Saturday, 10 April 2010

David twitter update 10th Apr

@panikmusik was geht denn bei Dir?? Good night um 7.20?
about 3 hours ago via Twittelator


.nevada said...

I have a question for you. Do you know where I could find lyrics to Gerico or where I could download the song but with good quality ? I have the song but I don't get it, so if you could help me in anyway it would be awesome. (: (:

Line said...

Well... The song have only been played live, and we haven't heard a studio version yet, if we ever gonna hear one ;)
And then we hear a part of it in the "Making of Panik"-DVD, when Timo is recording it ;)
So, to download it, I don't think is possible ;)
So, the lyric.. There is no "official" lyric.. But on the official forum, the members have tried to find out a text, and how they think the lyric sounds like ;)
Here is the topic:

Hope you can find out something! Sorry that I couldn't help you much :)

.nevada said...

I couldn't find even this so it's very helpful.
Thank you so much :)