Monday, 31 May 2010
Timo twitter update 30th May
@aw12344 for the last time.. i didnt said that and never will.. hope all you guys had a wonderful day :)
about 15 hours ago via web in reply to aw12344
aw12344 wrote: I hate it when German bands say that the French fans are their favourites... what about the others? (@panikmusik)
Sunday, 30 May 2010
Timo twitter update 29th May
good night :) and good morning..
5:09 AM May 29th via web
David twitter update 29th May
Congratulations, Lena!
about 13 hours ago via Twittelator
24 season 5 - ruuules :-)
about 22 hours ago via Twittelator
Linke twitter updates 29th May
a gay guy on crack hitting on me, saying that i look like johnny depp and that he wants me to pound him - my day is complete
11:24 AM May 29th via web
Poll: Whats your favorite song?
7:40 AM May 29th via PollDaddy
@deine_natalie ill check that out when im at home :)
7:34 AM May 29th via web in reply to deine_natalie
Deine_natalie wrote: Maybe, you want to forget panik-time or it's too late, but it's just a text file: please
@FreakinEternity not yet :) right now im trying to get the people together to start playing live and stuff..
7:31 AM May 29th via web in reply to FreakinEternity
FreakinEternity profile is privat :)
@musikxaddict im thinking about getting something that lets people get in touch with me.. its always kinda difficult with these things tho
7:30 AM May 29th via web in reply to musikxaddict
Musikxaddict wrote: is there any way we can contact you, like if I wanna send you something but I don't want anyone to read it but you?
Timo twitter update 28th May
@jejj3 this isnt true.. and its mean.. We are not the guys, who are responsible for the split! We didnt want it.. We would play everywhere!
11:34 PM May 28th via web in reply to jejj3
Jejj3 wrote: haha exactly. so sorry girls (boys), but @panikmusik / @laudenbonk doesn't find the other fans important, haha. -.-''
Yeah, 3/4 of all germans are non-smokers! :)
3:02 PM May 28th via txt
Friday, 28 May 2010
Linke's updates 28th May
Collect the Stars on reverbnation
44 minutes ago via MySpace
Collect the Stars on reverbnation
about 1 hour ago via ReverbNation
"Collect The Stars" now up at
about 1 hour ago via MySpace
"Collect The Stars" now up at
about 1 hour ago via ReverbNation
"Collect The Stars" now up here :)
about 1 hour ago via ReverbNation
"Collect The Stars" now on reverbnation...
45 minutes ago
Timo twitter update 28th may
Yeah, 3/4 of all germans are non-smokers! :)
about 4 hours ago via txt
Panik in Rock one no.66
Translation and scans from, by Freaky.Conny!!!

Interview :
Timo and David from Panik went to our office a few days after the concert at the Trabendo. The occasion to talk about a date that will stay in their minds.
What is the first memory you have when i talk about your last show at the Trabendo?
T : My stage-diving was memorable! I’ve filmed it for the first time. Jump in the crowd with my camera was amazing.
D : From the stage, yes it was really funny (laughs). We also did something we’ve never done before : a battle in Detroit rappers style, between DJ and guitare! It was really spontaneous and cool.
T : I also remember the fact that many people came from different countries. Some of them got tatoos of my lyrics, it’s unbelievable!
D : True! There was a swedish fan who tatooed an extract of Vorbei. It was beautiful and impressive.
It was a real event for all Panik fans over Europe. How did you feel when you went on stage?
D : We were feeling so good! In fact, this time we organised everything on our own, what is another consequence of our split from our old management, six months ago. So i’ve organised everything. I’ve never did it before. Until Saturday night, when we were finally going on stage, i was over excited. Especially because everything went perfectly well. This proove us we can do beautiful things without any help.
This concert wasn’t part of a tour, but a special event. How did you prepare it?
D : It was quite funny because we had no rehearsal room anymore. So we rent the rehearsal room of a friend of me, and we trained only a few days before the show. Honnestly, we didn’t play this year, so once all together, we had to go through the songs again. And furthermore, we were playing with a new bassist (André from Destination Anywhere, the preband). In fact, he knew the songs better than us because he just learned them (laughs), and we were like “shit, we can’t play our own songs” (laughs). But at the end, we just repeated the set a few times and everything was back. It’s like swimming, you learn and never forget.
T : It was the same with the lyrics. I was sometimes talking between the songs to have time to remember the next lyrics. (laughs) But we realise it’s in us.
I guess you wanted this show to be unforgettable...
T : Definitely. There are some songs we normaly don’t play that were on the setlist this time.
D : And there was this song with Steven! Steven was our bassist in 2003 when we started. He’s a good friend of mine, and he came to me asking if he could play for out last show. Of course i said yes, and we’ve played this old song “neonazi” that Timo and I play on the same guitare! It’s really funny to see. (laughs) It’s one of the things which made this show really special, even if we didn’t practice it before Saturday !
T : Talking about the setlist, we decided to keep the same we had for the German tour, because it was really working. We just change a bit the order of a few songs.
D : It was also the occasion to play songs of the last album we didn’t play yet. Especially because those songs were moren written to be played live than the songs of the first album.
T : And we’ve played the hip-hop songs a bit more rock live. The crowd was bouncing with so much energy. I think the next songs will be in this style.
What did you feel about playing with your old members, who told you, a few months ago, they don’t want to go on with Panik?
D : Well..
T : ... The idea came from David, car we had to make a concert for our french fans. There was petitions to which we wanted to answer. And every old members, excepting Linke (bass player) was ok for it, because our french fans diserve it. And our last album wasn’t out there, there was no promotion, but the venue was full. It was awesome.
D : Of course, the relation with the others was a bit strange. On one hand, we’re still disappointed that they don’t want to go on, but on the other hand, we were together for 8 years... That’s how it is.
