site for Neumüster
Wikipedia's site for the city Neumüster, in english. On this site is Panik written under the subject: "Notable residents" !!!
Check it out on the site!:
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
David twitter update 20th Jan
Soooo, here i am again :-) im working in a Studio near Hamburg at the Moment :-) nice here :-)
2 minutes ago from Twittelator
Timo twitter update 19th/20th Jan
Wise words: People Don't Change. Why does everyone see this as a Bad thing. Spend time with People who you like, the way they are.
about 11 hours ago from web
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
Timo twitter update 19th Jan no.2
was not THAT cold.. :)
2 minutes ago from web
i will jog now.. but i think its cold :)
1 hour ago from web
About the Moscow concert and a new blog from David
The concert in Moscow has been canceled!!
It's because of the place they should have played MILK - has been closed! And then Panik has no place to play the concert.
But they try to find a new place to play the concert!!
David have wrote a blog on myspace, and news on their homepage about it:
Moscow Show
Deutsche Version Unten
Привет всем фанам Panik,
в этом сообщении идёт речь о приближающемся концерте в Москве 30 января 2010 года, так как этот концерт в связи с новыми обстоятельствами не состоится.
Клуб MILK, в котором он должен состояться, был закрыт и выступление PANIK перенесёно на неопределённый срок. На интернет-странице клуба будет дана возможность сдать билеты. Мы хотели бы вас попросить сделать это, так как скорее всего они будут не действительны для возможно перенесённого концерта.
Как всегда мы благодарим Вас за Ваше понимание и надеемся, что сможем как можно скорее организовать перенесённый концерт в каком-нибудь другом зале.
Огромный привет из Германии в Россию!
Hallo an alle PANIKfans,
dieser Eintrag geht um das anstehende Moskaukonzert am 30.Januar.2010 ,
denn dieses Konzert wird nach den neuesten Umständen nicht stattfinden.
Die MILK Halle, in der das Konzert hätte gespielt werden sollen, wurde überraschend auf Grund fehlender Sicherheitsvorkehrungen geschlossen, und das PANIK Konzert, und viele andere somit auf unbestimmte Zeit verschoben. Auf der Homepage der Konzerthalle wird es euch ermöglicht, eure Tickets zurückzugeben. Wir würden euch bitten, genau dieses zu tun, da sie sehr wahrscheinlich die Gültigkeit für ein eventuelles Nachholkonzert verlieren.
Wir danken euch wie immer für euer großes Verständnis und hoffen, dass wir so schnell wie möglich ein Nachholkonzert in einer anderen Halle organisieren können.
Ganz liebe Grüße aus Deutschland nach Russland!
Hi all Panikfans,
This remark is about the coming Moscowconcert the 30. January 2010,
This concert will under the new circumstance not take place.
The MILK Hal, were the concert should have been played, have surprising been closed, because of reasons for missing secutity, and the PANIK concert, and a lot of others have by this been postponed indefinitely. At the homepage for the Concertplace is it also possible to give your tickets back. We will also ask you exactly to do that, when they very likely will lost the validity for a new possible later catched up concert.
We thank you as always for your big understanding and hope, that we as soon as possible can catch up a concert in an other place!
The best lovely greeting from Germany to Russia
Translation by me.
Monday, 18 January 2010
Timo twitter update 18th Jan
please subscribe money for the children and people in Haiti!! just 5 euro can save a life. And whats more important? A life or cigarettes?
7 minutes ago from web
Concert in Moscow postponed!
The concert in Moscow the 30th January is postponed!
That was told on the 16th January! Nobody knows when the new date will be!
No of the bandmembers have said anything about it!
Sunday, 17 January 2010
Friday, 15 January 2010
Kyte player - 15.01.2010 - 5 seconds of "At second glance"
Here special for you, the first 5 seconds from the shortfilm the "at second glance", I hope you recognize it..
here is David at a street.
Next weeks the "at second glance" trailer ,
oh.. and who is this? That is the question, who is this? Who is this ladies and gentlemen.. That do you not know (Or something like that he say)
next weeks the "at second glance" trailer here, at and then the last thing he says I don't get xD
Timo twitter update 14th Jan
You can see the trailer definitely next week! I swear! Good night to all and tomorrow you will see something of the movie..
about 12 hours ago from txt
Sorry, im still in Berlin, so i cant upload the trailer..So much to do right now..But tomorrow i will upload a new kyte, i think..
about 12 hours ago from txt
David twitter update 14th Jan
freddurst RT @markromanek: You can text “HAITI” to 90999 to donate $10 to American Red Cross relief for Haiti.
