Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Kyte player chat with Timo, 1st Marts

Timo: Hey ho

Timo: okay... wieder, wenn ich eine Frage beantwortet habe, bitte kutz nicht schreiben, damit alle die antwort sehen

English: Okay... When I have answered a question, please will you in a short time not write, so everyone can see the answer

Timo: thanks :)

Vewqa: eh.. i've got only one question.. :D do you know about panikday or no?? :D
Timo: yes i heard about it.. very nice :)

AnnaMolly: wer kommt anstatt Linke mit nach Paris? :D
English: Who will take with you to Paris instead of Linke?
Timo: DAs Tim will play with us..

Mathy: Why Linke does not really want to come to the concert of Paris? :/
Timo: mhh, ask himself

raxu: Are you ready for Paris? =)
Timo: im very ready for paris :)hehe

(can't find the question)
Timo: one night in paris... will be pretty cool :)

Stammkyter_cookie_aus_bln: timo, ich habe ne frage, auch wenn sie iwie passt: willst du ma nen piercing, wenn ja wo? :D
English: timo, I have a question, also if it's true (don't get what she mean in this part): will you ever have a piercing, if yes, where?
Timo: i hatte schonmal n piercing
English: I have already a piercing

Timo: mit 14

comehereagain: Timo, please, say Hola to all your spanish fans.. ;)
Timo: hola to all spanish fans out there :)

Plastik_Davidsboxershorts: Timo was issen jetzt mit Gerico??
English: Timo what *happen*(I think is meant) now with Gerico??
Timo: Gerico is still a b-side..

raxu: Will you sing Grau in Paris ? I love this song >_< Timo: maybe

A lot of different people ask about the movie
Timo: my movie is finished.. but i search for the right platform to present it

A lot of annoying people just chat like they want to, and talk with each other..
Timo: also, wenn ihr euch untereinander untergalten wollt könnt ihr das auch gerne gleich noch tun
English: well, if you just want to entertain each other can you than just do that as well.. (ironical)

Timo: i just said: dont spam, please!

BieneBuzz: bist du dieses jahr beim Schooljam-finale dabei?
English: will you be at schooljam-finale this year?
Timo: no, im not at schooljam

saaraar: Wann bringt ihr die dvd von hamburg raus??
English: When will you release the dvd from Hamburg?
Timo: the video of the last concert in hamburg is in the post production

Chaoskind_Liana: Sag mal TImo? Liest du eigentlich Fanfictions? xD Ich weiss, dass David und Chris das machen/gemacht haben.. du auch :P
English: Tell me Timo? Do actually read Fanfictions? xD I know, that David and Chris does/have done.. you also :P
Timo: i read one fan fiction, a long time ago.. it was very sexual,

Timo: so, sometimes, yes sometimes i read some stuff

AnnaMolly: welchen Kinofilm von 2010 fandest du bis jetzt am besten? ausser Avatar :D
English: which movie from 2010 do you until now is the best? Except Avatar :D
Timo: the best movie of 2010.. puh.. dont know..

BellaRagazza: Timo, was hälst du von der Idee, dass 50 total irre und bekoppte Fans (im positiven Sinne) einen Bus charten und nach Paris fahren? Das würd mich mal echt jucken xD
English: Timo, what do you think about the idea, that 50 total crazy and (don't know what bekoppte means) fans (in a positive way) drive to Paris in a bus? (don't get next part)
Timo: im very happy to have these crazy fans, i love them and the big support - see u in paris :)

Lendaa23: Timo just 53 days to fly to paris! are you nervous?
Timo: no, im not edgy, but im veeery happy to be on the stage again

(can't find a question)
Timo: i want to do more short-movie and movies

Timo: hehe

izze: Timo, r u going to get a new tatoo soon?
Timo: i dont know.. maybe.. but i dont know.. i like my tatoo.. should i have another one?

TRalex: Timo, how is it to talk with over 300 girls at one moment? :D
Timo: hehe, its a lil bit crazy, because there sooo much people talk something stupid

Timo: but im not alone, i see, hello 320 people :)

Timo: at the moment im alone :)

Timo: hehe

Maybe he answered at this question: TRalex: why have you moved to Berlin?
Timo: i need to get out of my past life.. i just needed a new place.. a new place to have new emotions

kampfknödel: vermisst du David nicht? :D
English: don't you miss David?
Timo: yes, i miss david a bit :) hehe, but we have skype :) and next week i will see him

Timo: my fav song of rise against is: prayer of the refugee and hero of war ;)

BellaRafazza: Timo? Kennst du schon das Video von dem Mädel, deren Mutter mit Frank Couscous kochen will? Die gute hat sich ja auch dein Tatto auf den Arm stechen lassen. Was denkst du über solche Fans? Ich bitte um ne EHRLICHE aussage xD
English: Timo? Do you know the video from "dem Mädel", her mother would make "Couscous" with Frank? Have also your tatoo at the arm. What do you think about fans like that? Please be honest xD
Timo: i dont know the video

Timo: but i like tattos

Timo: its a weird feeling, to see people with my lyrics on their skin..

Jjannika25: for the last time.. what's "Das wars jetzt"????
Timo: das wars jetzt is a new song

I think it was answers on these: BlauesSmartie: timo ist tokio hotel fan? =O omfg
gabixpanik: is it true that you were on tokio hotel concert yesterday!? :O
Timo: what?
Timo: no

I lot of people asked about the kytevideos..
Timo: yes.. david told me, he will make the next kyte

Timo: im waiting too :)

Timo: justin bieber asked me, who is the biggest popstar in germany? (after MJ)

Timo: i told him, justin timberlake

Timo: and he couldnt believe

Timo: hehe

saaraar: Do u like Justin Bieber??
Timo: no, i didnt like the music :)

Lendaa23: Timo, what's you favourite rapper? what do you think about Bushido & Samy Deluxe?
Timo: and than the manager said: "i told you, i told you! :)) -- i didnt like bushido

Timo: in germany: samy deluxe, sido, curse..

Timo: international: eminem, jay z

Don't know what he answered
Timo: yes

Timo: sooo, last 5 minutes

Chaoskind_liana: wie gehts tonga, timo?
English: how is tonga, timo?
Timo: tong is fine :)haha

Timo: no, i dont think panik will have new members

Don't know what he answered on, could be: Anii_Memories: KONZERTE in Deutschland? Ja oder Nein? :D
Timo: nein

Timo: hehe

Not sure what he answered on, but it could be: MumuSpain: Why is jan leaving anyway? ._. xD
Timo: dont know

Don't know what he answered on
Timo: happy birthday

Steverocket1990: Yahooo I think u can do great things alone!!!
Timo: Steve my man :) hehe

Mey_blubbelchannel: magst du die herr der ringe filmmusik?
English: do you like the lord of the rings soundtrack?
Timo: i love the score from howard shore

comehereagain: Do you met Tan from Debbie Rockt sometimes? she's REALLY amazing, like you ;)
Timo: yes i met her, a long time ago :)

Timo: i think the eminem show is great

Timo: im in berlin

saaraar: isst du fisch?? also weil du ha suschi gegessen hast..
English: do you eat fish? when you have eat sushi..
Timo: no it was veg sushi

Timo: i dont eat animals :)

Timo: wo, bye bye, have a nice evening


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