Did you talk about Panik’s future with them?
D : We just talked about everything else, but that. No. It’s too delicate, a bit like talking to your ex-girlfriend about your old relationship. (laughs)
What about Panik’s new projects?
T : We’re actually working on new songs, and i regularely shoot short movies.
D : Now the goal is to link music and videos. (laughs)
Live Panik + Destination Anywhere
Torned between the sadness of their official split, and the happiness of seing them all together for the last time, the french audience finally see its favorite german band full of energy!
From Siegen, David’s friends open the show with a set surprisingly fresh. Destination Anywhere’s Ska-punk style overflows with energy! 22-years-old david Conrad, blond singer, is surprised by the impact of his music on the audience who answer him everytime he talks. Later, we found again André, bass player, with Panik. Tonight he’s playing at Linke’s place, only member missing from the original band, known before 2009 as Nevada Tan. From the first song, teh german band shows an olympic energy. And is really willing to forget the inner tensions of the band to give pleasure to the fans. Timo is rapping unbelievable good while crossing the venue, and meanwhile Frank is singing really good, especially on Wollt Nur Wissen. David stay discrete in his corner, as usual, playing nice guitare solos and making the backvoices. He’s also making one of the best moment of the show with in piano solo in introduction to Kinder. On their side, Juri and André are making a good rythmic. And let’s not forget Jan, DJ, who won the improvised battle between scratches and guitare! Happy to share this moment with his audience, the band thanks them a lot. Danke schön, Bitte schön !
Timo twitter update 28th May
Jot Night :) Important fact of the day: I want a dragon.. A sweet Pet-Dragon.
about 7 hours ago via web
Thursday, 27 May 2010
Linke twitter uådate 27th May
@deine_natalie nice!
21 minutes ago via web in reply to deine_natalie
Deine_natalie wrote:
@neeLaaxD yea i guess that makes sense here in CA :)
21 minutes ago via web in reply to neeLaaxD
NeelaaxD wrote: jaja cool... do you want to learn spanish??(:
getting spanish textmessages from an unknown number... nice. :)
about 1 hour ago via web
David twitter update 27th May
I LOVE this Song "blink182 give me one good reason!"
38 minutes ago via Twittelator
Timo twitter update 26th May
and for all of you @laudenbonk followers, who are searching for an answer: 42!
about 14 hours ago via web
David twitter update 26th May no.2
Time - comes from the future, that doesnt exist yet, into the present, which doesnt last, and goes into the past, that stopped beeing.
about 15 hours ago via Twittelator
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
David twitter update 26th May
Ist es nicht eigenartig, dass man sich beschweren muss, um sich zu erleichtern? :-)
about 10 hours ago via Twittelator
English: isn't it curious that you have to complain, to ease yourself?
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
Timo twitter update 25th May
I love the "Bullet in a Bible" LiveDvd by Green Day! Really awsome.. Legen, okay, wait for it, dary!!
less than a minute ago via web
back home and f*cking tired.. bujesja.. but the sun is still shining, so my headache gets better and better :)
about 1 hour ago via web
Rest in Peace
about 4 hours ago via Twitpic
David twitter update 25th May
Soooooo :-) nach diesem Wochenende nur noch ausruhen, bitte :-)
about 2 hours ago via Twittelator
English: So, until this weekend only relaxing, please :-)
@officialda exact :D
about 4 hours ago via web
Exact wrote:Und was könnte entspannender sein als das spektakulärste Rockalbum des Jahrhunderts zu mastern... ? ;)
English: And what could be more exciting than to make the most speculated rockalbum this century
about 4 hours ago via web
Linke facebook update 24th May
wow...already over 500 facebook fans! wonder how long for 1,000? :)
- I think so many people have suggested my page and music to their friends. We are really grateful!!
- i think we will have them on itunes quite soon or something... :)
Timo twitter update 24th May
Had a long day in the studio with ¡laudenbonk! But a very good day :) Good night, tweople and twittworld
about 14 hours ago via txt
Still working..
about 16 hours ago via txt
Monday, 24 May 2010
Linke twitter update 23rd/24th May
check out this band: - they're good friends of mine. :)
about 17 hours ago via web
David twitter update 23rd/24th May
New Kyte :-D Just filmed :-) (still naked :-p)
about 18 hours ago via web
New kyte video - Nackt - 23th May
Timo: Hello my ladies and gentlemen, we're now here on vocal recording, and, ehm...
David: I've just stated that I can sing two - no, two and a half octaves. Two and one quarter.
Timo: Ok, and before David demonstrates that, we have/want to say that David is naked. That's why our lights are turned off.
Then it's just some random words and David starts to demonstrate. Then he says something (I can hear "sexy mann", but since I hear what I want to hear, I can't guarantee that it's correct), and is about to start over, and Timo yells "Yes, yes, enough, enough, yes, yes, yes, very pretty. That's what we're doing here."
Translation by Scorpia!! THANKS SO MUCH!
Sunday, 23 May 2010
Timo twitter update 22nd May
New video on:
about 22 hours ago via web
How awesome is that: Wow!!!
about 22 hours ago via web
We are very creative! :D
about 23 hours ago via txt
Linke in new video from the US
Once again, Linke is in a video from USA, filmed not by Ju this time, but his friend Brittany...
Tip for the video, found on
Interview with Linke by french forum
Official french forum:
You've left Germany to permanently settle down in Los Angeles, can you tell us something about your decision and how you feel there?
I feel great here, the sun is shining all the time and I am happy. Actually, I have to admit, I don't miss home at all.
You are recording new songs on Myspace, we can imagine you want to release a solo album in a short while. Do you have any idea yet that you'd like to realize?
