Friday, 8 January 2010

About the music in the furture! and DVD

In the new chat the guys wrote about the music:
"i think, it will be the same music.. because on the last two cds 90 percent of the music came from us.. but maybe we want try something new.. maybe just a bit.. "
"david and i will make music.. dont know, when you will hear it.. but i think defenitly this year "

They also told that there will be a new single in this year:
"the next songs will come.. this year.. and we will use the kyte player more often in the near future.. so check "
And more videos at kyte!! Juhuu!! :D

And then a fact about, that it is David who plays ALL the instruments at "Es ist Zeit"
"david played all the instruments on "es ist zeit""
Drums too ;)
"david play the drums"

The guys also told, that there will be a DVD from the last concert in Hamburg!

"david: ja, wir machen eine DVD aus dem Konzert in Hambur "
"were on that.. this year, our last concert in hamburg will released "


1 comment:

mily said...

wow.. he plays everything.. omg, i really love this song and especially its music..