5:27 AM Jan 14th from UberTwitter
Retweeted by laudenbonk and 40 others
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
Timo twitter update 12th Jan no.2
There are so many people in our world praying for food! If you arent one of them, say a small 'Thank you', before you go to bed..
about 7 hours ago from txt
We as modern west-people have so many choices.. All you need are balls to do what you want!
about 7 hours ago from txt
Good night :) what is this for an crazy life! Everything could happen..
about 7 hours ago from txt
Tuesday, 12 January 2010
Timo twitter update 12th Jan
Peter Fox is pretty cool :)
about 1 hour ago from txt
'Shake, baby, shake, bis uns der Himmel aufn Kopf fällt' :)
about 1 hour ago from txt
Sunday, 10 January 2010
Timo twitter update 10th Jan.
Im sittin in a train.. Without a book.. Boring.. Doodlejumper highscore 33269, and yours?
about 3 hours ago from txt
David twitter update 10th Jan no.2
(and by the way, thats my old cap from 2 years ago!)
35 minutes ago from web
Jaa, Thx, its nixon!
35 minutes ago from web

Pls help me, do u know with label this is? I only got the logo.. But whats the name? :-)
42 minutes ago from Twittelator
It was ok in 3D,but as i saw it in 2D before,i can say its not necessary to watch it 3D,but im so in love with the Philosophy of the NaVi!
about 6 hours ago from Twittelator
David twitter update 10th Jan
Good morning, once again this movie was brilliant :-) ill have breakfast now, @officialDA will leave today.
28 minutes ago from Twittelator
Again, amazing!!
31 minutes ago from Twittelator
Saturday, 9 January 2010
Spanish Fanaction - The video with the "Cute girl in the end"
Here is the video Timo talked about in the kyteplayer chat, he wrote:
"Oh the girl in the end of the spain movie is cute"
Thank you for the tip for the video Jess!!!
David twitter update 9th Jan
With @panikmusik , David and Tim from @officialDA on the way to watch AVATAR in 3D :-)
25 minutes ago from Twittelator
Chat with Timo and David, at kyteplayer chat - 07.01.2010
So, here is all the guys wrote at the Kyteplayer chat - 7th January 2010!
Timo is the one who just writes, and David is the one who writes "David" before he answers!
English: Attention, this is the roles: You ask, we answer and at every aswer please give 5 seconds write break!
English: This year, we will not be at the Musikmesse
English: David and I are not together in one room..
English: Soon there will be a kyte video with a trailer to the film "At second glance"
(People asked where David was)
English: I always eat honeycake-hearts (It's a cake called honeycake (thats the direct translation) and formed as a heart xD Not sure you all know it!)
Panik22 said: "hello. i`m new here. pls could anyone explaine how it works? Is Timo or David online?"
Susiberli said: "David, wie genau heißt deine Rot-schwarze Gitarre von Epiphone? (Modell?)"
English: David, what do your red-black guitar from Epiphone exactly called? (model)
English: The Neumüster concert is still not sure
tschuldigung (ME xD hihi) said: Will we ever hear Irgendwann?
English: David has his own studio
BieneBuzz said: @david hast du dein eigenes tonstudio ?
English: David do you have your own soundstudio?
susiberli said: David, Timo: Werdet ihr bei Aufnahmen die Drums selbst einspielen oder programmieren?
English: David Timo: Have you at the recordings the drums yourself played or programmed?
Shelly said: @Timo: Kann man sich irgendwo Gerico runterladen?
English: Can you somewhere Gerico downloade?
English: Timo with which editing program have you the shortfilm cut?'
BieneBuzz said: Darf ich bei euch mal Schlagzeugspielen ? ) ;)
English: Could I for you once play drums?
pogo said: so gut kann david niht drums spielen
English: that good at drums is David not.
English: he says: No have unfortunately not *geklappt* (Don't know what it means - fold or something) he sits next to me.
keksnfeen said: David! Hat Tim das Paket abgegeben??
English: David! Have Timo the package delivered?
(Might be Timo who asked that xD)
Pogo said: was wa der erste gedanke als da konzet n HH zu ende war?
English: Was were the first thing you thought when the koncert in Hamburg ended?
hachi0703 said: would you better like tea or coffee ? xD
English: We have not decide it.
Pogo wrote: und wie war es zu beschließen, dass es panik in dieser besetzung nicht mehr geben wird?
English: and how was it to decide, that Panik in this way no longer will go on anymore?
milagro said: @Besitzer/Timo Was bedeutet euch Gott und der Glaube?!
English: Owner/TImo what means for you God and the faith?
English: application at myspace :)
(don't know why he wrote it)
Ardoyse said: did you have a problem with your personal bank card? bug 2010 in germany?
lilmissqueen said: why is ur production company called Sunshine- Dreams??
Hope you can use it ;)