......................Ich hab mal gesagt, Menschen ändern sich nicht. Aber Menschen ändern sich.
Eine Vegetarierin isst nach 10 Jahren wieder gerne und viel Fleisch.
Jemand vereinsamt, weil er sich für sein Kind aufopfert..
Jemand der Drogen immer verachtet hat, umgibt sich ne zeitlang mit anderen Menschen, und plötzlich sind Drogen halb so wild.
Eine hört von einem Tag auf den nächsten auf zu rauchen und fängt nie wieder an.
Einer kommt plötzlich auf die coolen Partys und lernt andere coole Leute kennen, und auf einmal lebt er in einer coolen Welt und vergisst, wo er her kommt (ich habe Viele getroffen ;))
Von Schwarz zu Weiß, von Bunt zu Grau..
Es gibt alles, manches gut, manches schlecht..
Die Welt und unsere Umgebung ändert sich schnell. Man dreht sich um und schon wieder ist ein Jahr vergangen, und was noch vor nem Jahr aktuell war, ist jetzt nur noch eine vage Erinnerung, ein Gefühl was man nicht genau greifen kann.
Ich habe viele Menschen gesehen, die sich in kürzester Zeit verändert haben, bei Anderen ist Veränderung fast gar nicht zu sehen. Wo liegt der Unterschied? Wenn man auf der Suche nach sich selbst ist, durchlebt man viele Veränderungen, man probiert sich aus und guckt wozu man selber bereit ist; wie weit geht man und wer bin ich?
Jemand der ne genaue Vorstellung von sich selbst hat und weiß was er will und was er nicht will, verändert sich nicht so schnell, oder?
Es gibt Menschen, die müssen sich verändern, sich anpassen, weil sie schmerzhafte Erlebnisse erlebt haben und alles tun, um diese Erlebnisse zu vergessen, um wieder fröhlich zu sein. Bei diesen Leuten ist Veränderung unabdingbar.
Wenn man Menschen findet, Gleichgesinnte, die so denken wie du, ist das ziemliches Glück, wenn man Menschen findet, bei denen man sich wohl fühlt und das Wichtigste, so sein kann, wie man wirklich ist, ist das das Größte und das Wichtigste.. Wenn ihr so Jemanden gefunden habt, lasst ihn nicht mehr los :) Es gibt viele Menschen, die sich Freunde wünschen.
Aber passt auf; ich will nicht sagen, Veränderungen sind schlecht, Veränderungen sind wichtig, überlebenswichtig, jeder weiß das, oder sollte das wissen. Wenn wir uns nicht verändern, wenn wir die Welt nicht verändern, steuern wir auf unser eigenes Ende zu.. Also ändert euch, wenn ihr euch danach fühlt, macht was ihr wollt.. Gott hat euch nen freien Willen geben, ihr könnt selbst entscheiden, was für ein Leben ihr führt; ihr könnt selbst entscheiden WER ihr seid. Also entscheidet euch, aber überlegt gut, wie ihr sein wollt!
Hier ist die Abstimmung:
(Jeder der nicht weiß, worum es geht, hier ist mein letzter Blog "Antwort")
Es war ziemlich schwierig eine Aussonderung zu machen; jede Sache hätte es verdient und jede Sache war und ist wichtig! Danke, für die vielen Vorschläge!
Es werden am Ende zwei Organisationen unterstützt: eine die sich für Menschen einsetzt, und eine, die sich für Tiere + Umwelt einsetzt. Eure Entscheidung.
Ich möchte noch kurz sagen, dass es mich sehr glücklich macht, dass wir hier gemeinsam etwas bewegen.. Es schön zu wissen, dass wir nicht alleine sind. Es macht mich ein wenig stolz mit Menschen zu tun zu haben, denen es nicht egal ist, was mit uns und unserer Welt passiert. Danke! Und nun los :) :
WWF (http://www.wwf.de/spenden-helfen)
SchulenfürAfrika (School-for-Africa: http://www.schulenfuerafrika.de/spenden)
OXFAM (http://www.oxfam.de/)
Ärzte Ohne Grenzen (http://www.aerzte-ohne-grenzen.de/ - english version: http://www.aerzte-ohne-grenzen.de/kennenlernen/english/index.html)
PETA ( http://www.peta.org/)
Spaltkinder (http://cleft-kinder-hilfe.de/blog)
………………..I have once said, that people don’t change,
But people change.
A vegetarian (girl) ate after 10 years again with pleasure and lots of meat.
Somone lonely, because he sacrifice himself for his child..
Someone who always have despised drugs, in long time surrounded with other people, and suddenly the drugs is half as wild (don’t get it)
Someone stops smoking one day and he'll never start again.
Someone suddenly get to the cool partys and get to know other cool people, and he lives in a cool world and forgets where he is from (I have meat a lot)
From black to write, from brown to grey...
It go for all, sometimes good, sometimes bad..
The world and our surroundings change fast. You turn around once, and suddenly a whole year has past, and what for a year ago was relevant, is now only a memory, a feeling that you now exactly can catch.
I have seen a lot of people, who has changed in a short time, with others are the change able to be seen. Where is the different? When you are in the search for yourself, you live through a lot of change, you try and look where you self ready are; how wide you go and who you are?
Someone who have an exactly clear picture of themselves and know what he want and what he don’t want to, don’t change so fast, or?
There is people, who has to change, to adjust themselves, because they have experience some painful experiences, and tried to forget these experiences, to be happy again. For these people is change important.
When you find people, like-minded, who think like you, is it important luck, if you find people, for these good feel and that is important, to be, like you really is, is that the big and most important.. if you have found someone like that, don’t let him/her go anymore :) there is a lot of people who wish to get friends.
