Thursday, 21 January 2010

Talking with David + getting message for scandinavian fans

Well, not much is happening in these times! So now I will put something on the site :D

Here is the video, where Scorpia and I talks with David! In the beginning it's a little confusing xD (my mom say a lot of strange stuff in the beginning (I'm a bit embarrasing about that :S)), and the most of the beginnng we just try to get in contact to him xD And then we ASK!! Haha, and then you can hear David get angry at us too xD My God!, Scorpia is the one saying "You want to write a message to scandinavian fans?" then he says "Ah, scandinavian faans" and I say "Yes we are from Norway and Denmark" (and Scorpia say something in the background I can't hear xD)
- then you all know how it all happened xD anyway!! Here it is!! ENJOY!!!!



SS said...

Hahahhahahhahaha I'm laughing so hard right now XDDDDDDD

I have to link my friends.

(Actually, when I'm watching/listening to it now, it doesn't sound that bad anyway.)

Line said...

Yeah well, I don't know xD I still think it a bit embarrasing xD but fun, and CRAZY that he did this for us UM!!! Um! It's so fun to listen to xD

sucette said...

i think,it wasn't bad at all!you girls are really lucky!i never met them!:S:)
and it sounds like he's smiling when he says that!:)and he was really cute,and spared time for it,writing that letter:)