Thursday, 21 January 2010

New members and Casting?! - NOT TRUE!

At have Timo wrote a comment!!! - But it is TIMO?! Nothing shows that it is him!
You can see the comments here!!!
At you can make comments! and you can see the comments people made!!
Someone who call themself "Timo Sonnenschein" have made a comment, but is this Timo?

Getzo made a comment:
Submitted by Getzo on 13. January 2010 - 17:22.
Kommen neue Bandmitglieder in die Band????

English: Will there come new members in the band?

and Timo made one just after:

Ja, es werden neue Mitglieder
Submitted by Timo Sonnenschein on 13. January 2010 - 18:01.
Ja, es werden neue Mitglieder in die Band kommen.
Wir werden wahrscheinlich ein Casting machen, und die Gewinner kommen in die Band.

English: Yes, there will come new members in the band.
We will probably make a Casting, and the ones who win will join the band.

The link, when you click at "Timo Sonnenschein" is to the!
I'm not sure that this IS Timo?! - I don't think it is!
This is just a faker who act like he/she is Timo!!!
Tip for the comment from


Faith said...

I don't believe a word. The band has always said that they are not casted and they hate this type of band creation. And the link is to but not to the official homepage or myspace?! Someone is talking behind his back, I think. Really stupid!

Line said...

Yes!! I don't believe it either!!!! And Timo would have told it somewhere else first!! So, I don't believe it at all!

SS said...


And I don't believe that's Timo.

But they've said (don't remember where I read it) that there will be new members in the band. They will need a drummer and a bass player at least. I don't like that either. It'll never be the same. The best thing would actually be if everyone just quitted and did other stuff, also David and Timo.

But it's their choice. I just hope they realize that it's not easy to keep fighting when you don't have anything to feed of.

Jess said...

That doesn't sound like something Timo would say, or actually do.
If he would want to tell us this, then he wouldn't answer in a comment, he would write it on his myspace or the site? Or have I taken them totally wrong?

And if this is true, I hope, they'll just be for the performances. I don't want anyone to replace the others. Seriously, it's not Panik with new members.

SS said...

I totally agree with you, Jess.

And it wouldn't be very PANIK to -cast- new members. Just remember what Linke said on the italian show with the music choice. "Actually, I heard that the band of Paramore was casted, so I think that's pretty lame."

Anonymous said...

I don't believe it too, because it's not typical for timo to write something so important just in a comment. And I do not think, that they would look for new members as soon as now. The split is not so long ago and they are busy with other things and so they don't spend so much time for the band.
Another prove that this "Timo Sonnenschein" is a fake, is that he writes on the homepage and the kyte chat with the name "Besitzer panik" so calm down. They will tell us, if they plan something like that. Timo will write a blog and don't use a comment.
I hope I am right...

Greetings from Germany

mily said...

i don't know if they'll put new members or not. and, i don't like it.. i know it's not gonna be the same.. but my choice is to support david and timo even if they'll put new members someday.. besides, nobody forced the rest to leave the band.. so, it will be hard but, i will continue being a fan.

i also don't think they'll put new members. they said they'll need some supporting members for the concerts.. that's what i know..

sucette said...

i knoooow,i think it's a lie!this contradicts all of the's just not like them..

Line said...

I think it's okay if they get new members! Some of the old members had not been there the whole time either! And if they need to keep on with the band, then they have to. I know a lot of bands who have needed to find new members! My favourite band did (no casting) and they kept on being just as wonderful!! You can get new members, and they need to have some, at least some on the drums! I think it will be okay! Lets hope!! It's like starting in a new way, I know of course nobody can be replaced, but they don't have to either! Think about it as a new thing! I believe thats what they have to do, if they will keep on... But I don't like casting :S
And I think the news members have to come in the future, far away!!
But NO casting!! That would be too wrong!!

Anyway, I'm pretty sure Timo didn't write that neither!!
And I totally agree with anonymous!

sucette said...

i think so too,that it's okay,new members to have,i'm really curious who they will be..:)

mily said...

and of course i agree with line :)