Hmmmmm a bit. I wrote and recorded the songs by now because of my joy of music :D I didn't start collecting the songs for the album yet, for the start I would like to play some acoustic concerts in local bars in LA and I want to have the contact to local radios, which could play my songs. I like to be on the road and here are many pubs and sympathic places, where I'd be able to play. But it is sure that the solo album will be next, when the right time will come. I'll continue to record new songs on Myspace, Reverbnation and this kind of sites.
We are able to hear that your songs are recorded in a good quality, did you record them in Los Angeles?
Yes, I started to work here with some really sympathic people and I recorded here a couple of songs. It's really different to work here, because the way of working, and recording and playing is so different. People don't care about the rules of one genre and stereotype, they just want to produce a good piece.
Did your music change since you've left Panik? How would you describe it now?
Hmm, I'd say that I am still the same person and still the same musician. But I think there's a change here now, the method in my own music and in its charakter, it's the turnover, a big influence on me have also your lyrics and the way of writing .. So I am sure that nothing didn't stay completely the same :D
Are you counting on making a new band and if you are, what role will you play this time : singer? guitar player? bass player?
Oh yes, I would like to find a cool band of guys, which would play my songs live and we would live awesome moments together. So yes, maybe next time I'll make a new band and I'll be the singer.
Do you have singing lessons?
No. It's obvious, isn't it?! :D
You seem to be satisfied with your voice and you are doing a lot of vocals in your pieces. Are you ready to sing live alone?
Your new songs seem to be a little bit nostalgic, you talk about "beginning from zero" in them, is it some kind of message, which you want to tell us?
I am not sure, that they are really nostalgic, but okay, since I have moved to the United States, I am beginning again from zero. 2009 was a hard year for me and I felt that this has to end. I think it is just the question of luck. That should be our life priority. And this is behind me. I am happy again.
Do the Panik fans support you or are you looking for a new audience?
I hope, that a lot of them are going to support me also in these times. I wasn't thinking about the kind of audience I want to reach and all the things I have composed are straight from my head and my heart and everyone who wants can listen to them :D I really appreciate every pair of ear that will listen to my music.
Are you still learning to play the violin?
I just finished. It breaks my heart, but I couldn't take my violin with me, and I also don't have anyone to practice with, and with all the terrible noise I make .. I hope that I will be able to learn to play the violin one day properly. I would really like to continue.
How is everything with your fantasy book going? You started writing it two years ago, will we ever be able to read it?
Now I write more stuff, three different books, 3 stories and three totally different genres. :D We will see, I can not say yet, if it will be, but at the moment, music is my priority, and I can't even say if my books are reliesable. Now I play only because I like it.
Translation by
Interview with Juri by French forum
Official french forum:
How are you doing? How did you like the concert in Paris?
I am fine and I am doing many new stuff now. It was a very cool and energetic concert.
What do you still have in mind from the concert?
How passionate the fans are.
Did you like the presents from the fans?
Yes, I think they took a lot of work! Thanks!
Why did you decide to play with Piazu Manju? It's a music from rock to ska.
It's rock with ska influences. This music is very energetic. I saw them play live a couple of times before I joined the band - and they made me dance!
How did you get to know them?
Thanks to my friend, with whom I have played in a jazz band. He's a part of PM and he asked me, if I'd like to join.
You concerts are the same like the concerts with Panik?
I am learning many new songs now, but it is fun!
Do you think the Panik Fans will support you, or are you trying to attract another kind of crowd?
Some of them are interested in PM. They like our music and they also want to come to some concerts.
You are on a music school? Did you also study there?
Yes, I've studied on University of Art. My main direction was jazz-drums. But that consists of many parts. For example piano lessons, group lessons, rythm, jazz theory, improvement of the ability to listen, history of jazz, history of music, science and music ..
Do you think Timo/David are gonna join a new project?
Translation by
Interview with Juri's new band
Click here, to watch a video, with Juri's new band - Piazumanju - they give an interview and play their song "Matko", on
Tip from Jess!
Saturday, 22 May 2010
Friday, 21 May 2010
Linke facebook update 21st May
now on Reverbnation
2 hours ago
Here is the song. Hope you like it!
2 hours ago
Listen to A Myth - full version
Timo twitter update 20th/21st May
From Berlin to Neumünster! :) ¡laudenbonk, im close to you! See u in 30 minutes :)
about 2 hours ago via txt
what the f*** .. im watching the final episodes of G-Anatomy.. What the f***.. its like 24..
about 9 hours ago via web
Who of both is more protected by the Law?
about 11 hours ago via web
Important fact of the day: I love eggs! bio, free range.. and not too solid.. :)
about 19 hours ago via web
Thursday, 20 May 2010
Linke in one more video from Yu, in the US
Linke at 0.52-0.58
Tip for the video, found on !!!
Linke facebook update:
about one hour ago
Answer on the question about "No comeback from panik"
ElisabethvU asked:
Was soll das bedeuten bei den Fanfragen auf - Können wir je auf ein Comeback hoffen? Keines von PANIK, nein.
English: What does it mean with the fanquestion at - Can we hope to ever get a comback? None from Panik, no.
David's answer:
ja, wir arbeiten dran, und es wird schon ziemlich bald beginnen!! :-)
English: Ja, we work at that, and it will very soon begin!
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
Linke News and updates 18/19th May
Twitter update:
nice.... :)
about 18 hours ago via Twitpic
And then it sounds like Linke have got no. 49 at the LA chart?
wow... #49 on the LA Charts? because of you :)
9 hours ago
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
Linke facebook update 18th May
will have another song for you this friday!
4 hours ago
No "Comeback" from Panik
In the new "answers" from David at, David tells that there will be no comeback from Panik!
In the first answer from March he says that there will be no comeback from Panik
In the April answers they ask again, about the comeback, and David tells there will be no comeback from Panik "as we know it"
Here is the answer and questions:
Können wir je auf ein Comeback hoffen?
David: Keines von PANIK, nein.