But watch out; I will not say, that changing is bad, change is important, important to survive, everyone know that, or should know. If we not change, if we don’t change the world, we control ourselves to the end… so, change us, if we fell like that, made what we want to.. God have giving us the free will, you can self decide, which life you lead; You can yourself decide WHO you are. So, you decide, but think about, how you want to be.
Here is the voting:
(Everyone who don’t know, how it is, here is my last blog ”answer”
It was very hard to sort out; every thing had earn good and is important! Thanks, for all the suggestions! It will in the end be support for two organizations: one who is for humans, and one for the animals + outside world. One decision. I would like to short say, that it makes me very happy, that we here together because of that.. it es nice to know, that we are not alone. It makes me a bit proud with people to do to have, that this not is unimportant is, what happens with our world. Thank you! And now begin :) :
WWF (http://www.wwf.de/spenden-helfen)
SchulenfürAfrika (School-for-Africa: http://www.schulenfuerafrika.de/spenden)
OXFAM (http://www.oxfam.de/)
Ärzte Ohne Grenzen (http://www.aerzte-ohne-grenzen.de/ - english version: http://www.aerzte-ohne-grenzen.de/kennenlernen/english/index.html)
PETA ( http://www.peta.org/)
Spaltkinder (http://cleft-kinder-hilfe.de/blog)
Here you can vote - CLICK HERE
Vote for which organization you think should get the money!!
- Translation by me..
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I can't believe he starts talking about God -.-'
Timo, you lost some respect from me there!
hey, some people do believe in god and some others don't! u can't judge people about their belief like nobody's judging u for your belief! it's democracy..
I do NOT judge, and have not done it. I just say, when he suddenly put God in in this, I lose some respect for how he was! Thats just all I say. I don't judge anyone, he is how he is.
But yes, people DO judge me ;)
and there isn't democracy anywhere!! And in my country a lot is christian. And I can't move ANYWHERE in this world, were a country isn't religion controling as well.. So I really don't have any place to go... Whatever.. Nothing with that. I don't judge him! The only thing I judge is that he has written something about God in, when he talks about life. And I didn't think he was like that...
oh my line!!! okay, shame on the ppl who judge u for your belief! but maybe he just has connected god with life! ;) but anyway... i don't think u really have to move somewhere, u can believe in whatever u want wherever u want ;) and ppl who judge u are the ones who're getting in your way! but, u also have to accept some things.. u have to accept them if u want to accept u.. but if u're doing it and still nothing then, ppl is pro\lly stupid... sorry.....
but anyway the "god" issue is a very weird issue and it would be wrong to talk about it.. the point is he wants to change the world! and i'm so proud of him! i mean, in every blog i read from him he totaly speaks into my heart.. if he was a politician, i would vote him.. but no, i'm happy he's what he's.. hm..
no I should not move anywhere, cause there isn't anywhere to move xD All countrys is controling in a way of religion! No country dosen't ;) And it's not because in my country it isn't okay to think like me, I just mean, that a lot of my country IS made after the religion, such things, which just make me SO annoyed, cause I can't in ANYWAY be left out to have to do something with the religion in my country, you are force to do it.. Like.. If I get a kid, then I HAVE to go to the church and tell it, and sign some paper, so my child can be registed in the country and all that, and then the church will send it to somewhere else.. But still, I HAVE to go to the church, like if I want to change my name. and it's the Christian CHURCH, no matter if you atheist, muslim, jew, hindu.. and soooo on...
And yes, of course, I need to accept people, and I DO! I accept everyone!! I don't always accept what they do (like if someone kill somebody) but I always accept people, cause thats something you need to do! And you need to accept their opinions! And I always do!
Anyway, there is a lot of stupid people xD Thats their own problem!
Yeah I agree!! I have always thought it was so wonderful the way he saw it! And the way he feels a lot like me! It's wonderful, and soooo important!!
yup! it's great! :D b ut wait, u said that if u're muslim, jew and hindu, the christian church controls u. actually, jews have their own church, the jewish church and it's the same with muslims and hindus! and with all the religions.. but only atheists don't have a church.. and also, if u decide that u're atheist, no matter in what religion u are written in the papers, u still belong in the religion. for example, if u are a jew in papers but u're actually atheist then, u are still jew for the papers. so, yeah, it's not only at the christian church. at least in my country. but that topic is so complicated.. so, no matter the god, timo wrote a great blog which i really felt it! it's amazing! :DDD
No no no Mily! You don’t understand. In DENMARK no MATTER which religion you have, you HAVE to go to the CHRISTIAN church and say if you got a child or want to change your name. You HAVE to go to the CHRISTIAN church!! No matter what!!
You can have your own church and all that you know. and you can have it in Denmark. But if you want to change your name or registed your child, then it can ONLY be in the Christian church, no matter what!
And no, we don’t have some papers where there is written what religion we have Oo or belong to?? I’m not sure what you talk about, but we don’t have these papers in Denmark.
even if u're jew?! u have to go to the christian church?! that's insane! :o okay..
YEAH!!! Thats what I'm talking about!!!! If you want your child to be registed in Denmark, when it's born, you go and tell and sign some papers in the church, and then will send it to somewhere else.. and if you want to change name, you have to send it to the church, and they will confirm and change it!
oh my.. thank god it's not like that here.. but that's insane! how can u do that?! :o anyway, what can i say.... -.-"
I just say, thank God I don't HAVE TO belong to a religion Oo For me thats sick!!
You need to be registed anywhere?! So..
But yeah, I'm very angry, and I will NEVER go to the church if I get a child to registe it! first I will find out if there is an other way, and if not, I will send my husband xD
yeah, i think that would be cool! xDDD :Pp
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