Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Timo twitter update 19th/20th Jan

Wise words: People Don't Change. Why does everyone see this as a Bad thing. Spend time with People who you like, the way they are.
about 11 hours ago from web


mily said...

people change sometimes.. i did.. to better, my former bfs to worst.. or they were just showing me another person from what they really are..

Line said...

It's not true what he says, cause people DO change. A lot of my friends did the last year, and I have lost a lot of them. They are not the same anymore!
But year, a lot of people just shows who they really are...

sucette said...

i think so too!i mean,i personaly changed a lot,my friends changed a lot!that's why we r humans,we DO change,that's how we growing,and that's why we have different effects..