English: Can we ever hope for a comeback?
David: No, none from PANIK
Können die Fans auf ein Comeback hoffen? Irgendwann?
David: Nicht als PANIK, wie man es kannte.
English: Can the fans hope for a Comeback? Once?
David: Not as PANIK, like you know it.
David answeres April and March
- Versetze dich zurück in die Zeit, als ihr euer 2. Album fertiggestellt habt. Würdet ihr marketingmäßig etwas anders machen?
Die Plattenfirma bestimmt das Marketing, nicht die Band.
- Ihr habt in eurer Stellungnahme beschrieben, dass es euch ärgert, dass eure Musik illegal verbreitet wird. Mir kommt die Idee: Ihr könntet euer nächstes Album kostenlos anbieten und jeder soll den Betrag überweisen, von dem er der Meinung ist, dass es das Album wert ist. Was hältst du davon?
Das haben doch schon mal Leute versucht.. :-D Und das ging nicht gut aus..
- Hältst du es für realistisch, dass die Band in 3 jahren wieder so komplett ist, wie sie einst war?
- Was war zuerst da, das Huhn, oder das Ei?
- Isst du Eier? Wenn ja, aus welcher Haltung und warum?
- Stell dir vor ich möchte einen Film gucken, der mich bildet, der mich absolut vom Hocker reißt, mir die Augen öffnet, oder den ich einfach mal gesehen haben muss. Welchen Film / Welche Filme würdest du mir empfehlen?
- Hast du "Avatar" im Kino gesehen? Wenn ja, wie hat er dir gefallen?
Super. 2 mal.
- Würdest du gerne einmal Musik für einen Film komponieren?
- Magst du Comedy?
Ja, aber sicher :-)
- Können wir je auf ein Comeback hoffen?
Keines von PANIK, nein.
- Wird es eigentlich möglich sein ein Konzert zu zweit zu geben, da ihr ja nicht alle Instrumente gleichzeitig spielen könnt?
Das wird möglich sein, ja.
- Habt ihr vor jetzt häufiger in euren Kyte-Chat zu kommen?
- Liest du auf Facebook was Fans auf deine Seite schreiben?
- Auf welchem Konzert warst du zuletzt und wie hat es dir gefallen?
Felix Meyer - war super.
- Magst du Smilies?
Ja :-)
- Hast du Timo, als du ihn zum aller ersten Mal sahst, direkt ins Herz geschlossen?
Lass mich 20 Jahre zurück überlegen.... Nein.
- Isst du auch keinen Fisch?
- Welche Sprachen beherrschst du?
Deutsch & Englisch, und wenig Französisch.
- Welche Rasse hat Lina?
- Was findest du an Scrubs so besonders?
Die Gefühle, die ich damit verbinde.
- An wen ist "Bevor du gehst" gerichtet?
An ein Elternteil.
- Musste Jan draußen rauchen?
Nein, aber schubst kleine Enten in den Teich.
- Wie viel Geld habt ihr zu sechst in einer Woche benötigt?
Zwischen 30 € und 40.000 €. Circa.
- Auf welche Frage hättest du gerne eine Antwort?
Gibt es bald noch einen 7 Star Wars Teil? :-)
- Was ist deine größte Schwäche?
Ablenkung durch visuelle Medien.
- Wie habt ihr das Schlagzeug bei "Es ist Zeit" eingespielt?
Na ja, ich hab halt draufgehauen.
- Wie lange braucht man normalerweise um einen Song fertig zu stellen?
hat mal 3 Stunden gedauert (perfekt), hat auch schon 2 jahre gedauert (ein letztes mal)
- Wann war die schönste Zeit deines Lebens?
Noch nicht.
- Was ist der Grund für den Titel "San Diego"?
Ich weiß es nicht mehr.. Es war eine lustige Nacht.
- Können die Fans auf ein Comeback hoffen? Irgendwann?
Nicht als PANIK, wie man es kannte.
- Hattest du früher Nebenjobs? Wenn ja, welche?
Nein. Immer noch nicht.
- Was isst du am liebsten?
- Was nascht du am liebsten?
Oh.. em..Toffifee
- Was hältst du vom Rechtsextremismus?
Kennt ihr etwa nicht den Song NEONAZI von PANIK?
- Wie lautet dein Lieblingszitat und woher stammt es?
"Ist es nicht seltsam, dass man sich beschweren muss, um sich zu erleichtern?" -Mein Vater
- Was tust du um Timo aufzumuntern?
Gebt dem grünen, grünen Affen, Affen Zucker!
- Welche Schimpfwörter benutzt du oft?
Tja, was soll ich sagen... So ein Wichser!!
- Hättest du gern Geschwister gehabt?
- Try to go back in time, to when you had finished the second album, would you have change anything with the marketing?
The recordcompany decide the marketing, no the band
-You have wrote in your decision (the text they wrote on their page and said that they would break up), that it annoyed you that your music is being illegal downloaded. Then I get an idea: You could offer your next album for free and everyone should transfer the amount that the person think the album is worth. What do you think about that?
That have someone already tried.. :-D And that didn't go that well..
-Do you think it could be realistic, that the band in 3 years is so complete, as it ones were?
-What come first, the hen or the egg?
-Do you eat egg? If yes, with what adjustment and why?
-Imagine that I should watch a movie, that complete me, that absolute me shock, that open my eyes, or that I one time have to watch. Which movie/ which movies could you recommend?
- Have you seen Avatar in the cinema? If yes, what did you think about it?
Super. 2 times.
- Could you once like to compose music for a movie?
- Do you like Comedy?
Ja, sure :-)
- Could we once hope for a comeback?
None from Panik, no
- Is it even possible to play a concert on two people, when you can't play all instruments at the same time?
That is possible, yes
- Have you now often visited your Kyte-chat?
