So, here is all the guys wrote at the Kyteplayer chat - 7th January 2010!
Timo is the one who just writes, and David is the one who writes "David" before he answers!
English: Attention, this is the roles: You ask, we answer and at every aswer please give 5 seconds write break!
English: This year, we will not be at the Musikmesse
English: David and I are not together in one room..
English: Soon there will be a kyte video with a trailer to the film "At second glance"
(People asked where David was)
English: I always eat honeycake-hearts (It's a cake called honeycake (thats the direct translation) and formed as a heart xD Not sure you all know it!)
Panik22 said: "hello. i`m new here. pls could anyone explaine how it works? Is Timo or David online?"
Susiberli said: "David, wie genau heißt deine Rot-schwarze Gitarre von Epiphone? (Modell?)"
English: David, what do your red-black guitar from Epiphone exactly called? (model)
English: The Neumüster concert is still not sure
tschuldigung (ME xD hihi) said: Will we ever hear Irgendwann?
English: David has his own studio
BieneBuzz said: @david hast du dein eigenes tonstudio ?
English: David do you have your own soundstudio?
susiberli said: David, Timo: Werdet ihr bei Aufnahmen die Drums selbst einspielen oder programmieren?
English: David Timo: Have you at the recordings the drums yourself played or programmed?
Shelly said: @Timo: Kann man sich irgendwo Gerico runterladen?
English: Can you somewhere Gerico downloade?
English: Timo with which editing program have you the shortfilm cut?'
BieneBuzz said: Darf ich bei euch mal Schlagzeugspielen ? ) ;)
English: Could I for you once play drums?
pogo said: so gut kann david niht drums spielen
English: that good at drums is David not.
English: he says: No have unfortunately not *geklappt* (Don't know what it means - fold or something) he sits next to me.
keksnfeen said: David! Hat Tim das Paket abgegeben??
English: David! Have Timo the package delivered?
(Might be Timo who asked that xD)
Pogo said: was wa der erste gedanke als da konzet n HH zu ende war?
English: Was were the first thing you thought when the koncert in Hamburg ended?
hachi0703 said: would you better like tea or coffee ? xD
English: We have not decide it.
Pogo wrote: und wie war es zu beschließen, dass es panik in dieser besetzung nicht mehr geben wird?
English: and how was it to decide, that Panik in this way no longer will go on anymore?
milagro said: @Besitzer/Timo Was bedeutet euch Gott und der Glaube?!
English: Owner/TImo what means for you God and the faith?
English: application at myspace :)
(don't know why he wrote it)
Ardoyse said: did you have a problem with your personal bank card? bug 2010 in germany?
lilmissqueen said: why is ur production company called Sunshine- Dreams??
Hope you can use it ;)
"is david from DA gay?" hahahaha, awesome! why does he say that? xD
poor guys.. they couldn't have time even to answer! (actually poor timo..)
the chat was big! when i was seeing it, i thought that they answered only in 5 questions!
thank you for the post :)
I have no idea why Timo said that xD Hahaaa
Ah, it's just so crazy how perfect all David wrote was, um :S
Timo should never had started sending kisses xD
Yeah they serious wrote a loooot!!
Some of the things were pretty strange Oo
I just don't get why they answered "Pogo" a mio. of times!! And there was a lot they didn't answer!!
maybe this "pogo" dude was just that lucky that they were seeing pogo's q..
what did david write???
yeah, like the q with the bankcard was really strange..
timo really should not start sent kisses! he didn't send in our countries :(
"i'm not the kiss-type" yeah, we can see that! he sent kisses in so many countries!
anyway, it was really cute and sweet of them to answer these q, even the weird ones! we have many informations now, i think, even for his bankcard xP :D hehe :D
I don't know.. Just think it was pretty unfair.. And he answered stuff like when she said "David is not that good at playing guitar" - Like why answer that one? Serious.. And try to take some of the other questions, like, a mio. asked if they will come to Italy.. There was a lot of things, and a lot of people, and then they take her/him this many times.. anyway
David wrote all the answeres where there is standing David: before the answers!
Hehe, It was just stupid, cause when he just start, then he has to say ALL!
I wonder which girl in the end of spain movie is of whom he was talking.....
I couldn't be in chat cause' I had to get out but a friend of mine was there, she told me that everything was complete chaos, everyone was talking and didn't allow the guys had a chance to answer questions.... I think they answered only 5 or 6 questions =S
Anyway, I'm glad cause' I have more information about the shortfilm .. I can't wait to see it!!! ^^
here's the spanish video
and I have to say, she's so damn cuuuuuuute <3
and I think the chat was weird, and insulting them is not nice for anyone. and blaming timo for the splitt -.-''
they did what? insulting timo and blaming him for the split? who did that? shame on them.. -.-"
Idiots! Serious, I have to say it, some of the fans just are so self-centred and just say stuff like that! Poor guys! My God! How can they be so inconsiderate?!
anyway.. I just don't think it's okay to say something like that, even if he was the one who choose to stop!
Thank you so much for the video Jess :D
yes, some girls said that David wasn't good at some instruments (that's kind off an insult) and so on and then they said something about that Timo did wrong about everything and they promised to much lalala o.o I was SICK when I wrote it -.-''
no problems :) and she's so cute, isn't she? :D
Ah yeah! It was so insane -.-' I can't belive they can act like that! What is wrong with them?
Poor guys! Oh my, they fight for so much! And then a lot of their fans are behaving like that!!
Yeah, she is very cute xD
thanks for this kyte chat, cause I missed it! :o
oh, Timo mentioned about Poland on the end! :D
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