Well, as it look like, the movie have now changed name..
We know it as "Alles für Lila" but now they have changed the name, and the movie is called "Groupies bleiben nicht zum Frühstück" (Groupies do not stay for breakfast)
The movie is about a girl (Lila), 17 years old, who falls in love with a singer in a band (the singer is not Frank). She dosen't know he is a BIG start in Germany.
She isn't alone with the feeling, and the singer (Chriz) has also falling in love with her. But the singer has signed a contract with his manager which says he has to stay single..
It's a disney movie, it will be in the movies 07.10.2010, it's a comedy and it's German..
I can not find it anywhere official, but as people say, Frank is going to play a guitarist in the band!
somewhere i read that frank will be a member of that band but i'm not sure.. :)
Yeah, it couldn't surprise me anyway.. But I have been looking at a mio. of sites, and it is not written anywhere, and the most of the places Frank's name isn't even on the cast list ;)
He's not going to have any main role? Oh thank God, I really can't picture him in a... disney... movie.
For Frank's sake I hope this turns out great, but I must admit, I have my doubts.
Yeah, I have to agree!!
If he should play somewhere, it should be in a different movie!! Lets hope! - And I just really hope he will be good xD
Frank in a disney movie, what's going on ! Well, anyway, I wants to see him like an actor. And, I hope he will be good too x)
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