- Do you read what people write at your facebook-site?
- What concert where you last time at and how was it?
Felix Meyer - were super.
Do you like smileys?
Yes :-)
- Did you let Timo, when you the first time met him, direct into your heart?
Let me think though 20 years... no.
- Don't you eat any fish?
- Which language are you able to talk?
German and English, and a little French.
- What breed does Lina have?
- What do you by Scrubs find so special?
The feeling, that I connect with it.
- For who is "Bevor du gehst" turned to
One of the parents
- Do Jan have to smoke outside?
No, but push small ducks to the pond (don't make sense?)
- How much money have you 6 needed for a week?
Between 30 € and 40.000 €. ca.
- For what question would you like an answer?
Will there be a 7th Star Wars :-)?
- What is your biggest weakness?
Distraction from visual media.
- How did you the drums in "Es ist Zeit" recorded?
Well yes, I have ... Sorry, I don't get it.. something with hit, probably just play at the drum.
- How long do you normally use to finish a song?
Have once taken 3 hours (Perfekt), have also once used 2 years (ein letzte mal)
- When was the best time on your life?
Not yet.
- What is the reason for the titel "San Diego"?
I don't know anymrore.. it was a fun night.
- Can the fans hope for a Comeback? Once?
Not as PANIK, like you know it
- Have you before had jobs in addition? If yes, which?
No. Still not.
- What do you like the most to eat?
- What candy do you like the most?
Oh.. em... Toffifee
- What do you think about right-wing extremists?
Don't you know the song NEONAZI from PANIK?
- What is your favourite quote and where does it come from?
"Isn't it strange, that you that you must complain in order to relieve yourself? - My dad
- What do you do to cheer Timo up?
Give the green, green monkeys, monkey sugar
- Which swearword do you use the most?
Well, what should I say... such a Wanker!! (I think so ..... oO)
- Would you have liked to get siblings?
David twitter update 18th May
Just practiced piano at gibsons office :-) walking through Berlin :-)
about 9 hours ago via Twittelator
Timo twitter update 18th May
@Lyrius Thanksssss.. Yes, keep your eyes open. It will be cool. trust me..
about 11 hours ago via web in reply to Lyrius
Lyrius wrote: Und bevor @panikmusik ein Interview in der Bravo geben, verzicht ich lieber auf deutsche Interviews.
English: And before @panikmusik gives an interview in Bravo, I will prefer to give up the German interviews.
It will be big! pretty good.. and´ll be exdited! Check the "RockOne" Mag on 28th may for new informations about the future of panik
about 13 hours ago via web
Guten Morgen, Berlin! Du kannst so grässlich sein - good Morning, world!
about 14 hours ago via txt
Monday, 17 May 2010
David twitter update 17th May

Today on the road as adults, timo and me visiting felix meyer in concert :-) nice here!
14 minutes ago via Twittelator
New photos at Linke's myspace

Linke twitter update 17th May
hearing gunshots while having a BBQ outsides... yes, im in the states. :)
about 9 hours ago via web
@musikxaddict yea i will do that
about 9 hours ago via web in reply to musikxaddict
Musikxaddict wrote:May I ask you if one day you'll upload full version of "A Myth" cause I really love this song and want to hear it :) ♥
Timo twitter update 17th May
@laudenbonk love it.. :) see u soon!
about 3 hours ago via web in reply to laudenbonk
David wrote: On my way to Berlin with too much baggage :-D
@lovingindie okay
about 3 hours ago via web in reply to lovingindie
Lovingindie wrote: I want to listen to something new of @panikmusik and @laudenbonk ...
David twitter update 17th May

Ou yeahh!! :-D so true - fuck windows :-)
about 2 hours ago via Twittelator
On my way to Berlin with too much baggage :-D
about 6 hours ago via Twittelator
Linke twitter update 16th May no.2
@Infernoing looks amazing
about 13 hours ago via web
Infernoing I've tried to sketch @chrislinke but it seems to be a fail x; I'll try to make it better next time.
about 15 hours ago via Twitpic
Retweeted by chrislinke
man i am happy... i hope everyone is having a great day. :)
about 13 hours ago via web
Sunday, 16 May 2010
Linke twitter update 16th May no.2
woah, 10 hours of sleep is just too much.. :-O
about 2 hours ago via web
David twitter update 16th May
Yaaiii, today piano lesson :-D
40 minutes ago via Twittelator
Linke twitter update 16th May
ok, full version of The Pulse on :) sorry for the delay, been busy..
43 minutes ago via web
woah, sorry, havent been home for 3 days, gotta catch. been busy mixing songs today! ;)
about 1 hour ago via web
Linke facebook update 15th May
Please tell me the city/country where you are located :)
6 hours ago
Timo twitter update 16th May no.2
What would you do if this was the end of the world? - Bring that beat back, babe! :)
about 3 hours ago via txt
Saturday, 15 May 2010
Linke twitter update 14th May
New song on - will upload it later on
about 10 hours ago via web
David twitter update 15th may
Preparing to leave to Timo on monday - lots of stuff to do before!!
about 1 hour ago via Twittelator
Timo twitter update 15th May
in the middle of the night i write the best stuff.. so as today, eh night :) sleep well tweetworld!
about 7 hours ago via web
Friday, 14 May 2010
Timo twitter update 14th May
Best thing you could do, if youre sad:
44 minutes ago via web
FightTilDying "Timo" is "a cheat" in Spanish haha @panikmusik
about 3 hours ago via web
Retweeted by panikmusik and 10 others
Thursday, 13 May 2010
Linke twitter update 13th May no.2
tomorrow LA time, new full song on :)
12 minutes ago via web
Timo twitter update 13th May - its soja and glutin.. and i like the other veggi-stuff, but this one was bad :)
9 minutes ago via Twitpic

my veggi duck.. sucks.. taste not THAT good :)
2 hour ago via Twitpic
Linke twitter update 13th May
wow man, singing construction workers with jackhammers and power drills, starting their work at 7 am right next to my window..... argh.
