Tuesday, 9 March 2010

New kyte video "Panik in the dark"


First they say hi, and tell who they are! (Timo and David..)
Timo says that they will give a little update.
Then they say that their last concert will be in Paris, the 24th April. It will be very fun, and they hope that everyone will come.
And then next Sunday, at 16:00, they will be at "Stars 4 Kids" (http://www.stars4kids.at/), at a chat.
And then they talk about the concert in Moscow, which they will not be able to play. But they hope they will find a way at a other time and such... (not sure this is just Timo and David, or the others as well)
(I can't get it all) but it's about that with the place they should play, and such.
Well, all that about.. the concert, I don't think there is any new there.
Then they say they hope they will be able to make some more kytevideos.
And that they will be in Paris, with all the other guys, except Linke.


Line said...

So? They ARE alive.... xD

mily said...

any ideas for translation?? :DD

mily said...

why did they introduce their selfs at the beginning??? Oo we all know who they are..

yup they are alive! aliens returned them back after they tortured them for days, weeks! but they're back! :D

Line said...

Sorry, I don't really have time :S I have to go NOW...

Line said...

They might think we have forgot them in all this time!

Ju said...

Hey, I want to tell you : there's something about Panik in the Rock One of March ! Do you want it ?

And, thanks for your blog :)

Line said...

Ah yeah!! Thank you so much!!

Line said...

(I think they are sitting in a car Oo)

jjannika25 said...

haha.. they can really just hope, that i will come :D
and wait.. so there won´t be any concert in moscow at all? Oo

Line said...

No, it's canceled... All I know anywhere Oo... I don't really get what they are saying there xD
But out from what we know already, it is canceled!
And as they say at the photo for the Paris concert, that it will be the "last" concert.. so I think!