Monday, 8 March 2010

New Style on Linke's Myspace


On Linkes myspace, a lot have happend! All about Panik seems past when you first look at the page!
He has got a new logo, which you can see as the only thing when you enter the site at first.

A totally new biography, where he tells that he once has been a part of the band, Panik!
New photos have also been added, some never seen before, some taken by his mother, and a photo of him on "Venice Beach with Michael".
The new photos:

All the old music is deleted as well, only the song "Pallar Anders Visa", is on this page.
A totally new blog added yesterday, only with headline which is called "Soon..", as the only thing standing there, nothing else.

See it all, here:

So, what will happen?
Seems Linke have started on a new "life".


mily said...

Michael?? his name is Michi!.. -.-"

Line said...

On his myspace he has written Michael :S

Kris said...

maybe nickname xD