about 1 hour ago via web
Timo twitter update 12th May no.2
still cutting.. and the night goes darker and darker.. best original soundtrack? Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship - good night
about 10 hours ago via web
Linke twitter update 12th May no.2
new full song on friday on
about 3 hours ago via web
skittles are amazing
about 3 hours ago via web
Wednesday, 12 May 2010
Timo twitter update 12th May
Check out Davids short interview with and on:
15 minutes ago via web
Hey, a big "Thank You!" to all, who made a sunshine-dreams logo.. You inspired me a lot!
about 1 hour ago via web
David twitter update 12th May
working on ASG2 soundtrack :-)
about 4 hours ago via web
Linke twitter update 11th May
just got my permanent resident card, also known as 'greencard'. woohoo ;)
about 14 hours ago via web
Tuesday, 11 May 2010
Linke twitter update 10th May no.2
damn i love the sun..
about 20 hours ago via web
good day, everyone!
about 20 hours ago via web
Linke facebook update
"Join my street team on Reverbnation for music releases, tour info, etc. Thanks!
Linke Los Angeles, CA Pop / Rock / Alternative Music, Lyrics, Songs, and Videos ReverbNation
Linke Music, Lyrics, Songs, and Videos by Linke at ReverbNation"
Join here!
Monday, 10 May 2010
David Interview for Czech & Slovak Fans
How are you today?
- I'm fine thanks. In the few weeks I took a bit time for myself, to care about all the stuff I didn't pay attention to the last years.
Do you like chatting with fans? (kyte etc.)
- Well, ja. Chatting with fans is nice, especcially to get a feedback on the stuff you're composing and doing. As an artist you are in your own world, sometimes don't even get information about what's going on in the world - so it's nice to get some feedback about the work, you are doing.
How do you celebrate Christmas as a vegetarian?
- Strange question.. well.. as everyone else too - without meat. :)
How long have you been vegetarian?
- 2 ½ years now.
And have you decided not to eat meat with Timo?
- No, Timo was faster than me. He decided it about 1 year before I did.
Do you read timo's blogs?
- No, only very rarely. I talk to him everyday :)
As an artist, does it bother you, when people care just about your image and not that much about your music?
- No, guess this is part of the job, you are doing.
You visited music school, right? I mean as a high school.
- Yes, I did.
Do you think it influenced you a lot?
- No, but I think, longer or shorter, this band influenced the system.
(I think this was a little misunderstanding - I meant the school and David meant the band)
Honestly, did you like Czech Republic?
- Well, we were there only once - and this is a pretty long time ago.. :) so, from what I remember, yes.
How do you choose which messages on myspace will you answer to?
- I try to answer every message - and if there is too much, I just take every second :)
By the way, all fans say 'hi' to you :)
- Thank you! A big hi back, that there is a little hi for everyone :)
Ok and now back to the dark times, many things like Grau, Immer noch da, the old version of Revolution, Was and also the videos like Schwul oda was and the old one making of Niemand hört dich were published. How did this happen?
- Dark times? Well.. funny times - times without contracts :)
What ever, when we were PANIK (without contracts) we put all our stuff for free into the internet. All this is no secret, it is a big part of our story.
Some people say, any of you doesn't want other people to see the videos, is it a rumour then?
- We don't care.
Do you speak english so well because of your family in England?
- I don't have a family in England, just my godmother. I practiced english a lot in the past, and have many english speaking friends.
Do you think often about the future? (wedding, kids..)
- Yes.
Have you thought about new members of Panik?
-No, not yet.
Well and do you think there is any chance for brighter times?
- Of course. There is a big author, wise words: Neale Donald Walsch, Conversations with God. I can recommend this book, to every single one.
I meant for Panik..
- Haha
If there is one thing I realized in the last years of my young life, it's that everything always comes to an end - but (this is suprisingly the important part:) "end" is just a "change", and "change" is the best thing, that can happen to all of us. Change happens all the time, it is life, and I am now facing the fact, that I am really, really curious, what my life has planned for me, in my future.
So you're just living your life, taking this just as a part of a big journey..?
Well, I definitely think that the journey PANIK begun is not ending yet. :)
How did you feel after the last concert in Hamburg?
- Hamburg? Like every concert else. We tried to make it as nice as possible for everyone.
What was your favourite fairytale?
- Fairytale? Shrek :P
Are you going to play In Taxi nach Paris at the Paris concert?
- No, deffinitely not. That was just a job I had to do :)
Do you know any czech composer? (from school probably)
- Well, I know "Dvorak", but I'm not sure, if he's czech..
He is :)
- Fine :)
Have you heard about Panikday?
- Yes, I heard about it.
You know this one?
2004 I think :)
- Sure I do, I was writing an essay about Rap rock, so I was looking for some old pictures everywhere :)
- Not funny :D but I got an A
Facebook or Twitter?
- Twitter.
Why did Max leave?
- That's long ago and not subject of this interview.
Will we ever know, why exactly did guys leave or they just don't want to tell us?
- If they won't tell, no one will know.
Do you remember the czech fans from München?
- The last tour? Ja. And autograph session? Too.
And what happened to the bracelets?
- Which bracelets? Sorry, can't remember them :)
Do you check your fansites?
- Sometimes :)
What happened at the Musikmesse? You wrote something about concert, did you play just with Juri?
- I presented a new project, but i will not talk about it yet.
Ok, what's you favourite Scrubs character?
- JD
Is there any contact for those, who wants to get an autograph?
- Melinda (
Do you have some more information about the new DVD?
- I'm working on it right now :)
And the last one, I guess, is there going to be an autograph session in Paris?
