Thursday, 15 April 2010

Linke twitter update 15th Apr

"All flights over the UK are cancelled as ash from a volcanic eruption in Iceland causes chaos across Europe" - Mother nature hates me. :(
7 minutes ago via web


SS said...

Haha, like Timo always makes sure to tell us: everything happens for a reason. This sure has happened for a reason, mother nature doesn't want Chris to leave Germany. :D

mily said...

haha, i agree with scorpia :D but, is chris in germany??

Line said...

HAHAHAHA Scorpia - so true xD GO NATURE!!!
Mily - Yes he is! He can't be anywhere else.. He should fly from somewhere in Germany, to England, and then to the US ;)

mily said...


Faith said...

Sorry for the question but why he should be in Germany? And honestly, Germany is big enough to have direct flights to USA without being necessary to pass by UK. I think he's already in USA and now is going to UK.

SS said...

Go nature indeed!
He was in the US in January/February on vacation. Then he came home again, fixing his Visa or something. He has told us earlier that he's going to live in the US, so when he wrote "so next week im leaving the country.." some days ago, I took that as he's been home in Germany with his family and friends, and now he's finally moving to USA.

But that's my theory, and it might as well be the opposite.

I'm sure you're right there, Faith, that Germany is big enough to have directs flights to USA, but every day is different. There are often made connection flights with other cities/countries, even if there are planes going directly. Maybe there weren't any direct flights exactly that day Linke wanted to leave.

But just like I wrote in the paragraph above: this is just my theory and there sure is a possibility that I'm wrong and you're right.

Line said...

Faith : He had already bought and planned the journey of course ;) You don't just in 5 minutes find an new flight way!
- And IF he is in US, then he could of course take an other way then over UK, as well as an other way from Germany than over UK!
- But when you have already planned and bought and all that things, you can't just change it! .. But a lot of flights from Germany is flying direct to US, for instance Frankfurt - I think they have as many flights to US as from UK!

As scorpia says - He is going to UK now :)

Line said...

But anyway! I'm prettu sure he is in Germany right now!! .. It kind of sounds like that!
But who knows xD Other than Linke xD