Sunday, 23 May 2010

Interview with Linke by french forum

Official french forum:

You've left Germany to permanently settle down in Los Angeles, can you tell us something about your decision and how you feel there?
I feel great here, the sun is shining all the time and I am happy. Actually, I have to admit, I don't miss home at all.

You are recording new songs on Myspace, we can imagine you want to release a solo album in a short while. Do you have any idea yet that you'd like to realize?
Hmmmmm a bit. I wrote and recorded the songs by now because of my joy of music :D I didn't start collecting the songs for the album yet, for the start I would like to play some acoustic concerts in local bars in LA and I want to have the contact to local radios, which could play my songs. I like to be on the road and here are many pubs and sympathic places, where I'd be able to play. But it is sure that the solo album will be next, when the right time will come. I'll continue to record new songs on Myspace, Reverbnation and this kind of sites.

We are able to hear that your songs are recorded in a good quality, did you record them in Los Angeles?
Yes, I started to work here with some really sympathic people and I recorded here a couple of songs. It's really different to work here, because the way of working, and recording and playing is so different. People don't care about the rules of one genre and stereotype, they just want to produce a good piece.

Did your music change since you've left Panik? How would you describe it now?
Hmm, I'd say that I am still the same person and still the same musician. But I think there's a change here now, the method in my own music and in its charakter, it's the turnover, a big influence on me have also your lyrics and the way of writing .. So I am sure that nothing didn't stay completely the same :D

Are you counting on making a new band and if you are, what role will you play this time : singer? guitar player? bass player?
Oh yes, I would like to find a cool band of guys, which would play my songs live and we would live awesome moments together. So yes, maybe next time I'll make a new band and I'll be the singer.

Do you have singing lessons?
No. It's obvious, isn't it?! :D

You seem to be satisfied with your voice and you are doing a lot of vocals in your pieces. Are you ready to sing live alone?

Your new songs seem to be a little bit nostalgic, you talk about "beginning from zero" in them, is it some kind of message, which you want to tell us?
I am not sure, that they are really nostalgic, but okay, since I have moved to the United States, I am beginning again from zero. 2009 was a hard year for me and I felt that this has to end. I think it is just the question of luck. That should be our life priority. And this is behind me. I am happy again.

Do the Panik fans support you or are you looking for a new audience?
I hope, that a lot of them are going to support me also in these times. I wasn't thinking about the kind of audience I want to reach and all the things I have composed are straight from my head and my heart and everyone who wants can listen to them :D I really appreciate every pair of ear that will listen to my music.

Are you still learning to play the violin?
I just finished. It breaks my heart, but I couldn't take my violin with me, and I also don't have anyone to practice with, and with all the terrible noise I make .. I hope that I will be able to learn to play the violin one day properly. I would really like to continue.

How is everything with your fantasy book going? You started writing it two years ago, will we ever be able to read it?
Now I write more stuff, three different books, 3 stories and three totally different genres. :D We will see, I can not say yet, if it will be, but at the moment, music is my priority, and I can't even say if my books are reliesable. Now I play only because I like it.
Translation by

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