- After the concert, yes, we will give autographs.
Thank you for everything, it was very nice of you :)
No problem
- :) Ja, thank you for the interview.
Linke twitter update 9th May
ok better link now: :)
about 18 hours ago via web
got myself a facebook page -!/pages/Linke/118066901551493 ! hope u LIKE it ! :)
about 19 hours ago via web
@travisrclark nice! where is that show tonight??
about 19 hours ago via web in reply to travisrclark
David twitter update 10th May
Yaaaaa, finally in HH again, now getting my car and driving home :-)
about 7 hours ago via Twittelator
Timo twitter update 10th May
"A Fans Point of View" New Kyte-Video on
about 5 hours ago via web
David has just left.. bye, bye, see u
about 9 hours ago via web
Linke on facebook!
Now, Linke have now joined facebook! Or.. he has made a facebook account for the fans!
The link to the facebook:
Sunday, 9 May 2010
David twitter update 9th May
Zeitgeist - yes i believe that.
about 1 hour ago via Twittelator
Watch the american Movie ZEITGEIST(first movie - there is a german translation too) - it shows you the truth about the worl!!! Damn!! Rise!
about 6 hours ago via Twittelator
Timo twitter update 9th May
Please watch,skip the intro, start from 5 min: (german:
about 4 hours ago via web
Saturday, 8 May 2010
New photo and song at Linke's myspace

Linke have added the whole version of "Sail away"
and then he was added a new photo :)
Linke twitter update 8th May
just uploaded the full version of my song 'Sail Away' on - enjoy :)
about 4 hours ago via web
David twitter update 8th May
Aaaaarriiiiiived, bavk in Paris again - tomorrow Berlin, monday home, get back to habbits :-)
about 3 hours ago via Twittelator
Timo twitter update 8th May
@Sam_Sandiego - First time i see my lyrics on a wall :) really ;) i like it!
about 12 hours ago via web
Friday, 7 May 2010
Timo twitter update 7th Apr
@Infernoing - Looks like im suffering agonies :) i like it!
about 2 hours ago via Twitpic
"und die schmecken verdammt gut.." @giblahoj : nice new song! (btw people, now on itunes). #AmMeer
about 3 hours ago via web
English: and it tastes damn good¨

This is my "Toffifee Flash" :) (@linamusik )
about 17 hours ago via Twitpic
Thursday, 6 May 2010
Linke twitter update 6th May
@deine_natalie nice. i like wings :)
14 minutes ago via web in reply to deine_natalie
Deine_natalie wrote: der erste link arbeitet nicht :
English: The first link didn't work
anyone up for going to venice beach? lets gooo
17 minutes ago via web
@deine_natalie sure just send me a link
about 1 hour ago via web in reply to deine_natalie
Deine_natalie wrote: ich hab ein Bild mit dir gezeichnet und möchte es zuerst nur dir zeigen und deine Meinung erkennen.Ist das i-wie möglich?
English: I have a drawn photo of you and would like to show it to you, and hear what you think about. Is that possible?
Timo twitter update 6th May no.2
Important fact of the day: While im cutting i had a "Toffifee Flash"!
15 minutes ago via web
Timo twitter update 6th May
Good Morning World!Ive had a weird dream.I was a prisoner in something like the matrix:)
about 3 hours ago via txt
@mckimaus - is it a tatto? looks pretty cool..
about 8 hours ago via Twitpic
Wow, i just listen to this song, and okay, its not manly, but its a cool song + voice: :) good n8
about 8 hours ago via web
Wednesday, 5 May 2010
David twitter update 5th May

Hallo Everyone :-) im in Pammukale (h.e. Its written) and will leave 2morrow to Izmir again, back in germany on the 10th :-) its nice here
about 1 hour ago via Twittelator
Linke twitter update 5th May no.2
@mpou_mpou i think that the greek government doesnt 'get' that the corruption amongst the high ranks is one of the biggest problems yet im saying, riots with people dying isnt the right way. we all live in a democracy, u can make a change without violence
about 1 hour ago via web in reply to mpou_mpou
mpou_mpou wrote: If you saw here the 'official' centre of the city after 5-6 PM, believe me, you would change your mind about government too...
@simplywolfie yes, i would still believe people dying is wrong.
about 2 hours ago via web in reply to simplywolfie
Simplywolfie: understand how these people are feeling,when their country is fucked up right now.
@mpou_mpou im not talking about the simple men but the government about not getting it. they fucked it up big time so far, and still dont make the right changes. but still, i think its difficult to always blame the government when theres people dying. during some riots
about 2 hours ago via web in reply to mpou_mpou
mpou_mpou wrote: hope he ( @chrislinke ) will not take it in a wrong way, but he can't critisize something he saw on tv (except of JB xD )
Linke twitter update 5th May
will meet up with a bunch of musicians today, to start forming a band... gonna be awesome :)
26 minutes ago via web
@jejj3 im talking about killing each other and understanding their country is broke.
30 minutes ago via web in reply to jejj3
Jejj3 wrote: do we want to know what you mean with that?
damn, these greek people really still don't get it...
40 minutes ago via web
Linke starting to form a band!
Linke will not only be a solo artist.
Right now he is trying to form a new band, in US!
On his Twitter he wrote:
"will meet up with a bunch of musicians today, to start forming a band... gonna be awesome :)"
Timo twitter update 5th May
The best and totally coolest kyte-video ever now on: (My dream come true :))
about 7 hours ago via web
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
Linke twitter update 4rd May
a pinched nerve in the back suuuucks! aaarggs
about 13 hours ago via web
Monday, 3 May 2010
Timo Twitter update 3rd May
@Infernoing - like this :)
4 minutes ago via Twitpic
@Saaraar - oh i like it!there are so many great ideas yet :) like this: http://twitpic
6 minutes ago via Twitpic
Linke twitter update 3rd May
:) thanks for the positive feedback, i appreciate it
10 minutes ago via web
Linke in a video from US - Eating sushi
Yu, from "Rouge Morgue" (before member of Cinema Bizarre) is making videos in US. Here is a new video from him, where Linke is in as well, eating sushi with him and some other people!!
In the description of the video, Yu have written:
"These are some scenes from the last days and been pretty random. Met up with Linke from Panik whos making his thing over here in California now aswell, check him out on
Had a nice eve with all the rockers, Jinxx, Sammi, Linke, Suzy and Brittany of course haha
...its random! @_@ "
You can see Linke at, 1:06-2:12 (silence Linke - eating sushi)
Tip for the video, found on!!!
Sunday, 2 May 2010
Timo twitter update 2nd May
okay.. has anyone an idea for a "sunshine-dreams" logo? just post me your drawing on twitpic or smth like that.. :)
4 minutes ago via web
Give Timo your idea for a logo for his "Sunshine-dreams"
Timo asked us, if we had an idea about how the logo for "Sunhine-dreams" could look like!
So if you want to show him your idea, draw it, and post him a link on twitter!!
Linke twitter update 2nd May no.2
just uploaded the full version of Start Right Here on - hope u like it. :)
4 minutes ago via web
"Interview" with Panik in Paris
FrenchPanikForumTV made a interview with Panik, when they were in Paris:
Interviewer: When you look back on your career what do you remember the most?
Timo: The first video we shoot, This was very intensive! The first time to play for more than 500 people!
Frank: To play in China, everything we have done abroad, I mean Paris, playing in Paris for almost 1000 people, to play in china, to play in russia
Interviewer: You have announced that the guys were leaving six months from now, you fans have react. Do you understand the role you got in their lives?
Timo: No.
David: No, it’s clear, (litteraly) we turn in round in the house (meaning : we are bored and don’t do a lot of things) and we write some music and everyone think it’s amazing and there are journalist that write big articles about us.
Timo: And there are fans that got the same tattoo, as big as mine at the same place and named their kids Timo ... and it's already something else
Interviewer: The thing that you will miss the most?
Jan: Juri’s gnashing. The gnashing, he grinds his teeth while he’s sleeping. I will not forget that.
Interviewer: What do you think about the fans from all over the world that came day?
Timo: It’s cool that they do the trip to see us a last time and party with us.
Interviewer : If you had to choose only one word to describe your adventure, what yould it be?
Timo: One word?
Interviewer: one word.
Frank: One word?
Interviewer: Or three.
Timo: The nice shots. (“Les super coups” is an expression so it’s hard to translate it in English.)
David: What? The nice shots?
Interviewer: The nice shots is when you’re talking about sex. (all guys are laughing and talking but there’s no subtitle so I can’t understand what they’re saying)
Timo: Just because of girls , 4 words.
David: girls,girls,girls
Interviewer: What song are you most proud of?
Jan: Revolution
David: No! are you most proud of revolution?
David: Kinder kinder kinder!
Timo: Yeah! Perfekt or Kinder!¨
interviewer: What song gave you the most work?
David: Ein letzte mal, did we start write in 2007, and was released in 2009.
interviewer: What song is most hard to play live?
A lot of people talking all at once: Morgencafé, Morgencafé and Dein Echo
Juri: Unsere Zeit
David: Yes! (totally agree) Unsere Zeit!
Interviewer: The moment you like the most in concert
Timo: When the fans sing with us and give us back the energy that we give them.
interviewer: When you made your 2nd album you said you had been recorded almost 50 songs, what will happen with them (the songs)?
Timo: Yeah, there is 50 ideas for songs that we for-recorded, they are now fully finished, I think that they one day will come out!
interviewer: a final word to conclude this adventure
Timo: Alter latz (old bib)
David: Alter Latz! - Come Frank!.. Frank is speachless... a last word!
Frank: 4 years in one word...
David: You should not summarized, but end it.
Jan: I have the perfect word, but I can't say it now..
*Juri indistinct chatter*
David: fat ass it will begin with that and end with that
*Indistinct chatter*
Timo: Les super coups.
David: This is hard, it is too hard!
Frank: Panik!
David: Too much! (in french:) thanks a lot
Translation a little by me,
and translation from the subtitles at the video, by Musikxaddict !! Thanks A LOT!!!!
and help from Ju! Thank you!!
Info about the movie with Frank!

Well, as it look like, the movie have now changed name..
We know it as "Alles für Lila" but now they have changed the name, and the movie is called "Groupies bleiben nicht zum Frühstück" (Groupies do not stay for breakfast)
The movie is about a girl (Lila), 17 years old, who falls in love with a singer in a band (the singer is not Frank). She dosen't know he is a BIG start in Germany.
She isn't alone with the feeling, and the singer (Chriz) has also falling in love with her. But the singer has signed a contract with his manager which says he has to stay single..
It's a disney movie, it will be in the movies 07.10.2010, it's a comedy and it's German..
I can not find it anywhere official, but as people say, Frank is going to play a guitarist in the band!
Linke twitter update 2nd May
new song on ...
about 9 hours ago via web
had a cool evening with the guys from glas vegas last nite... check em out.
about 9 hours ago via web
Saturday, 1 May 2010
Commets on the blog!
Hi everyone!
Hope you are all feeling fine :)
Well, I just want to tell you, that something is wrong with the comments, so I don't get a mail anymore, about when you write a comment on the blog :)
So I just want to say sorry, for not having answered some of you on the comments, cause I didn't know anything was wrong!
I will try to fix it, and try to look after on the site if you write comments ;)
And please, keep on write comments, I just LOVE it, it's amazing ;)
Please tell me if you have some problems with the site, or there is something you want to tell me ;)
Have a nice weekend!
Love from Line!